Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Colorado Swings To Trump, Trump Wins With At Least 276 Electoral Votes

Image result for colorado electoral votes 2016

Clinton led by 12 in one poll of Colorado (9 electoral votes) in early August, then by eight in a poll taken a week later, then by five in the Magellan poll, and now she trails by two in the latest Reuters poll. Colorado has swung significantly.
Colorado is one of Johnson’s, (pictured below), best states. He hit 15 percent in one poll taken there this month and reached 16 percent in another, then hit 16 again in the WaPo poll. There’s a strong libertarian base in CO, especially among young voters; Johnson actually topped Trump for second place among the 18-29 group in one poll of the state not long ago.
If Trump pulls the upset in Colorafo, it’s likely to be because Johnson is siphoning off enough young adults from Clinton to make a winning vote share for Trump in the mid-40s possible.
Your Watchman on the wall has Trump with at least 276 electoral votes with 270 needed to win.

Last week Maine switched to Trump with 3 electoral votes but the rest of New England, except New Hampshire, is solidly Clinton.

Image result for colorado electoral votes 2016

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