Monday, December 21, 2020

Watchman Report Dec. 21, 2020 "Christmas Star Tonight"


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”32 

~Ronald Reagan 

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”




Lawyer for Sidney Powell to Smartmatic: ‘File Your Lawsuit’

Sidney Powell blasts Supreme Court for "slow-walking" emergency election challenges past key dates


Giuliani: Trump Team Will Use ‘Different Strategy,’ Focus on Voting Machines


Both Gen Flynn & McInerny think Trump should declare a National Emergency with all the evidence of Foreign interference  { China, Iran, & Russia } in the past election which will initiate activation of Sanctions against those also involved in spreading misinformation and propaganda. Could that include the social media censorship?? Hope so.

Flynn: Foreign Intelligence Agencies Were Monitoring US Election, Willing to Provide Information to Trump


Total betrayal: Supreme Court strikes down Kansas law requiring identification to vote

Trump Campaign Files Supreme Court Challenge to Pennsylvania Election Results


Arizona Senate attempts to seize all Maricopa County voting machines for full forensic audit

Chairperson of Arizona GOP says Republican electors really represent "legally cast votes" in the state


Donald Trump Jr. Calls for Early Voting in Georgia Senate Races: ‘Do Not Squander This Opportunity’

Trump Campaign Press Secretary Hogan Gidley on the Election and Georgia Senate Runoff


Senate report shows Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from Chinese businesses


Obama and Pelosi didn't win elections in the last decade, it was Dominion

Barr: ‘No Basis’ for Federal Government to Seize Voting Machines

Forensic audit shows Dominion software "intentionally designed" to influence election results


Dominion Voting Systems found using software flagged by CISA for its open security breaches: SolarWinds


Lunacy: Seattle actually considering legislation that would legalize nearly all misdemeanor crimes


YouTube Removes Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement From Senate Committee Hearing


Mysterious death of vaccine safety advocate Brandy Vaughn and COVID censorship with Dr. Scott Jensen

Watch this video



Southern Baptist head Al Mohler manipulates flock, suggests Christians have biblical obligation to take "Mark of the Beast" COVID-19 vaccine


Mnuchin: Stimulus Payments Will Be Deposited in Americans’ Bank Accounts Next Week

McConnell Says Deal Reached on $900 Billion Pandemic Relief Bill


Trump Campaign Files Supreme Court Challenge to Overturn Election Results in Pennsylvania

Trump: ‘Big News Coming out of Pennsylvania’ About Drop Boxes

President Trump tweets "Martial law = Fake News" because he knows the Insurrection Act isn't martial law

Trump Said He Spoke With Sen.-Elect Tuberville, Who Has Weighed a Challenge to Electoral Votes

Trump: ‘We’re Getting Closer and Closer’ to Successful Challenge to Election Results

•  Trump: Reports of Martial Law Are More ‘Fake News’

Trump Is Ill-Served by Advisers Pushing Him to Concede, Former Overstock CEO Says


Navy patents suggest American military possesses alien technology


Retired Air Force Gen. McInerney issues calls for military tribunals, martial law after deep state stole election from Trump

Petition asks President Trump to implement Insurrection Act to stop fraudulent election results


Rep. Matt Gaetz Says He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6


Appeals Court Rejects Lawsuit Seeking Stronger Signature Matching in Georgia Runoffs


China helped steal U.S. election, concludes hard-hitting Epoch Times documentary

ADE Antibody-dependent amplification Immuno-response Corona virus SARS-COV2 Vaccines

Watch this video

McCarthy Calls for Expanded FBI Briefing on Swalwell’s Ties to Alleged Chinese Spy

LIVE: Globalism Exposed: China and the Great Reset


Education Faculties Are Sliding Into Irrelevancy 


Why Are Economic Forecasts So Often Wrong? 


(Its Very Sad how most people are Submitting to these Destructive NWO Regulations. I still don't wear a mask, instead I printed out some articles regarding the situation, in a paper folder. If some one ask me to Wear a Mask, I talk to them and show them the articles. And I talk to as many others as I can.

Examples, on the "Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza". "We found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks"

Healthy Living, "Experts Warn mRNA Vaccines could cause Irreversible Damage". 

"Exposing Bill Gates, his "Terroristic Threatening", and his Criminal Psychopathology"

"Globalist Klaus Schwab: World will "Never" return to normal after COVID"

Those on the Right and the Middle care, Demoncrats Don't care. So I start by informing them about Bill Gates family involvement in the NAZI Eugenics and his Depopulation Agenda. To break people out of their Cult like in effect worship of the NWO Evil Establishment, it takes Hard Core info like that……..

Every time I walk into a Kroger store and I see everybody blindly following Ohio governor Mike DeWine's dictats, I do weep for my State. The unconstitutional mask mandates, business shutdowns and curfews being "ordered" by our governor are destroying businesses and more importantly the financial well being of Ohioans.

The financial, emotional and phycological impacts far outweigh the mandates that are not supported by science or the facts.

Prior to this latest round of "orders" by the governor he told us that over 90% of Ohioans were wearing masks as prescribed.

Why then did the number of COVID cases go up?

I can give you three reasons.

  • More tests are being done so the number of positive tests would naturally go up.
  • The number of "false positives" with the COVID testing is alarmingly high.
  • IT'S FLU SEASON !!!!!!

Also, surgical masks cannot prevent inhalation of small airborne particles.

Let's compare the Hong Kong Flu to COVID-19.

  • The question to me is not will COVID-19 numbers increase or decrease, The number of "false positives" with the COVID testing is alarmingly high.
  • IT'S FLU SEASON !!!!!!

The question to me is not will COVID-19 numbers increase or decrease, but will my LIBERTY increase or decrease?

but will my LIBERTY increase or decrease?

What it boils down to though is not the number of tests done or the number of positive tests, what is the actual death rate from COVID-19? That is what should determine how we react to this "potential" threat.

What did the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), say about it?

The CDC said that of all the COVID-19 deaths counted, only 6% of them could be attributed solely to the COVID virus while the other 94% had at least 2.6 other causal factors that could have caused the death.

This information helps put this virus into perspective

Let's look at the total COVID-19 death rates by age group from the Centers For Disease Control (CDC).

The following is for COVID-19 only.

This is for pneumonia only.

Very similar, no?

The point here is that yes, COVID-19 is real, but so is the influenza, and pneumonia.

What makes a COVID-19 death so much worse than a pneumonia death? Using the CDC's own data the number of deaths for each is almost equal.

Would you let the governor wield these dictatorial powers for pneumonia? Why not, it's as deadly as COVID-19?

Mike DeWine does not have the authority per the Ohio Constitution to do the things he is doing. Please remember that the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) does not super cede the Ohio Constitution. Anything done contrary to the Ohio Constitution is an act void of lawfulness and it should be disregarded by the people of Ohio.

Having said this let's look at the Ohio Constitution and some key sections in it.

Let's start at the beginning and move through the pertinent sections. I am now going to lay a lot of information on you but I will try to highlight for you the pertinent parts.

Here is:

Article I: Bill of Rights

Inalienable rights

§1 All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety

Right to alter, reform, or abolish government, and repeal special privileges

§2 All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or abolish the same, whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the General Assembly. 

So we have inalienable rights, these are rights that cannot be taken from us or even given away by us.

Still under Article I:

Right to assemble

§3 The people have the right to assemble together, in a peaceable manner, to consult for the common good; to instruct their Representatives; and to petition the General Assembly for the redress of grievances.

Who is to say where we will assemble?

Article I, Section 18

Suspension of laws

§18 No power of suspending laws shall ever be exercised, except by the General Assembly

By ordering us to wear masks, restricting our liberty with curfews and more importantly to interfere with any of our inalienable rights such as;

"acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety"

the governor is unilaterally suspending the inalienable rights we are in possession of as listed in the Ohio Constitution that protect our ability to own and operate a business.

How many small businesses and FAMILIES have been destroyed by our governor's unconstitutional and arbitrary "laws".

That brings us to the next section, WHO HAS THE POWER TO LEGISLATE, CREATE LAW?

Article II: Legislative

In whom power vested

§1 The legislative power of the state shall be vested in a General Assembly consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives but the people reserve to themselves the power to propose to the General Assembly laws and amendments to the constitution, and to adopt or reject the same at the polls on a referendum vote as hereinafter provided. 

Doesn't mention the governor does it?

But then you say, how do we react quickly and get legislation passed to meet the needs of an emergency situation?

Let's look in Article III, Section 8.

Article III: Executive

Governor may convene special session of legislature with limited purposes

§8 The governor on extraordinary occasions may convene the General Assembly by proclamation and shall state in the proclamation the purpose for which such special session is called, and no other business shall be transacted at such special session except that named in the proclamation or message to the General Assembly issued by the governor during said special session, but the General Assembly may provide for the expenses of the session and other matters incidental thereto.

So, this mechanism has been in place the whole time for the governor to access so that Ohio's State government will stay in compliance with our Constitution.

I am mad at the governor for violating the Ohio Constitution, but more angry that he is violation my God-given inalienable rights.

BUT, at this point the main blame has to fall on the State legislature, they have the power of oversight of the other branches in our State government. The legislature should be the ones reining in the executive when that branch is violating the Ohio Constitution and our State legislator's ARE DOING NOTHING to restore Constitutional government to the people of Ohio.

We have given the republican's a super majority (that means a veto proof majority) and you can see from their lack of legislation that they are not on the people's side in this.

Have you contacted your State legislator and demanded action to restore the separation of powers written into the Ohio Constitution? Have you demanded that they pass legislation to rescind the governor's unconstitutional orders that restrains businesses and Churches from operating in a normal fashion?

Why not?

All through the Ohio Constitution it is stated that all political power is inherent in the people, let's start acting like it.

Remember, we don't elect officials, we elect employees.

Give The Gift of Liberty To Your Children and Grandchildren


Censorship on social media, any words the "woke" people don't like that you may use will make you a racist and a candidate for being canceled. Conservative free speech is being stifled, the real news is being controlled so that you only see what the progressives want you to see. Fear of Covid-19 was used to change this Presidential election, to allow for massive voter fraud, to control the masses, to keep you at home, to keep you from going out to protest, unless you are protesting what THEY want you to protest. State election commissions, county boards of election and State courts not enforcing their own election laws allowing millions of ILLEGAL votes to be counted for Biden. Who or what can you trust?

Now it is more important than ever to make sure that YOU, your CHILDREN and your Grandchildren understand how great this country is and how unique our Republic is. How we are supposed to operate under the rule of law, our Constitution, not the rule of the mob. Do you know the Constitution? Do you understand how our federal government is supposed to run? Do you want to learn?

You won't get this information in school.

Help them to learn while having the fun of playing Constitution Quest, a board game that teaches the Constitution as they play.

Buy our Video Boot Camp for more structured lessons on the Constitution. Our text book, "The Handbook For We The People", will finish their instruction with eight easy to read chapters. There is an electronic copy of a workbook with questions for each chapter, we also have an electronic copy of a Teachers Guide with answers so you can check their work.

Give them the truth, right from the founder's mouths.

You can purchase all of these items on our website at:

Building Blocks for Liberty

Where we are at as a country today scares me. Will our children and grandchildren be allowed to learn this information?

 You can insure that they can learn it by giving these books, videos and games to them.

What is the gift of Liberty/Freedom ?

Liberty as a gift can be given in many ways. It could be in the documents that founded our country. It could be in the stories about freedom handed down from one generation to the another, or it could be in the form of knowledge, knowledge about our government. How it is formed, what are the powers assigned to each branch and what are the limits to those powers.

We at BBFL are proud to provide to you a game that will not only be fun to play, but will teach the players about each branch of our federal government and the Founders so well that many high school students in AP History/Government have used it to prepare for their final test with amazing results !

This game is the Constitution Quest game.

Constitution Quest - Why Play The Game?


"A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people." –James Madison


Constitution Quest is helping people of all ages to learn the U.S. Constitution at home or in the classroom. Constitutional scholars have endorsed Game. Students claim Constitution Quest has helped them to confidently pass their government exams!

Kids who might not sit still to read the Constitution do sit down to play the Constitution Quest Game with Grandpa and Grandma...because it's a game! What better way to pass along your love for the US Constitution to the next generation?

This beautiful, eye-catching, American-made game, is high-quality and nonpartisan. 223 game cards filled with constitutional information, including:

  • 3 branches of government
  • Powers granted and denied
  • Checks and balances
  • Laws from the Articles
  • The Bill of Rights and other Amendments
  • Historical facts and dates

Freedom is only one generation away from extinction, but you can save it with the most fun and easy way to rediscover the US Constitution: Constitution Quest.

We The People Fight Tyranny Game

The “We The People Fight Tyranny” game is more than just a fun game; it’s a laugh-out-loud crash course about the effects of big government policies on American life.

The game is also a common-sense education in American history, the Constitution and how they apply in today’s world.

It’s the perfect tool for teaching the miracle of America and why freedom is worth fighting for in every generation !

Right now we have special prices on both games !

You can get the Constitution Quest game AND the We The People Game both for $35 each plus $5 each for shipping ! Price good until December 31st.

If you live in the Greater Cincinnati area, we can arrange delivery so you don't have the shipping charge.

You can order the games on our website at this URL:

These games make great Christmas gifts for yourselves, your children or your grandchildren.

Ordering is easy. Order one, both or multiples of each game.

To guarantee Christmas delivery order yours today !!

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