Friday, August 9, 2019

An Occult Event On August 10/11th, part 1? Оккультное событие 10/11 августа, часть 1? Okkul'tnoye sobytiye 10/11 avgusta, chast' 1?

Image result for tisha b'av
Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the month of Av, which is the 11th month in the Jewish calendar (in Europe they would write this date as 9.11., this year 2019 in Gregorian calendar Tisha B´AV falls to August 10-11), is the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, on which the orthodox Jews fast, deprive themselves and pray. It is the culmination of the Three Weeks (of mourning), a period of time during which the Jews mark the destruction of the two Holy Temples in Jerusalem, the Solomon’s temple by the Neo-Babylonian empire in 587 BC and Herod's temple by the Roman empire in 70 AD. 
I believe that this world is run by satanic secret societies and at the very hard core of the secret societies is the Kabbalah. Kabbalah is ancient Jewish pagan mysticism. It is a method of encoding information through a system of mathematics and numbers. It is some of the most ancient knowledge that fallen angels, Nephilim, gave to men.  It has been kept secret and given only to those who proved themselves worthy through the process of initiation and illumination (Illuminati, the enlightened ones). It truly is the hard core of the secret satanic knowledge, the metaphysics, the science that not even 0.1% of the today´s world population know anything about. 
Tisha B'Av is actually the Ninth of AV, the 9th day of the 11th month in the Jewish calendar. The number 10 is the symbol of God's perfection and superiority. The satanists (what the people at the highest ranks of the secret societies like free masons are) are literally very afraid of God, so they do everything to escape God’s supervision over their deeds, try to 
hide from Him and that is why they have the symbol 9 11 as the most satanic one, since they believe this symbol kind of “jumps over” or “skips” God. They jump over the number 10 or try to skip it, that is why 9 11 is so significant to them… the Tisha B´Av holiday of the Jewish calendar falls into the second half of July or first half of August in the Gregorian calendar.
Below are some of the events that took place on Tisha B´Av in history:
● The First Crusade officially commenced on August 15, 1096, killing 10,000 Jews in its first month and destroying Jewish communities in France and the Rhineland. 

● The Jews were expelled from England on July 18, 1290.
● The Jews were expelled from France on July 22, 1306.
● The Jews were expelled from Spain on July 31, 1492.
● Germany entered World War I on August 1–2, 1914, which caused massive upheaval in European Jewry and whose aftermath led to the Holocaust.
● On August 2, 1941, Av 9, SS commander Heinrich Himmler formally received approval from the Nazi Party for "The Final Solution." As a result, the Holocaust began during which almost one third of the world's Jewish population perished.
● On July 23, 1942, Av 9, began the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto, en route to Treblinka.
● The AMIA bombing, of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killed 85 and injuring 300 on July 18, 1994, 10 Av.
● The Israeli disengagement from Gaza began in the Gaza Strip, expelling 8000 Jews who lived in Gush Katif; August 15, 2005; 10 Av.
●Last year 2018 on Tisha B´Av on July 21st, we had a shooting in Chicago. It happened at 10:30am when the arms of the clock point at 11 and 6, the upside down 911.
Tisha B´Av this year is the numerical value of the number 58, 11+8+20+19, 58 is very symbolic number for freemasonry and other occult or secret societies.
Furthermore the word TRUMP equals 222 in “reverse satanic“ style of gematria. August 10th is the 222nd day of the year.
Some numerologists are saying that the most satanic day in the year from the number point of view is June 6th, like 6/6. For example, last year the merger of the two giants, Monsanto and Bayer, deal for $66 billion USD, was allegedly signed on 6/6/18 (18=6+6+6). Now if you add 66 days to 6/6 (June 6th), you’́ll come to August 11th, Tisha B´av of 2019. This year we had a ritual on 6/6, with all the world’s leaders in Normandy, France, the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landing of the allies in 1944. On CNN they put some headlines in quotes, like “NORMANDY ANNIVERSARY” which equals 222 in ALW Kabbalah style of gematria (the beginning of Tisha B´Av this year is in the evening of august 10th, the 222nd day of the year). They also posted, “NORMANDY D-DAY” which equals 118 in both ALW and KFW Kabbalah styles of gematria. Maybe they are pointing to august 11th as much as they can, since 11.8. is the way August 11th is written in Europe. AUGUST 11TH The date 11.8. is also like 11+8 = 19, we are in the year 19, 19 matches CHAOS is gematria, in reverse it is 91, matching PHOENIX. It is also like 11x8=88, which is the symbolic number of Trump, in other words the “super time number.” The number 11 in Kabbalah is representing duality, shattering and the initiation into the mysteries of religion. September 11th was permeated by the number 11 like no other event in known history. 11 is also represented by the twin pillar of Jachin and Boaz, which stood at the entrance of Solomon’s temple. Number 11 and its multiples are the master numbers in numerology, they do not get reduced unlike the other numbers, which can be reduced. The number 8 is the number of time, represented by the hour glass, the infinity symbol and the Ouroboros biting its own tail. Number 8 is also the symbol of the Magician tarot card, the Magician is always depicted with the number 8 above his head and with the hourglass on the table in front of him. 1+1+8+2+0+1+9=22 22 is the “master builder number”, free masons consider themselves to be THE MASTER BUILDERS. Also, there is 22 books of revelation, this date August 11th seems to be very much entangled with eschatology or the end times. HAARP’s patent day is August 11th 1987. It will be exactly 32 years on august 11th 2019. The 32nd degree is the highest degree of initiation of the Scottish rite of freemasonry, the most used rite among the Jewish freemasons. It has 33 degrees, but the 33rd degree is the so called “honorary degree”, the masons in the 33rd degree are bestowed this kind of degree as a credit for what they have done for freemasonry in their life or even after they die. No higher initiation into any more “sacred knowledge”, the highest degree of initiation is the 32nd degree. The formation of Al-Qaeda was on 11.8.88 (1988). This year on August 11th 2019 it will be exactly 31 years old. 31 is the 11th prime number and also 13 in reverse, 13 is the biblical number of rebellion. Al-Qaeda matches 58 in gematria and also 888 in gematria, matching DONALD J TRUMP, EMMANUEL MACRON, JESUS CROSS, DEUTSCHE BANK. Also, 11.8, 1919 the new German constitution was adopted, founding the Weimar Republic. This act lead Germany shortly after the first world war and a downwards spiral of hyperinflation, consequently into a Nazi overtake, and ultimately into the second world war. DONALD TRUMP With the connection of building the third temple in Jerusalem at this time, the third year of the reign of Donald Trump as the new “King Cyrus.”
·         The state of Israel just celebrated its 71st anniversary on May 14th this year.
·         88 days later we´ll come to August 10th, the beginning of Tisha B'av. 88 is the symbolic number of Trump (the re-incarnated King Cyrus):
·         Trump spent 88 million USD of his own money for his campaign
·         Trump had 88 offices across the US during his presidential campaign
·         Trump had 88 events or campaign stops during his campaign
·         Trump had 88 military advisers, retired admirals and generals who supported him in his campaign
·         Trump’s slogan “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” equals 808 in numerology. For those who missed Christine Lagarde’s lecture on numerology, zeros are ignored in numerology
·         Trump’s slogan “STRONGER TOGETHER” equals 88 in two gematria styles
·         Trump’s cousin Thomas P. Trump died exactly 1 year before Trump's inauguration day, 20. January 2016, 88 days before he would be 88.
·         The movie Donnie Darko, predicting Trump's victory, where the main character kind of symbolizes Donald Trump, and the movie talks about time travel and the year 1988, is overloaded with the symbology of the number 88
·          The word “Trump” matches 88 in gematria in the „english ordinal“ style, the most basic numerology style, where A = 1 and Z = 26, DONALD J TRUMP equals 888 in English-Sumerian style of gematria
·         Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, died when she was 88 years and 88 days old. Donald Trump, is often compared to King Cyrus, or Cyrus the Great, the king of Persia, who released the Jews from the 70 years of captivity in Babylon, gave them back the city of Jerusalem and built a wall around it. Even Netanyahu compares Trump to Cyrus. When Trump was elected the US president, the state of Israel started minting coins with the king Cyrus and President Trump together on one coin and they somewhat look alike.

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