Saturday, August 10, 2019

An Occult Event On August 10/11th, part 2? Оккультное событие 10/11 августа, часть 1? Okkul'tnoye sobytiye 10/11 avgusta, chast' 2?

Image result for tisha b'av
Let’s look at the bible, Daniel 10: Daniel’s Vision of a Man:
10. In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia, a revelation was given to Daniel, who was called Belshazzar. Its message was true and it concerned a great war.[a] The understanding of the message came to him in a vision. 2 At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. 3 I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over. So now we are in the third year of Donald Trump’s, a modern Cyrus the Great, presidency, and we are nearing the “three weeks of mourning.” The three weeks of mourning are between the 17th of Tammuz (when the walls were broken down, the breach was made, when they were coming over to take over the temple and siege Jerusalem) and Tisha B´Av (the destruction of the two temples, Solomon’s temple and Herod's temple), meaning this year, 2019, between July 21st and August 11th in the Gregorian calendar. August Eleventh is like 11.8.2019, or 11+8+20+19=58. 58 is the number very much connected to the freemasonry and other occult or secret societies.
Look at some words matching the number 58 in numerology: JERUSALEM, THIRD TEMPLE, SOLOMON’S TEMPLE (the 1st temple that got destroyed on Tisha B´Av), HEROD'S TEMPLE (the 2nd temple that was destroyed on Tisha B´Av), RED HEIFER, FREEMASONRY, ROSICRUCIAN, SECRET SOCIETY, SCOTTISH RITES, DOLLAR It is important to note that
·         Donald Trump won the 58th presidential election in the USA, his inauguration date was 20.1.2017, 20+1+20+17=58
·         Trump Tower has 58 floors.
·         Trump announced he would be running for candidacy from the 58th story of the Trump Tower.
·         August 11th is 58 days after Donald Trump’s birthday (June 14th).
·         Donald Trump was in Israel at the exact place where they plan to build the third temple, on May 22nd 2017 (another very ritualistic day for the free mason's), exactly 811 days before 8/11, or august 11th 2019.
THE SIMPSONS: The episode “APOCALYPSE COW,” quite clearly symbolizing the RED HEIFER, (154 in gematria, matching TEMPLE MOUNT, RITUAL SACRIFICE).
The RED HEIFER’s, birth was announced by the Temple institute in Israel on September 4th 2018, a day that leaves 118 days till the end of the year, later was celebrated in Israel on 9/11/2018. The date the Red Heifer was actually born is reportedly on August 28th 2018. August 28th 2018 is like 28.8./2018, or 2+8+8=18, 1+8=9, then the year 2018 is like 2+0+1+8=11, so hidden 9/11 in the date of the Red Heifer’s birth. The birth of the red heifer is a biblical sign of the foreshadowing the building the third temple, the third temple should be built at the time when Yeshua comes back to planet earth, the messiah is said to come back “through the Eastern Gate” in Jerusalem.
The Simpsons’ “APOCALYPSE COW” is the episode 17, Season 19 (season AUGUST 11“ is 19 in gematria matching CHAOS, and also equals 91 matching PHOENIX), episode 17 (1+7=8, do they point to the 8th month of the “season” or year 19?). “Apocalypse Cow” came out on April 27, 2008. 2008 was a leap year, so April 27th was the 118. (11.8.) day of the year. Again, it is 11 years ago when this cartoon was put out…
There is a video of Grim Reaper standing in the dress of Satan next to the San Francisco Golden Gate bridge, nicely done predictive programming, this video came out July 24th 2018, exactly 1 year and 18 days before August 11th 2019. 1 year 18 days. The PACIFIC RIM in this movie, is  about a tragic events and the main one is the destruction of the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE IN SAN FRANCISCO, it shows on the scene when the bridge is being destroyed the date August 11 2013, at 9:32am (923 and its variations are the new satanic code for some kind of tragedy events). Maybe just a coincidence… SAN FRANCISCO GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE It is said that the “third temple” should be built at the time the Messiah comes back. Also, the story says that the Messiah will come back through the “Golden Gate”. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco shares the name with the Golden Gate in Jerusalem. That is the eastern gate of the Temple Mount, where a divine presence used to appear and will appear again, when the Messiah comes back, and a new gate replaces the present one.
It is important to note that Donald Trump won the 58th presidential election in the US, but is actually the 45th president of the US, since some presidents made two terms. Let's look at some word connections having 45 in gematria:
Next to the geometry or mainly sacred geometry and architecture, math, astrotheology, it is fair to state that numerology is probably the most important one of all of the teachings in all of the mystic schools. The cabalists and high ranking members of secret societies are convinced that words with the same numeric values have vibrational frequencies and therefore the same meaning or purpose in this material world, or the matrix we are living in. The core of numerology is that satan's followers believe that God created the world by merging the letters with the numbers and vice versa. Satanic powers HAVE TO ANNOUNCE THEIR PLANS IN ADVANCE, OTHERWISE they believe IT WILL NOT COME TO FRUITION! If we are really talking about some event on a biblical scale, that could really be called 911 2.0, there really has to be something for those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear…” August 11th 2019 is like 11+8+20+19 = 58
This year the most significant masonic ritual was undoubtedly the burning of Notre Dame. Interestingly, the 15th of April, this ritualistic day, is exactly 118 days before August 11th, or before 11.8. Coincidentally, April 15th, 15.4.2019 is like 15+4+20+19=58, the same value as August 11th 2019.
There was also one other satanic ritual this year, the so called “Christchurch shooting.” It happened on the 15th of March 2019. The zip code for Christchurch is 8011 (8/11). Interestingly, 2 mosques were attacked by the shooting as well as two temples were destroyed on Tisha B´Av. Coincidentally the word connection CHRISTCHURCH SHOOTING is 118 in Jewish reduction“ style of numerology. The Christchurch shooting happened on 15.3.2019 , it is like 15+3+20+19=57, the same as August 10th, or 10.8.2018, which is like 10+8+20+19=57.
Some other words matching 57 in numerology: JEWS, MOON. 11th of August is the 223rd day of the year. 223 is the symbolic number of SKULL AND BONES.
On May 14th, 2019, the state of Israel has celebrated the 71st birthday. Words like TEMPLE, TALMUD equals 71 in numerology.
May 14th is the 134. day of the year. Some words matching 134 in numerology: TISHA B´AV, NINTH OF AV (the same as TISHA B´AV), NETANYAHU.
From August 11th till the Netanyahu’s birthday on October 21st is exactly 71 days. The major satanic ritual of this century was undoubtedly 9/11, or September 11th, 2001. From that day till August 11th 2019 it is exactly 17 years and 11 months. In numerology, the master number 11 and its multiples do not get reduced, the other numbers can be reduced. 17 years and 11 days. 1+7/11 is like 8 and 11 to the day 8/11.
The word DEATH equals 118 in “Jewish” style of gematria. 222
There are a lot of occult people who put a lot of work into decoding these things. So, will something major occur on August 10th or 11th? We know from Jewish history Tisha B’av is sometimes not good for Jews.

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