Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Kigali Principles

Lead2Protect: CIVIC's Peacekeeping Director on the Implementation ...
Friends and patriots, 

per Dave Hodges reporting Obama reportedly signed Kigali Principles after Trump won the election, that allows the UN to send UN Troops into the US.

The UN has warned/ordered Trump to remove US Federal Agents from Portland, Oregon.
United States urges UN peacekeepers to use force to protect ...

UN Troops and Chinese Troops with UN Diplomatic Immunity are currently operating undercover as guerrilla forces in riots and the takeover of cities across the US.   

Per Dave Hodges reporting Obama and Kerry also reportedly  signed the UN Small Arms Treaty that states any governing authority can seize all guns, over-riding 2nd Amendment.  See University of Hawaii Democide Project.

Expect more biased unconstitutional rulings since it appears US Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has been compromised by the Epstein scandal.
Dave Hodges, CALEXIT's Plan to Use the Kigali Principles to Break ...

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