Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Shaking Resumes

Henry Hudson's Half Mount, Discovery of The Hudson River 1909 ...
On September 3 1609 Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson River. Henceforth, New York becomes the symbol of U.S. economic power.

On September 11 1941 The Pentagon construction began. The Pentagon becomes the symbol of U.S. military power.

One Sept. 6, 1620 the Mayflower departed for America. It became the symbol of America’s spiritual power.

On Jan. 22, 2020 New York becomes the epicenter of the Wuhan Virus. The prophet Jeremiah wrote that when a plague struck the Israelites the dead were buried in a potter’s field. The dead in New York were also buried in a potter’s field.

The Feast of Trumpets begins Sept. 18 2020 and ends Sept. 20, 2020.   

A demonic spirit grips America because we have not repented for the sing of abortion.

Pentagon History: 7 Big Things to Know > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ...

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