Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Watchman Report Dec. 22, 2020 "Morning Blog"





“It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business.”






How The Left Killed Christmas



Meadows: Trump Met With Several Congress Members on Fraud, Will ‘Fight Back’

ALERT: Patriot Judge RESTORING FAITH In Trump Win!

Reverse Speech - Trump vows at legal fight over election results


Career Intelligence Officials’ Delay of DNI Report on Foreign Interference Draws Ire


BOOM! Senate Has Had ENOUGH, Call for Election Federal Hearing


Sidney Powell Just Released A MASSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT!

SCOTUS Dragging Feet On SIDNEY POWELL Emergency Petitions!


Sen. Ted Cruz: Anyone ‘Involved in Voter Fraud’ Should Be Prosecuted, Jailed


Rep. Mo Brooks: Americans Must Urge Congressmen to Block Electors From Disputed States


Rep.-elect Cawthorn Joins Group Planning to Contest Election on Jan. 6




’This Is The Only Fight That Matters’—Exclusive Interview with Steve Bannon


Laughable: Mitt Romney, Who Fired Ric Grenell For Being Gay Is Lecturing Trump On Integrity


Dick Morris: Trump Is Getting It Right On Voter Fraud, Implores Him To Fight Through 2024 - (Audio)


Grenell: ‘Very Concerned’ With Biden and His NSA Pick Over China


•  China in Focus (Dec. 21): Thousands of Families Displaced in Beijing

Beijing ‘Substantially Involved’ in US 2020 Election, China Analyst Says


Georgia Polls Bode Well For GOP As Early Voting Seemingly Bringing Record Numbers


Something AMAZING For Trump Just Happened In Nevada!


White House Adviser Navarro: 379,000 ‘Possibly Illegal Ballots’ Cast in Michigan


WISCONSIN JUDGE: ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’


Trump’s New Election Strategy; Arizona REFUSES To Conduct Audit; Big Tech Censorship


Tex-it? Lone Star State congressman plans to file bill for Texas to secede from the US


Robby Starbuck—A New Kind of Republican Candidate 


State GOP Lawmakers Call on Congress Members to Back Elector Challenge

All Eyes on Congress as Lawmakers Vow to Oppose Electoral Votes



Chair of the Federal Election Commission Drops BOMBSHELL Announcement

Disputed Swing State GOP Lawmakers Must Adopt ‘Reclamation’ Resolutions to Stop the Steal 

Barr: ‘No Basis’ for Federal Government to Seize Voting Machines

Hostile Reaction in Detroit Forced Election Official Into Hiding

Wisconsin election commissioner reveals Trump lost the state due to fraud and irregularities

Election interference: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent 500M to influence Democrat election officials and unlawfully change the election system


Zoom Shared US User Data With Beijing to Ensure Chinese Market Access, Court Documents Show

Treasury Email Accounts Compromised in Hack, Sen. Wyden Says


Fired Chris Krebs admits during Senate hearing that Dominion machines were connected to internet








AG Bill Barr Says No Special Counsel Appointment For Hunter Biden, No Evidence Of Election Fraud

Mainstream media, FBI, DOJ covered up Hunter Biden investigation to help Joe Biden -- Trump






Watch: Fox News & Newsmax Are Off The Trump Train Because They Fear Dominion Lawsuit




Healthcare Worker HOSPITALIZED After Suffering COVID Vaccine Reaction!


Moderna says US to procure extra 100M doses of its mRNA coronavirus vaccine

Mike Pence gets fake vaccinated on live television to promote warp speed vaccines


Doctor Who Warned Americans Not to Travel For Thanksgiving Traveled For Thanksgiving

Democrat Andrew Yang wants to barcode you like a Nazi concentration camp prisoner, forcing you to prove you've been vaccinated

Candace Owens sticks up for skeptics of covid-19 vaccine, discusses her "terrifying" injury from HPV vaccine


Reports: UK Infection Rate LOWER Than Countries Cutting It Off; ‘Mutant’ COVID Was Seen In BRAZIL EIGHT MONTHS AGO


Former Political Prisoner: Today’s America Has Lesson to Learn From Cuban Socialism


UK's Royal Navy shadowed 9 Russian warships in recent weeks


By any measure, the quality of American K-12 education has been declining for decades, even as more and more tax dollars have been thrown at it.

One of the most alarming aspects of this decline has been the failure of K-12 schools to provide young Americans with the basic knowledge of American history and government that is essential to good citizenship.

Even worse, the Left has been increasing its efforts to push a false history of America—America as essentially flawed and unjust—to undermine traditional patriotism, with the ultimate goal of transforming American government and society.

We witnessed the result of this push in too many American cities this year, with outbreaks of lawless violence and destruction of historical statues and monuments.

In response, Hillsdale is redoubling its efforts to engage the Left on the battlefield of education. One of our most ambitious and promising programs is our Barney Charter School Initiative.

Hillsdale’s Barney Charter School Initiative seeks to restore excellence to American K-12 education by launching and providing ongoing guidance to classical K-12 charter schools nationwide.

These schools provide their students with a broad, rigorous education that includes a strong component in American civics—American history and government—while also emphasizing the development of moral character.

The dedication of the teachers at these remarkable schools is heartening. One of them recently wrote:

“When Abraham Lincoln speaks words of healing through the Gettysburg Address, when we read the story of Harriet Tubman bravely risking her life—it changes my students, and it changes me, again and again.”

There are already 24 Hillsdale-affiliated schools in 11 states, with additional schools opening each year. More than 14,500 students are currently enrolled in these schools, with over 8,000 more on waitlists.

But that’s not nearly enough.

Suppose we can reach our year-end fundraising goal and launch our new Project to Defend Liberty Nationwide by Reaching and Teaching Millions. In that case, we’ll have the resources to open and support several new Hillsdale-affiliated classical K-12 schools.

We’ll also be able to promote our classical K-12 curriculum to private schools and homeschooling parents nationwide—impacting tens of thousands more families and communities.

Because of Hillsdale’s unique refusal to accept a single penny in taxpayer support—not even indirectly in the form of federal or state student loans and grants—the only way we can achieve this ambitious goal is with the generous support of citizens like you who agree with Hillsdale’s educational mission.

Will you take this opportunity to make your first gift this year to support the Barney Charter School Initiative and Hillsdale’s other educational outreach efforts on behalf of liberty?

Your gift today counts toward our goal of raising $3,000,000 by December 31 from donors like you who prefer to give online. But time is running out.

Understanding the importance of education to liberty—and recognizing the Left’s continuing efforts to undermine proper civics education—I hope you will make a year-end tax-deductible gift today. I’ve included a secure link for your convenience here:


I am deeply grateful for your consideration and support.

Warm regards,

Larry P. Arnn

President, Hillsdale College

Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844


Dear Watchman,

During the Christmas season, many Americans are drawn to the church. And for good reason -- to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

However, over-reaching, authoritarian governors and mayors across the country seem intent on using the ongoing coronavirus pandemic to restrict the First Amendment right of churches to assemble. And some of these leaders aren't even abiding by their own rules!

That's why we need your help.

While retailers, liquor stores, and even abortion centers are allowed to remain open, many churches are still restricted to a small number of attendees, regardless of their size. And some are not even allowed to meet at all!

We've seen these leaders allow protestors to gather in large numbers in the streets, but yet restrict outdoor gatherings for churches!

Christmas is filled with hope and joy; yet it's often one of the saddest and loneliest times of the year for many who are separated from family. And with so many restrictions and lockdowns in place, many are feeling even more isolated because they are separated from their church families.

All of society is feeling the pain and effects of this isolation as alcohol use and suicides have sadly increased dramatically this year.

That's why we need the church.While we are thankful for the opportunity the Internet provides to meet virtually, there is nothing that can replace fellowship with other believers. In fact, Hebrews 10:25 (MEV) commands us to "not forsake the assembling of ourselves together."

While we have seen several victories at the Supreme Court lately, there are still many unfair restrictions in place for churches around the country.

We certainly do not deny the seriousness of the pandemic and acknowledge that all necessary precautions should be made to protect those vulnerable to the virus, especially the elderly and those with compromised immunity.

However, the church knows how to care for people better than any other organization. And at a time when people are desperate for hope, the church is the only entity that can provide that.

So, please, help us in our efforts to advocate for churches and religious freedom this Christmas season and provide hope to hurting Americans! Remember, every dollar you give will be matched up to $200,000!

Our Policy and Government Affairs department and our Center for Religious Liberty have been hard at work analyzing these cases and plotting our best path forward to help these churches.

But we need the funding to continue advocating for these churches throughout the Christmas season and for further attacks on religious freedom that are likely to come in the new year.

Thank you in advance for your continued support of FRC Action. May God grant you and your family a blessed Christmas this week!

Standing (Eph. 6:13),

Tony Perkins
FRC Action


White House leaker named



Neutralize & persecute the Christians



Lois Vogel-Sharp



Thanks Watchman - I just listened to this today - it's an amazing statement.  We're hoping to be able to see the Christmas 'Star' this evening.  Merry Christmas to you, Connie and family.  Blessings.............J & F


Corsi & guests discuss the election & a variety of topics.


Dear Watchman,

During the Christmas season, many Americans are drawn to the church. And for good reason -- to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

However, over-reaching, authoritarian governors and mayors across the country seem intent on using the ongoing coronavirus pandemic to restrict the First Amendment right of churches to assemble. And some of these leaders aren't even abiding by their own rules!

That's why we need your help.

While retailers, liquor stores, and even abortion centers are allowed to remain open, many churches are still restricted to a small number of attendees, regardless of their size. And some are not even allowed to meet at all!

We've seen these leaders allow protestors to gather in large numbers in the streets, but yet restrict outdoor gatherings for churches!

Christmas is filled with hope and joy; yet it's often one of the saddest and loneliest times of the year for many who are separated from family. And with so many restrictions and lockdowns in place, many are feeling even more isolated because they are separated from their church families.

All of society is feeling the pain and effects of this isolation as alcohol use and suicides have sadly increased dramatically this year.

That's why we need the church.While we are thankful for the opportunity the Internet provides to meet virtually, there is nothing that can replace fellowship with other believers. In fact, Hebrews 10:25 (MEV) commands us to "not forsake the assembling of ourselves together."

While we have seen several victories at the Supreme Court lately, there are still many unfair restrictions in place for churches around the country.

We certainly do not deny the seriousness of the pandemic and acknowledge that all necessary precautions should be made to protect those vulnerable to the virus, especially the elderly and those with compromised immunity.

However, the church knows how to care for people better than any other organization. And at a time when people are desperate for hope, the church is the only entity that can provide that.

So, please, help us in our efforts to advocate for churches and religious freedom this Christmas season and provide hope to hurting Americans! Remember, every dollar you give will be matched up to $200,000!

Our Policy and Government Affairs department and our Center for Religious Liberty have been hard at work analyzing these cases and plotting our best path forward to help these churches.

But we need the funding to continue advocating for these churches throughout the Christmas season and for further attacks on religious freedom that are likely to come in the new year.

Thank you in advance for your continued support of FRC Action. May God grant you and your family a blessed Christmas this week!

Standing (Eph. 6:13),

Tony Perkins
FRC Action


I know this holiday season is busy for you so I'll make this quick -- two exciting updates to share with you. 

1.     North Carolina FC is building a leadership pipeline -- you can read here to see how their work is holistically supporting & building into thousands of athletes!                                                                                                             

2.     Our team collaborated with Family Life to create a Holiday Survival Guide just for you. This fun & engaging (and free) e-book provides plenty of wisdom, insight & guidance on how to manage the holiday stressors that we all feel in one way or another! 

I hope this season you are able to find time to escape from the busyness of it all, resting in God’s presence and embracing the hope & real reason for the season.  


Grateful for you,


   Kayla Jenerette Holliday

   C O M M U N I C A T I O N S




Televangelist Joel Osteen's Texas megachurch got 4.4M in covid-19 relief despite not paying taxes


White House Adviser Navarro: 379,000 ‘Possibly Illegal Ballots’ Cast in Michigan 

White House trade adviser Navarro's bombshell report proves (again) Trump WON the election


Phantom voters exposed by Bobby Piton: This is how Biden got 13 million extra votes




Watchman comment: The article below does not mention the possibility of plastic fibers raining down on the Earth from the spraying of chemtrails aka geo-engineering.

Plastic was the furthest thing from Gregory Wetherbee’s mind when he began analyzing rainwater samples collected from the Rocky Mountains. “I guess I expected to see mostly soil and mineral particles,” said the US Geological Survey researcher. Instead, he found multicolored microscopic plastic fibers.

The discovery, published in a recent study (pdf) titled “It is raining plastic”, raises new questions about the amount of plastic waste permeating the air, water, and soil virtually everywhere on Earth.

“I think the most important result that we can share with the American public is that there’s more plastic out there than meets the eye,” said Wetherbee. “It’s in the rain, it’s in the snow. It’s a part of our environment now.”

Rainwater samples collected across Colorado and analyzed under a microscope contained a rainbow of plastic fibers, as well as beads and shards. The findings shocked Wetherbee, who had been collecting the samples in order to study nitrogen pollution.

“My results are purely accidental,” he said, though they are consistent with another recent study that found microplastics in the Pyrenees, suggesting plastic particles could travel with the wind for hundreds, if not thousands, of kilometers. Other studies have turned up microplastics in the deepest reaches of the ocean, in UK lakes and rivers and in US groundwater.

A major contributor is trash, said Sherri Mason, a microplastics researcher and sustainability coordinator at Penn State Behrend. More than 90% of plastic waste is not recycled, and as it slowly degrades it breaks into smaller and smaller pieces. “Plastic fibers also break off your clothes every time you wash them,” Mason said, and plastic particles are byproducts of a variety of industrial processes.

It’s impossible to trace the tiny pieces back to their sources, Mason said, but almost anything that’s made of plastic could be shedding particles into the atmosphere. “And then those particles get incorporated into water droplets when it rains,” she added, then wash into rivers, lakes, bays and oceans and filter into groundwater sources.

Though scientists have been studying plastic pollution in the ocean for more than a decade, they can only account for 1% of it. Researchers know even less about the amount of plastic in freshwater and in the air, said Stefan Krause at the University of Birmingham. “We haven’t really started quantifying it,” he said.

Animals and humans consume microplastics via water and food, and we likely breathe in micro- and nanoplastic particles in the air, though scientists have yet to understand the health effects. Microplastics can also attract and attach to heavy metals like mercury and other hazardous chemicals, as well as toxic bacteria. “Plastic particles from furniture and carpets could contain flame retardants that are toxic to humans,” Krause said.

Because we are all are exposed to hundreds of synthetic chemicals as soon as we’re born, it’s difficult to say how much longer we’d live if we weren’t exposed, said Mason. “We may never understand all the linkages between plastics and health.”

“But we know enough to say that breathing plastic probably isn’t good, and we should start thinking about dramatically reducing our dependence on plastic,” she said.

… in our natural world, we refuse to turn away from the climate catastrophe and species extinction. For The Guardian, reporting on the environment is a priority. We give reporting on climate, nature and pollution the prominence it deserves, stories which often go unreported by others in the media. At this pivotal time for our species and our planet, we are determined to inform readers about threats, consequences and solutions based on scientific facts, not political prejudice or business interests.

More people are reading and supporting The Guardian’s independent, investigative journalism than ever before. And unlike many news organizations, we have chosen an approach that allows us to keep our journalism accessible to all, regardless of where they live or what they can afford. But we need your ongoing support to keep working as we do.

The Guardian will engage with the most critical issues of our time – from the escalating climate catastrophe to widespread inequality to the influence of big tech on our lives. At a time when factual information is a necessity, we believe that each of us, around the world, deserves access to accurate reporting with integrity at its heart.

Our editorial independence means we set our own agenda and voice our own opinions. Guardian journalism is free from commercial and political bias and not influenced by billionaire owners or shareholders. This means we can give a voice to those less heard, explore where others turn away, and rigorously challenge those in power.

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