Sunday, December 13, 2020

Watchman Report Dec. 13, 2020 "Critical War Update"

Monkey 1, above

You will recall that, for over a month I said something big might happen on Dec. 13th, well I think it has. See Monkey's letter below.

I rec'd this from Monkey @ 1830 hours today.

 MilSpecOps Monkey here - First up, thank you all for your patience. I have been knee-deep in my seminary studies and needed to get my mid-term test behind me. Thankfully on Friday evening, me and the 185min test is behind me.

Now onto the important stuff. You all are getting exclusive intel from me here first, so please share this with your friends and family at will. I received a message from one of my “highspeed fella’s” yesterday evening who isn’t the first one I am hearing this from who has a great deal of credibility. I am also hearing that the HF radio Emergency Action Messaging is coming in 15 minute increments (all coded and scrambled). My source tells me this is unusual. Mix this with the flight activity and “exercises” we are witnessing, and I think we are on the brink of something very big.

Word from the active SF guys in the field is that we need to all prepare for a 10 day lockdown soon. I am told it could be shorter, could be longer - just depends on how bad the opposition is. I have been told this will be global. I don’t have dates for obvious reasons; but it was said with a sense of urgency. As a Christian, I pay attention when I start to get things independently from multiple sources. Especially when it is guys that aren’t in the same circles. By yesterday evening, that same type messaging came through three different people that I personally know and trust. Can I get a witness?!

For what is is worth, at a minimum, make sure you have enough food and water to get you through about 2 weeks. Water is key, more so than food unless you have an underlying medical condition like diabetes in which your situation is unique. Now is the time to tighten up your circle. Have a plan. Confirm it. Adjust as needed.

Let’s talk bugout bags for a minute - Bugging out is the LAST thing you want to do. It is what you do when life is at risk and in imminent danger. You don’t want to do it unless you absolutely have to do it to protect you and/or your family. I say this because when you bugout, multiple things come into play like water, food, shelter, safety, etc. and unless you are a seasoned survivalist, you don’t want to leave the comforts of your home and enter into the hunger games.

In preparation for that exit, you want to have a bag prepared with everything you will need to survive for 24 or 72 hours. Your “plan” should be to get yourself to your next location using those bags. Not to exit and head into the woods or mountains (unless of course you have been trained to do this). Items for this would be food, water, clothing, comms, temp shelter, fire making tools, medicines, guns and ammo, etc. There are books and schools (SERE) designed around this for a reason as it can be very complex and survival is just that.. SURVIVIAL

Okay - so let’s talk bug-in as that is really what most of us will do. All of you just came out of an extended lockdown so you know what to expect. You know what worked and what didn’t work. You know what you were shy on (toilet paper) and what you had plenty of… so adjust accordingly. Where did we fall short? Helping others, prayer, etc. Now we are all experts at it - staying at home that is. Imagine now if the power goes out - that means heat, hot water for many unless you have gas, etc. become an issue. Internet - gone. Netflix binge watching of The Office - gone. You are down to candlelight and getting your info from a weather radio as well as maybe your cellphone. How are you going to charge your cell? How do you warm your food and ensure you have clean drinking water as well as personal warmth, etc. These are things you need be considering.

So, I have given you a lot to chew on but want you to be informed and know what I know. Please do not add to or take away from what I am sharing. It is important that we keep it clean and not inject anything into the message as I don’t want people to panic. This will be a planned and controlled event. Stay safe. Stay frosty.

God Bless.

Monkey Out.

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