Thursday, September 17, 2020

All The satanic, Demoncratic News

Evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo confronts satanist Isaac (Horowitz) Bonwith


Friends and patriots the news below is from the intrepid correspondent Jim.......................

 (Must See above)

  1. Even before the audio became public, the true nature of BLM was becoming obvious for all to see. Last month, supposedly responding to a church’s giveaway of an AR-15, BLM activists Terrorized ...

  1. Co-founder Alicia Garza has denied the group is backed by foundations at all, even though billionaire currency speculator (NAZI) George Soros alone has given over $33 million to BLM, its founders, and associated groups, and the Ford Foundation pledged to raise $100 million for the BLM-affiliated Movement for Black Lives Coalition in 2016.

  2. When are the Communists (Illuminati) going to get around to Burning Churches and Banning the Bible?

  3. Matthew 10:21-22 “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to Death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up Against their parents, and cause them to be put to Death. 22 And ye shall be Hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”

  1. THE (NWO) Satanic Temple of Los Angeles opened its Diabolical doors for its largest ever “Black Mass” on Saturday night. The Demonic affair involved everything from live (Demonic) music, Bloodletting a…

(The Controller) So-called "conservative" channel "Not Interested", (Not even willing to even talk about it, But More Importantly Not Denying it) in discussing who is Funding (And Running) the Violent Terrorism across America

(Notice, No Denial or Countering the idea of Biden being a Pervert Predator Pedophilia Pig, like his Marxist Muslim NWO  'Fellow Travelers'. )

Why Is Joe Biden Channeling Osama bin Laden?

Why Is Joe Biden Channeling Osama bin Laden?

(Biden's Caliphate 'Alliance of Evil')

On July 20, 2020, the 'American Muslim' advocacy organization Emgage through its political arm Emgage Action hosted a virtual Million Muslim Vote Summit. One of its prominent speakers was former VP Joe Biden, whom Emgage Action had Endorsed for President in the coming election. 

He said to his Muslim listeners, “I want to "Earn" your vote….I want to work in a (NWO) 'Partnership' (Unholy Alliancewith you, make sure your voices are included in the decision-making process as we work to "Rebuild" (Radically Transform) this nation….I’ll be a president who recognizes and Honors your (Financial) Contributions (Bribes. Your Racist, Sexist, Bigoted, Homophobic, Slave Culture, Intimidation's, Terrorism of Islam, for Cultural Subversion, to bring about NWO and or Caliphate Conquest and 'Sharia Law'.)

New information Contradicts previous claims

(No matter how Many or how Extreme the Contradiction's are in the Demoncrats Scams, Most Leftists Don't Care, because it is a Demonic Cult. 'Leftist Don't Care'. 'Truth Doesn't Matter' to Demoncrats. In Fact, they Hate the Truth More then anything. This is what I have found with Most of them, in talking to them. Jim)

Exclusive Roger Stone Statement on DOJ Investigation Into His Trial

Read Stone's full statement on the U.S. DOJ Inspector General investigation of prosecutorial conduct in U.S. v. Stone

(To get the Left to become 'Conspiracy Theorist'  Anti-Vaxers, as Alex Explained.) Trump also urges states, counties to open back up as (Hyped) Coronavirus cases drop

(I will never take a Vaccine even if its just a Placebo Vaccine to Mock and Counter the Slow Kill Vaccines. The NWO could do a 'Shell Game' Switch at the last minute with the Deadly version. Or Deranged Demoncrats could Thant them, like they do with Fluoride in the water, GMOs, etc. in Food  and sometimes Spiting in food or drinks, etc.  NWO Demoncrats are Destructive and Dangerous. ) 

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