Friday, April 17, 2020

What Is Really Killing Americans?

Leading cause of death (2016) (world)

Those who want more security at the expense of their liberty end up with neither.

If you have your state's Score Card send it to me. The Tea Party is a good source.

Ohio Coronavirus Score Card:
Ohio Population: 11,660,000 * Average Deaths per day 325
Coronavirus Deaths: 389 Total
Deaths from other Causes: 18,200 Estimated
Positive Cases: 8,418 (.00072 of total population)
Ohio Businesses Closed: 200,000 Estimated
Ohioans without Pay Checks: 2,030,000 Estimated
Lost Wages, Past 21 Days: $3,312,960,000 Estimated
Businesses Projected to Close Permanently: 113,670 Estimated

BILL GATES is not an elected official, yet he used his money in the past to sway the minds of our children and young people with Common Core. Now his money is going to research a vaccine for Covid19. He's spending extra for a special device to insert the vaccine. He and others in his camp think we need to TRACK those who are vaccinated. RED FLAGAs Conservatives we have to resist any infringement upon our liberties. Stand up against involuntary vaccinations and/or tracking.

Ben Carson stated -- "24% of all Counties have NO Corona"

Transcript of Video – Goofball, I mean Governor Whitless of Michigan, “We just got snow, I’ve got snow on the ground right here Michigan, in Lansing.  We’re expecting up to 30 inches in the upper peninsula,” Whitmer said.  “The fact that we’re cracking down on people traveling between homes or planting or landscaping or golfing — really for a couple more weeks isn’t going to meaningfully impact people’s ability to do it because the snow will do that in and of itself.”

We missed the part of the Constitution that said “weather permitting.”
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