Sunday, February 7, 2021

Watchman Report Feb. 7, 2021 "Two Presidents"



On April 4, 2008 in Seattle, Washington Kim Clement prophesied about two presidents. He said how can this be? He described one president as having a double mind.  He also said there would be “panda”monium in the White House.

President Trump has said he would be back in some form. God told Kim he would fool the people and that the U.S. was his nation.

Kim prophesied that God would expose corruption in high places. God would do this according to His time and season in the Spring time.  On April 4, 2008 Kim prophesied about the next election and he apparently wasn’t referring to the 2024 Presidential election, again a mysterious prophesy.

On 22 Feb. 2014 Kim prophesied that God would fool the people and that there would be a season of darkness, a veil so to speak and that God’s people would cry out but there would be joy in the Spring. Kim prophesied about a “giant” financial reset and a battle between David and Goliath’s brothers. Was God referring to the Reddit followers battling the Wall Street hedge fund Goliaths? He said they will be shocked how the giants are taken down. God said look not to Wall Street but observe David vs. the brothers of Goliath. He also prophesied about a “stone”, again a mysterious prophesy.     

Again there would be cries in America of impeachment and apparently a shadow government.

Trey Smith noted that on Jan. 20, inauguration day, Trump was followed by 6 million followers while “Sleepy Joe” had 406,000 followers and 28,000 dislikes.

On 4 April 2008 (2008 financial crisis) Kim prophesied about the recession but added we will do greater than our forefathers. He noted the best is yet to come. Of course these prophesies are not normal or about normal times, they are referring to supernatural war, Ephesians 6:12.

On Feb. 22, 2014 Kim prophesied that there is a country “itching” for war with the U.S. and that another Snowden would arise revealing highly embarrassing moments. Kim said the president would be humbled but then there would be a great victory. Great riches would be snatched from the enemy and the president would throttle the enemies of the enemies of the West.  

In Denver on 17 May 2014 Kim prophesied about scandals in Rome, Italy and God exposing more evil and shaking the Republicans and Democrats while noting a President is quiet. It sounds to me like Donald Trump in Feb. 2021.

On June 14, 2014 Kim again prophesied that the President was quiet. He also prophesied about a stone, again a mysterious prophesy.

The link to Trey Smith’s powerful video is below.

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