Saturday, May 25, 2024

RFK Jr. Uodate, May 25, 2024


Despite known and repeated threats to me during this campaign, President Biden has denied five requests for Secret Service protection … Five!
His decision was and is purely political.
Recently released documents reveal that the President decides who gets Secret Service protection via a Presidential Memorandum, despite claims of a formal process.
My family has given the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
After my father and my uncle were assassinated, the Secret Service law was changed to include candidates for President (and their families) starting 120 days before an election.
However, numerous candidates in the past, all with fewer threats, have received protection much earlier.
The reason I was denied protection is because Biden knows I can win.
With the lowest poll numbers for an incumbent President in history, he will stop at nothing in his quest to remain in power. He’s afraid to let the people decide who should lead our great country.
I will continue my surging campaign despite Biden’s petty and malicious political decision. The future of our great country is too important for me to not be out there fighting for you and your family.
Our country is on the wrong path. As President, I will rebuild our middle class, usher in a strong economy and make us a respected leader on the world stage!
Help me usher in a new, revived America based on the ideals and principles our country was founded on. Together we can and will win.
To do this, I need your support to fight the petty politics and get our message out. Anything you can afford will help get us in the White House.

Are you ready to make history tonight?
Join us tonight for an opportunity to learn how you can help ensure that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is on the ballot in every state this November!
Watch our short and informative ballot access video to get a glimpse of what's at stake, and then join our National Ballot Access team on Zoom at 4:30 PM PT / 7:30 PM ET.
During the session, our expert team will walk you through signature gathering processes, share best practices, provide guidance on obtaining petition forms, and offer insights into where to send them.
We're building a growing team of supporters in every state, and we want you to be a part of this movement from the very beginning. Don't miss this opportunity to make a real difference!
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our cause. Together, we can make history!
Team Kennedy

More great news.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his running mate Nicole Shanahan announced they turned in over 245,572 signatures, more than twice as many as required, to gain ballot access in Texas.
This huge news comes only days after it was revealed that RFK Jr. will appear on the Oklahoma and Ohio state ballots!
As we pick up speed and garner more ballot access, the attacks are getting more vicious from the Democrats and Republicans.
And we know why:
➢ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is among the best-liked figures in national politics, 45% of Americans have a very or somewhat favorable opinion of him.
➢ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is leading the polls in voters under 45; and—according to CNN…
“A look at the polling reveals Kennedy is polling better than any independent candidate since Ross Perot in 1996... And he is poised to do what Perot failed to do before him … make the fall debates against the major party nominees.”
We have the momentum, we are the future—and we need you to help us close the deal this November!
Your gift right now will help put Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the White House in January and send a signal to the two failed political parties that Americans deserve better!


Kennedy Sues Meta for Election Interference

With only six more months to go we need to know…

Are you still in?
Choose now:
___ I’m with Robert F. Kennedy Jr
___ I’m with Donald Trump
___ I’m with Joe Biden
Decide right now to stand with RFK Jr. and add your contribution today. Team Kennedy is conducting a major Get Out the Vote effort in key swing states; we are knocking on doors; we are up on the phones; we are speaking at major city events; we are fighting for our spot on the national debate stage, and our ground game is second to none.
It has never been more important than today to join our team and commit to electing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as our next president!

Julian Assange is in jail for telling the truth.
That’s why the Petition you signed, asking our Political Leaders in Washington to drop all charges against him, is critically important.
Locking up journalists, whistleblowers or political opponents resemble the illiberal responses of dictatorships and Third World countries.
These are the actions of weak governments–and governments–governments that don’t want you to know the truth.
That’s why I am glad you took the first step to help my campaign bring about honesty and truth to Washington.
We are a better country. I know you agree. That’s why I want to personally ask you to join me in the fight for America.
You see, I know I am doing the right thing when "Establishment" and Washington insiders strongly oppose my candidacy.
Because I’ve vowed, as President of the United States, to:
  • Make public institutions to serve the public.
  • Roll back the secrecy and make government transparent.
  • Protect whistleblowers and prosecute officials who abuse the public trust.
  • Open our institutions to real citizen involvement.
  • Restore integrity to the government.
To do this I will rein in the lobbyists, and shut the revolving door between government employees who retire in order to cash in on lucrative private sector jobs.
None of the other candidates can make a similar pledge. Because none of the other candidates have spent their careers fighting for transparency and honesty for the American people.
Your signature is the start of your work to preserve our nation–and not let it descend into a dictatorship. But we must do more to restore trust. To restore the time-tested American values to our country.
If you love America, if you’re sick of the never-ending wars, if you want wealth for all, if you’re done with the lies in Washington . . .

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