Thursday, July 30, 2020

Let's Review

The US Dollar Has Lost 97% of it's Value In 50 years – Investment ...
Friends and patriots, let’s go through a few of the Illuminati agendas and goals that they have set on fast forward in 2020:

1.  One World Government - This is the granddaddy of all agendas. During this entire “plandemic” it has been a focal point of the Illuminati controlled “lame stream, presstitute” media. The media claims and blames the higher Chicom Virus (CCV) testing in certain countries as a reason we need an overarching world government, a government that can act quick to enact martial law. Hence, ensuring a 99.98% survival rate.
2.  One World Cashless Currency - I have been talking for years about the War on Cash.  Of course, with the CCV, they are pushing for the world to stop using dirty little pieces of paper. They have even reduced the coinage supply in the U.S. This causes more problems for those old fogies who still dare to use physical cash and coinage. And, of course, “Killer” Gates is working on a vaccine with an ID.  This the real reason for the name COVID, Coronavirus Identification. The vaccine will be tied to a digital payment system, the most recent example being with Mastercard in Africa.
First graded note! 1899 Silver Certificate — Collectors Universe
3.  One World Central Bank - The end result of this CCV scam will be the economic destruction of the entire world thus bankrupting most countries and the citizens in those countries. These citizens will face hyperinflation of their fiat currencies. This in turn will lead, they hope, to a new one world digital currency.
4.  The End of All Privately Owned Property - A large part of this international terrorist attack is destruction of all small businesses. Why must all small businesses shut down except Walmart, Home Depot, Amazon and the tech giants? An estimated 28 to 32 million people in the US are not being able to pay their mortgage and rent. Soon the “big” banks will own all the properties. Of course, the government will be there to “save” us with government public housing and Universal Basic Income handouts, communist style.
US dollar: Latest News & Videos, Photos about US dollar | The ...
5.  Depopulation - Worldwide food supply chains being massively disrupted by government. We are already seeing rising price in food and famines in some of the world’s poorest areas. China, for example, is facing a disastrous wheat and rice harvest along with hoof and mouth disease in its pigs. Massive floods have caused hundreds of thousands of Chinese people to lose their homes, farm land and small businesses.
If that isn’t enough, the CCV vaccine will likely sicken or even kill countless people. Of course, when it does, their deaths will be blamed on a new mystery virus which will create further lockdowns and top down government control. And, don’t forget, the Illuminati probably throw in a few major wars along the way to de-populate the world.
6.  Mandatory Multiple Vaccines - The vaccine industry and its proponents have lamented for years that there are too many anti-vexes. They have discussed creating a false pandemic in order to try to quash the anti-vaccine movement. “Killer” Gates has now said there will need to be multiple vaccines per year and in many countries they have talked about making vaccines mandatory. At $20 per vaccine (the price the US government paid Pfizer) it will generate hundreds of billions of dollars per year in revenue. The revenue will mostly go into the pockets of people like “filthanthropist”, “Killer” Gates, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Soros etc. The Rothschilds recently bought a “yuge” chunk of Pfizer stock.
Aiden Wilson Tozer Quote: “If God takes away from us the old ...
7.  Universal Basic Income - Andrew Yang was the biggest proponent of Universal Basic Income, which is just a code word for worldwide welfare for working on the Illuminati plantation. The economics of paying everyone in the world not to work with rapidly inflating dollars is insane unless you want worldwide communism, slavery and mass poverty.  
8.  Microchipped Tracking of Tax Slaves - This is the beast system that “Killer” Gates used patent number 060606 (666) for. All humans beings will be tracked, databased and all of their economic transactions and political thoughts will be centrally controlled and overseen by an all pervasive government. It is the social credit system now in place in communist China. It means that people will have a hard time travelling, working or even purchasing goods.
9.  Further Restrictions on Travel - A little over 100 years ago all it took to travel was your own two feet, a horse or a boat. After World War I governments implemented an agenda to make everyone in the world need permission (passports) to travel. Now, many people also need visas to travel. And, with the CCV terrorist attack they have nearly limited everyone in the entire world from traveling abroad and in some cases even inside their own national boundaries. Among the worst hit are Americans who can barely travel anywhere in the world now. Ironically, many will regret wanting that border wall with Mexico since Mexico is one of the only countries that Americans can still travel to.
America's long-term challenge #3: destruction of the currency ...

I could go on and on and if there are important areas I omitted please let me know in the comments section of my blog.

The Illuminati’s plans have been laid out for us for decades. Rockefeller talked about it in his book as has Kissinger. The Illuminati laid it all right out in the open with the United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 plans.

Unfortunately, the average TV watching, Joe six pack, government indoctrinated tax slave has no idea what is really going on. The US government is spending at banana republic levels and the Federal Reserve is acting like the Zimbabwean Central Bank.

It is very important to gauge the price of things accurately. For example, if you were to look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average (over 26,000) in dollars it looks like it is performing excellently in the midst of this crisis. However, in terms of gold, the Dow is down from nearly 700 (grams of gold) to around 400, for a loss of over 40%!
oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Is There Any Correlation Between ...

The real key to surviving in comfort the next few years is to make sure you have your assets secured. There is risk in nearly everything and will continue to be as things move forward. Don’t hold all your gold and silver in one vault in one country and definitely do not buy paper Gold or Silver. There is a risk in all countries of confiscation, higher taxes or worse. Keep in mind some Jews survived the Holocaust by investing in Gold, Silver, diamonds and art work and then using their precious goods to bribe Nazis and hence they survived.
Research Shows ALL Paper Money Systems Failed : Gold Silver Worlds
We have seen numerous shutdowns of the internet in various countries recently and we could see worse… even shutting down of power grids as part of the Illuminati’s false flags and terror attacks. Our own physical safety will become more and more important as the economy is destroyed, riots, chaos and martial law increase. When food prices increase dramatically and people are hungry and rioting you won’t want to be stuck in a large, democratic city as the citizens of Seattle, Portland and Chicago are.

In the end, though, the real key is keeping yourself physically, mentally and most importantly spiritually strong. Store up your treasures in heaven so that what happens in this world it is not of much importance to you. Taking the time to work on yourself daily pays massive dividends. Trust in Yeshua and He will see us through this minor tribulation. After all, God’s Bible, His prophets and His watchmen have been warning us that all of this was coming. We should all store up our treasures in heaven.
The US dollar is getting beaten up. Four spots to watch

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