Friday, May 6, 2016

U.S. Negotiating With A Dangerous Libyan Terrorist

The EU and U.S. diplomats are ignoring Abdel hakim BelHadj's, pictured above, key role in the 2004 Madrid railway bombings and his murder of two Tunisian politicians for the Muslim Brotherhood. 
Belhadarj was the leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) a very dangerous terrorist organization that merged with al Qaeda years ago. He and other LIFG leaders joined the Taliban in Afghanistan. 
Belhadj was arrested in Pakistan in late 2001 and put in U.S. custody and was strangely released. 
In 2004 he was re-arrested in Malaysia and placed in CIA custody. He was then sent for imprisonment in Libya where he was incarcerated by Gaddafi for 7 years. 
BelHadj worked with CIA and Libyan Special Services. His Ansar al Sharia terrorist group presently holds a large part of Tripoli, Libya. 
I remember Bel Hadj from my deployment at GTMO in 2002 where I wrote an extensive report on the LIFG. He is a dangerous terrorist and international criminal. Why is our government working with this brutal thug? Click the link below.

Image result for Abdelhakim BelHadj

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