Friday, May 6, 2016

Will Pope Francis Resign?


I am pleased to report that blog readership has gone over 160,000 readers! Thank you Yeshua!!!!!

remember this Jubilee year ends on October 2nd, 2016. 
We already found the timing of the inclusion of the Chinese yuan into 
the global SDR currency basket on October 1st (a Saturday) to be very 
conspicuous. And note, too, that it takes place on a weekend. Major changes in the monetary system and bank holidays are always done 
on weekends. 

Visiting Armenia in April 2016, the 101st anniversary of the 1915 genocide, is a possibility for the Pope, although this has not been absolutely confirmed.  He hopes to visit the country, but admits, “I am old and these trips are heavy.” 

He may also visit three South-American nations: Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are also awaiting a visit from the Pope. It is speculated that these trips could be joined with his visit to the shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil, whose 300th anniversary he promised to celebrate in the country in 2017.

Keep, in mind Pope Francis is reportedly going to resign when he visits his native Argentina.

But, in the last week I discovered some more information that is 
even more conspicuous. On the evening of October 2nd, of all dates, the 
Jesuits are scheduled to elect a new superior general. It will 
begin with a Mass the evening of Oct. 2, 2016. Jesuit superior Father 
Adolfo Nicolas, 79, announced he intended to resign in late 2016. In May 2015, Nicolas wrote, “I have reached the personal conviction that I 
should take the needed steps toward submitting my resignation to a 
general congregation.” Pope Francis apparently made no objection. But 
then again, if conspiracy reports are true, it is Nicholas, the 
“black Pope” who actually runs the Church, not Francis. 

People have speculated that the Jesuits in the modern day are not so 
influential as they once were. But certainly the transition from one Jesuit superior to another the day after the end of the Jubilee year is a notable event. Just coincidence? I have stopped believing in coincidences when it comes to the New World Orderand Luciferians 

What it portends isn’t entirely clear. Certainly, Pope Francis has been a 
good deal more active in world affairs than previous Popes. It may be that the Jesuits, under a new superior, begin to take a more active role.  

Given that the Jesuits actually created the model for modern 
concentration camps some 300 years ago in 
Paraguay when they incarcerated and tortured the native indians, I’m not eager to experience a more  invigorated Jesuit order. They aren’t called “black” for nothing. 

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