Friday, April 1, 2016

The Cuban Mistress Crisis Escalates

Image result for Deborah Palfrey hanging
I am pleased to announce that my readership has gone over 155,000 readers, praise Yeshua!

Below is an alleged page of Debora Palfrey’s phone records from Anonymous. (The hanged DC Madam) Ted Cruz private numbers are on it! I would be willing to bet $100.00 Palfrey screwed the wrong person (pardon the pun) in D.C. and someone murdered her. I am not implying Ted Cruz murdered her but someone did her in, someone far more powerful than Ted Cruz was at the time. Keep in mind I am purely speculating in this matter but this election is getting like the program "House of Cards". 
This is also way out there but if Bill and Hillary Clinton's phone numbers are in Palfrey's records? Click the links below, the story for the second video starts at the 2 minute and 20 second mark.

cruz busted Ce7Xx_iWEAAs6yA

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