Thursday, July 14, 2016

Update On The 2016 Illuminati Economist Cover and Insert

Bix Weir re-examines 'The World in 2016' according to the Rothschild's Economist magazine. What did the occult symbology riddled cover predict, what has come to pass thus far, and what is still to come?  Click the link below.

Friends, a few things are clear to me the rise LBGT movement symbolized by the gay flag and the burning fires in the insert symbolic of 2016 violence. 

I find it curious that Trump is missing on the cover. The illuminati, after all can't absolutely control everything. Maybe Trump's absence is a positive sign. Notice O'bomber pushed to the background and Killary, "Serial Rapist Bill" and Greenspan pushed to the forefront and Bill holds a devil.

Notice the Gold coin on the Phoenix and the year 2018. This was the 1988 magazine.

Below, notice the Euro parachuting on a Gold coin.

Image result for cover of the Jan 2016 economist magazine

Image result for cover of the Jan 2016 economist magazine

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