Tuesday, July 5, 2016

There Is A Bright Side and Trump's Response

Within hours of the decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton over her handling of classified emails, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani who worked as a federal prosecutor for many years also, said that any good prosecutor would easily have taken the Clinton case, and won in court.
But most interesting is that Giuliani says that the statute of limitations will not run out on this case, since it hasn’t been tried, and if Donald Trump is elected, he can appoint a new Attorney General who can reopen this case and prosecute Clinton. Patriots, let's pray that Trump is elected and it happens.

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Donald J. Trump responded to the FBI decision as follows.

The system is rigged; we must hold Lying Crooked Hillary accountable at the ballot box in November.
FBI Director James Comey described Hillary Clinton as "extremely careless" in her handling of classified information. 

He even detailed how her terrible decisions led to huge security risks as she gallivanted across the globe. 

And what did Lying Crooked Hillary say less than a year ago? 

"I'm confident that this process will prove that I never sent nor received any e-mail that was marked classified."

110 emails were found containing classified material . .  including "top secret" information, AFTER Hillary and her cronies deleted 30,000 emails and failed to turn over hundreds more. 

She's careless. She's incompetent. And she thinks she's above the law. Yet no charges are recommended against Crooked Hillary. 

Plain and simple: this reckless behavior should disqualify Hillary Clinton from the Presidency.

Unfortunately, the FBI's announcement today should come as no surprise. The system is rigged for the powerful elites like Lying Crooked Hillary. 

That WILL change if I am elected to serve as the next President of the United States. But I need friends like you helping us continue building momentum behind Team Trump.

had been aggressively urging the FBI to hold Lying Crooked Hillary accountable. Now it is clear that is not going to happen – we must hold her accountable this November at the ballot box. 

This election is the trial, and the American people are the jury. 
I will be counting on your help to defeat Clinton and her cronies, to end the rigged system and Make America Great Again.

Best Wishes,

Donald Trump
Candidate for President of the United States 

(Watchman comment: It is up to each of us to uphold the rule of law by voting for Trump in November.)

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