Thursday, July 14, 2016

Video Proof The Dallas Terrorist Did Not Act Alone


the accomplice killers are still at large and will murder again. The video below is self explanatory. One of the gunmen, the primary shooter exited the black SUV shown in the photo below, he is standing next to the pillar in front of El Centro College(ECC). ECC is not close to the Bank of America garage as shown in the map above. Micah Johnson would have had to run past a gauntlet of police to get to the Bank of America garage. By the way, another shooter was seen near or at the top  of the Bank of America garage. In the photo below notice the pillars where the shooter was before he entered the El Centro College shown in a red circle. In the second photo the shooter, on the left, quickly moves around the pillar and murders a police officer at point blank range.

By the way, the latitude of Dallas 32.7767 (rounded off) is 33 degrees. The illuminati like to create their incidents at the Masonic 33 degrees.

Image result for shooter at top of Bank of America garage in Dallas

Image result for shooter at top of Bank of America garage in Dallas

The Dollar Vigilante has produced an excellent forensic video. Click the link below.

Below Micah Jonson lies dead.

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