Thursday, September 17, 2020

Watchman Warning To Americans

Friends and patriots, I received a word of knowledge from the Lord this week concerning the November 3 election. The Lord said that every voting American will be held accountable before God for how he and she votes on 3 November. 

BE WARNED, a true Christian cannot vote for Biden/Harris. Both are pro abortionists. (we have murdered over 60 million babies in this country) In fact, I would say, withoutout further proof, that both favor infanticide. 

Both Biden and Harris are same sex marriage advocates. Roman Catholics note that some bishops have excommunicated Joe Biden. 

Both Biden and Harris walk in darkness, they are not Christians, they are not children of light. 

The forest and wild fires out west and the violence on our streets by demon possessed people are not an accident. Satan has unleashed his demonic minions. It is time for Americans to repent and get right with God. Enough is enough, if we do not repent the Godless Marxists will seize control of this country.

So be warned, God will judge you for your actions on November 3. After I received the word of knowledge I saw "The Christ in Prophecy" video below.

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