Sunday, December 6, 2020

Watchman Report Dec. 6, 2020 "Evening Blog" Here Come the SCOTUS judge



Alito Demands Briefs in Pennsylvania Congressman’s Lawsuit to Flip the Election

Mathematician flags nearly 100,000 suspicious mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania

Whistleblower USPS truck driver reveals trailer filled with up to 288K ballots disappeared



FROM: Hal Turner.
The Pentagon has refused to allow members of Joe Biden’s transition team to meet with officials at U.S. intelligence agencies controlled by the Pentagon, citing voting fraud as calling into question Biden's alleged election.
The officials said the Biden team has not been able to engage with leaders at the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and other military-run spy services with classified budgets and global espionage platforms.
One Biden transition team member claimed a Pentagon official told them "Your boss stole the election and is not legitimate; we won't let you meet anyone."

A great many troops and assets of the U.S. Armed Forces are moving within the Continental United States.

12 C130's flying out of west Texas and 9 C17's + 16 C17's from various locations heading potentially to Nellis AFB (NV). The capacity of these assets in staggering.



Watchman, I just returned from attending a 1.5 hours speech and roundtable Q&A with Sebastian Gorda renowned Terrorism expert and former White House advisor to President Donald Trump.  I won't attempt to convey everything he said but a few bullet points are very important for all of us to hear.


To begin with there is no doubt there was massive voter fraud that took place in Pa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada.  But the American public may not know since the media is not reporting it and even if we do know the Democrats are trying to get us to fall for the old magicians trick of sleight of hand.  Several stories about voting machines, computer programs and even secret water marks on the ballots is all a diversion to force us down the wrong path.


The fraud was simple and the tried and true Chicago machine type fraud.  They simply stopped the vote count in those states, primarily large cities but not elsewhere, at 1 a.m. and sent everyone out of the rooms including the overseers and started back up at 5 a.m.  Miraculously where Biden was behind by several hundred thousand votes when they stopped at 1, he was ahead when they restarted at 5 a.m.  The secret was pre-filled out ballots that were brought in that only voted for Biden 100% but none of the down ballot items were filled out.


Gorka maintains that Trump must fight this in court, all the way to the Supreme Court, as he is doing.  But you never know if that will effectively reverse the vote count.  He sent a plan to the White House yesterday outlining the back up plan that must be pursued.  Republicans have a majority in the state houses in at least 3 of 5 of those states including Pa.  In those states the Repulican legislature must be convinced that due to massive voter fraud the state CANNOT certify the election.  In that case neither candidate will have 270 electoral votes and the contest will be sent to the US House of Representatives for adjudication.  The House as mandated by the Constitution must vote by state delegations as to who the new President will be.  Republicans dominate 28 of the 50 state delegations in the US House of Representatives.  The conclusion will be obvious and final.


Sebastian encouraged all 1500 people at this forum to not remain silent.  His words were that the electorates silence is what the Democrats want.  We must reach out to everyone we know by e-mail and social venues (Facebook, Twitter, whatever) as well as sending letters to Supreme Court and those states legislatures to do something about the massive vote fraud.


I sent a e-mail to the Supreme Court today as did several people I know that I sent the e-mail to, if you haven't please do so.  If you live in any of those states, make noise.  If you don't send e-mails to the Governors, AG's and Secretary's as well as the state legislatures anyway.  Our outrage should be obvious and communicated.


Let us do our part or we will be living in a repressive Socialist regime that won't change anytime soon.  BTW the same people that stole these votes will be at work in Georgia to steal those 2 Senate seats on 1/5/21 in the special runoff election to be held.  If the Dems get those 2 seats they will control the Presidency, the House and the Senate.  Goodbye liberty!


The Trump Rally yesterday, December 05, 2020 was in Valdosta, GA.

Q Used D5 as a trip code.  D5 could be December 5th.

The Pictures below have symbols/numbers in them.

Shall we play a game?

Let’s check the Q drops against the numbers.




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