Monday, December 14, 2020

Watchman Report Dec. 14, 2020 "Major Outages In Europe, Monkey Message Fulfilled!"

"The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph." 



Texas AG: Supreme Court Should At Least Hear Our Arguments



Major cyber outages in Europe this morning, I experienced an outage for approximately one hour this morning; See Monkey's important message from  last night on the blog. I suspect a Red Chinese attack. A great website to check outages is

More reporting on the attack on the underground Chinese bunkers


Michael Flynn: ‘The American People Have Been Buddy Breathing With Me for 4 Years’


Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference


Kim Clement

February 2015

fight with an attitude

win with an attitude. 

do it with an attitude

shout with an attitude

praise Yeshua with an attitude

Where are my people who will stand up without fear? I will expose the White House and bring justice. 

ISIS will tremble at the trumpet of the Lord. 

Israel has been rejected but not by Yahweh. What you must be careful of is not the wall but the peace. Israel has always had war. March will bring peace for a season but this is destructive peace. During that time great prophets will arise and reveal. They are not in religious organizations. Prophets I chose like Netanyahu & Rudy Giuliani. You may mock him but I made him a watchman. The hatred for this nation has increased but I will not allow ISIS to take the young men of this nation who are my spokesmen. I will use them says the Lord. I will send my prophets to Israel when they vote. Many will weep but I will take Netanyahu & call to him. He is not just a king but a prophet. Tremble when peace treaties begin. That which has kept me back shall begin to be fulfilled. All the words of the prophets that have been spoken through the centuries shall be fulfilled quickly. When you see these things happen rejoice for your redemption draws neigh. I will not allow my people to fall. I will bring life into Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria & Iran. A massive revival will occur and effect China & Russia. Putin will have no control over this. When I raise up the sound of love, life and victory for my nation. They shall look back & say what did we do to Israel. I shall pick a David, a burning bush in the White House to bring fire and revival to America & around the world. Fires will burn in Israel, more fires than ever before, people will know I am the Lord. There a sound coming from Zion! There is a light coming from Jerusalem. There is a light coming from Israel. Zion shine, shine, shine. Let the world be your light. Let the wind carry my voice. Listen to the wind carry my words and voice. The wind is the Holy Spirit. The wind in the upper room was not just for them it was for you. Was the spirit of the Living God just for yesterday? A great dimension of His wind is about to come. Are you listening to the wind or the storm?Are you listening to the wind of the spirit or the earthquake? Are you listening to the wind or the destructive fire? Come Holy Spirit come! Come to America and the nations of the Earth. The blood of Yeshua is for you. It isn't confined to one day in history. That blood has never lost its power! We are blinded by FEAR. It is time to bring an offering to God. Holy Spirit I receive the promise of life. The Holy Spirit will breathe into your home. Holy Spirit speak to my heart. We will give an offering of thanksgiving. The Spirit of prophecy is upon us. Take the word of Lord.

His Glory Ministries

This is a pharaoh moment for our country! The Lord thrives in impossible situations, it is a RED Sea moment. The angels Michael & Gabriel were in D.C. yesterday. Miracles are coming, signs and visions.  The body of Christ is uniting.  

God is not finished with America! Only God gets the glory!

A Vatican scandal is sending people into hiding fearing for their lives. This scandal involves pedophilia, finances & satanism.


Jericho March Co-Founder: ‘God Told Me to Let the Church Roar’


Treason: YouTube now deleting any vids that accurately claim deep state stole the election from President Trump


The Tragic Failure of William Barr 

Watchman, I have received First hand information from a long term friend and Wash DC  insider that the AG Barr and Oliver North were jointly running the Drugs for Guns flights into Mena Arkansas airport during the IRAN-Contra scandal (when Slick Willie was Governor ) --typical activity for the covert 3 letter agency that starts with C and ends with A.

Bush '41 appointed him ( BARR) AG in 1991 as a "fixer" to protect Bush, Oliver North, and all KEY insiders in the earlier  IRAN-contra scandal.

My friend validates this article that I found when I finally looked for this past history.
This is a major part of the SWAMP that POTUS is trying to ELIMINATE   🙏☝

Has  the AG had a moral restoration ?  or a continued breakdown
TIME will tell  😇 or  👿

The below website is a good source for other nefarious government activity for years !!


‘Stop the Steal’ Rally Organizer: We Want Our Leaders to Act

FEC regulations prohibit voting machines from being connected to internet


Scalise: Biden Not President-Elect, Legal Process Must Play Out


Sen. Johnson: Congress Should Have Known About DOJ Hunter Biden Probe

Joe Biden may not be installed in the White House, suggests DNI John Ratcliffe


CCP Members Hold Positions at British Consulates, Major UK, US Firms: Leaked Database

Chinese spy slept with American mayors, helped Eric Swalwell get reelected

Over 1,000 Chinese researchers have fled the US since federal crackdown on technological and economic espionage


US Commerce Confirms It Was Hacked; Treasury Reportedly Breached


Oregon punishing COVID-19 victims for being white, offering economic relief funds only to black-owned businesses in violation of 14th Amendment

NJ lawmaker wants mandatory corona shot for all kids without exemption


Four Regions Across China Are Under ‘Wartime’ Mode Following COVID-19 Outbreaks

"I can't keep doing this": Doctor pleads for review of data during Covid-19 Senate hearing


People With Certain Allergies Shouldn’t Get COVID-19 Vaccine: Official

Big Pharma Threatens Robert Kiyosaki with murder for Criticizing Vaccines

Merck plant where COVID-19 vaccines will be manufactured a "biohazard nightmare," production floor smeared with feces

Ten year study shows that unvaccinated are far healthier than their vaccinated peers who suffer from more respiratory infections, asthma, allergies, etc.

Pfizer shares fall after it slashed projected coronavirus vaccine production for 2020 in half


Four different cases where missing people were mysteriously dropped




The Global Currency RESET   (GCR) is coming in 2021 ?

The video below in 5 min explains  the future vision of this COVID  Crisis/HOAX and the Illuminati European Global Elitists agenda of the World Economic Forum, which includes the Biden-Global Socialists in the USA
   Listen closely to their "high-minded" but vague  & deceptive statements about designing your personal future without your Constitutional freedoms.    --- All Deceptive LIES that you need to know      8 min  of Truth  on the Great RESET DECEPTION

Todays' Financial Truths

The US dollar today is extremely overvalued by 12x  vs  Gold and International Currencies because it is the World's Reserve Currency Standard  and the USA has been abusing the rest of the World by past "Quantitative Easing" = (printing money out of thin AIR} and then Exporting this inflated dollar value to all other countries who need  to buy our Dollars to pay for Oil from Saudi Arabia and other vendors.

Several pundits think the NEW Reset currency will be backed by Gold. That Sounds GOOD, but I think it is an attractive deception to lure you into their "Web-of-Deceit".   Bible prophecy teaches the probability of the RESET currency being a Digital  & paperless currency being used by the Antichrist World Government during the 7 year Tribulation that Jesus, John & Paul warned us about in Revelation 13, et al.

(TPTB) The (SATANIC) Powers That Be want us to have an implanted computer chip in the "web" of your hand that  (1) will transmit ALL of your private blood and health metrics back to  World Computer System that will tell you if you are eating foods that will lower your work productivity  and (2) deduct funds from your allotted digital  World Bank Account as the Amazon Grocery store will deliver your food items by Truck or by Drone to your front door.  This  digital " Social Credit System" and your Total  Public Debt Forgiveness Program will be available when you agree to turn over ALL of your properties and Financial assets to the NEW Socialist USA/ World Govt & take the 2,3,or more Covid vaccines injections, after which  you will be eligible for a Guaranteed Annual Government Income as long as you follow ALL of their Rules.  Financial credits will be deducted from your account  when you rebel against Authority  and US Military will monitor all rebelion and possibly send you for a serious "spanking" at the Govt Re-education (FEMA) Detainment Camps.  Your total compliance will allow you to have an Unrestricted Travel Pass anywhere in the USA, Mexico & Canada,  even under FULL LOckdown

I know this scenario sounds totally crazy if you're new to this Socialistic agenda and just PLEASE read Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party's Canadian Plan for COVID in 2021 BELOW which was "leaked" by a  "inside" whistleblower

TRUMP's PLAN KEEPS our Constitutional Freedoms
-- also with a new Gold Standard and  NO National DEBT or FED Reserve  -- I HOPE

PRAY for a MIracle from GOD according to HIS  PERFECT WILL     🙏😇☝...........M


BCP discusses communism

 BCP discusses

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