Saturday, May 25, 2024

Scripture, Wanda Alger, Images, Cephas, Britt Gillette, May 25, 2024


My Dear Prayer Warriors,                               May 24, 2024         



It's been five months since you heard from me and it's not that I'm too busy for this part of the ministry. The ministry has so much information that visitors get involved in it and forget about their problems. My feeling is that God has me arranged exactly where it needs to be since the traffic has tripled this year which keeps me overwhelmed with emails and new projects for the websites. There must have been four or five Rapture possibilities which means "be organized and ready." Those keep coming since believers, who are researching, think this has to be the year. I'm under the impression 80 years is a generation and Israel just celebrated it's 76th birthday back in Israel. 


Praise Reports:

Last time we prayed together for Tom Demeter. Him and I had some good discussions about the Holy Spirit and it made a dent. His activity to get me into his camp has stopped. I now only hear from him every so often. Keep him in your prayers. There is always hope for completion.

We prayed for Lorraine Peck,  who lives in Seattle who fell and got a black eye. She sent me pictures before and after and was healed completely and uses a cane to make sure it doesn't happen again. Her son and wife moved back from Florida to Tennessee to live happily ever after.

We prayed for Mike Perry who wasn't getting his monthly payments. His sister took over his father's affairs. That too has been resolved. Praise the Lord for His help.


We also prayed for Hanna.  I don't have her last name. She had given up her ministry which is still going on. This prayer request is about Hanna again this time and pretty urgent.  


1) Request:

Hanna made a short video about "My Life's Journey"


To make the story short when she addresses her problem this is an excerpt.  Hanna wrote: "Actually everything went well, they were a little suspicious because of our association which was founded by Christians, but in Jordan the hotels and travel companies worked together with partners of different "colors", so why not with us. So we had worked out some great programs that we would like to offer. The tours were planned for

Germany/Israel/Jordan. But it turned out different:

To summarize Hanna's story, she ended up at the Secret Service

interrogated and persecuted for trying to convert people to the Gospel. They took all her documents and told her what she wanted to do was not authorized. She wrote: "I showed him the

arrangements of the upcoming trips but also the documents about Auschwitz (Concentration Camp) and what we did in that place!" She was told that she couldn't do the tours they were planning which ended it all. Hanna left Germany where she grew up and lives in France on the border. The house she lives in, is changing owners and she needs to move. Her children have abandoned her. She needs for us to keep her in our prayers.  She is around 70 years old and apparently is unable to work except for her paintings, which she still does and displays.

She wrote: "THANKS TO ALL! To ALL who pray for me until today and support me as it was and is on everyone's heart! But above all I would like to thank God who has protected me in all

ways. Thank you Father in Heaven for that"

(((((She added: By the way, we paid all the trips, conferences and all the invitations/ i.e. trips, flights and accommodations for the

conferences in Germany and Poland, for participants from

Eastern Europe, from our private finances, we never asked for

"entrance fees" or anything like that, on the contrary. They

were Christians who gave their belongings to help others, may

God reward them!  That's why I don't have „any more

money“...out of Love we invested everything, everything to

help others! PRAISE AND THANK THE LORD IS HERE! )))) God

bless you all Hanna.  


2) Request is for James Williams. We prayed for him previously. God delivered all prior issues we prayed for. He is back home and got some big bills paid and without realizing that his bank had a problem with the large amounts he withdrew. He needed to replace the roof on his house and took off the old one. The bank informed him that his account was under review and he could not withdraw any more money until the review is completed.  James is in shock and now hoping it won't rain and ruin his home. The roofer refused to finish the roof with just a down payment.  So far God has not responded with a way to get this problem solved. I live alone and it takes more than one for Jesus to participate.  Please pray for him.  


3) Lois Hayden, who lives in MASS wrote that she needs prayers. She is between 80 and 90, a widow, lives with her children and fell a couple of times. The doctor found blood at the bottom of her skull. She is also a devout Christian and hopes we'll keep her in our prayers for a healing.    


I hope these requests find you all doing well. I'm so thankful for your help. Praise God for you all.  Love you and may God take care of all your needs and give you joy especially since we are in the final stretch before God calls us home.

Shalom, Rita


Mark 9:35-42  "And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all. And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.

And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.

For he that is not against us is on our part. For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea." KJV



The newsletter and more uploads April 30, 2024


In recent weeks, I have felt the overwhelming presence of the Lord and His great love for the Bride. His tangible presence has been on the increase and I sense His determination to make Himself known…

Your spiritual adversary has been causing sensory overload. Aiming to short circuit your soul and spirit, the enemy has tried to overwhelm your senses with negative input in hopes of shutting down your ability to perceive My presence. He knows what’s coming and is desperate to stop it.

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