Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Real Bill Gates

Bill Gates flew with Jeffrey Epstein on the Lolita Express in 2013 ...

A picture is worth a thousand words! Gates flew on the Lolita Express!

The man who was good friends with infamous satanic pedophile Jeffrey Epstein...

 The man who said Epstein's crimes (human trafficking charges) were no worse than "stealing a bagel"...

The man who claimed he "had no relationship" with Epstein, despite flying on his jet multiple times and also meeting with Epstein, billionaire Eva Dubin and her teenage daughter…

The man who had a top employee busted for a massive child pornography collection being kept at Gates' house...

The man who featured known satanist Marina Abramovic in his 2020 Microsoft commercial…

The man whose father was the head of planned parenthood, who has been caught selling baby parts for satanic black market purposes…

The man who funded abortions around the world with a 350 million dollar donation to the Global Abortion and Contraception Initiative…

The man who openly admitted that "death panels" (government boards) are necessary to decide who lives and dies…

The man who has been taken to the Indian Supreme Court for illegally testing vaccines on uneducated tribal populations, not informing them of the adverse side effects of the vaccine and doing nothing to advise them post vaccinations…

The man who said, "The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent."

The man who dumped the bulk of his fiscal resources into 7 companies to fund a vaccine for the coronavirus…

The man who donated mass sums of money (through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) to the Pirbright Institute out of the UK, who filed a PATENT for the Coronavirus in 2015 and received it in 2018…

The man who in 2015 "predicted" a major virus outbreak would happen…

The man who now "has the solution" to the Coronavirus: an implanted microchip combined with a vaccine, "ID 2020"…

Bill Gates has a sinister plan for all of us. Yes, you and I. Every single one of us. Under his guiding hand (according to him) we should be led into deception, fear and eventually total enslavement. This man wants an excuse to control the world economy. He watered the roots of the man made Coronavirus in order to create the "existential threat" necessary to implement a New World Order. Why is he pushing so adamantly for prolonged shutdowns, mandatory vaccines and global governance? He has a personal stake in our death and misery. He and his wife's vaccine testing has given children life long injuries and killed many. His ties to satanism and pedophilia need to be investigated. This disgusting eugenicist needs to be tried for his crimes against humanity.

It's time we the people DEMAND Bill Gates be tried for his crimes against children! We have to stop Bill Gates and his Illuminati clique from destroying American sovereignty and liberty!

Bill Gates Met with Epstein in Prison... - Virily

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