Monday, April 11, 2016

The DC Madam Escort Service Was A CIA Operation

Former NSA contractor and investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reveals how the DC Madam started off with former vice president, Dick Cheney and also included, John McCain and more! 
The DC Madam was using female university professors as escorts. Why was she using them instead of young college girls? So these women could spy on high level politicians and diplomats. One of the DC Madam's professors was from the U.S. Naval Academy! I smell a CIA surveillance and eavesdropping operation. 
Montgomery Blair Sibley has threatened to release phone records he claims will throw a kink in the presidential election. 
By the way, the DC Madam's second in command also allegedly committed suicide by hanging! If you believe those two women committed suicide then I am the Pope! Click the link below.

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