Thursday, October 8, 2015

Yeshua Heals Your Watchman!

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over the past few months your Watchman has been almost totally incapacitated by pain in my left leg. In fact, I would only leave my home when it was absolutely necessary. The only way I could escape the pain was to try to fall asleep in bed. Even powerful narcotic pain medication sometimes could not obliterate the pain totally. The pain has been so severe that my heart doctor, Dr. Tom O'Brien of Christ Hospital ordered three tests in order to find what the problem was. Monday, I completed the first test and Dr. Broderick found nothing adverse.

The pain has been so severe that I was going to ask Dr. Sammarco, my wonderful orthopedic surgeon, once again to cut off the lower part of my left leg. Dr. Sammarco, on the last visit did tell me that my entire foot had arthritis except for the new bone he put in my foot. I also have two pins in my foot from surgery.

My immobility has been wearing my wife Connie down. For some strange reason I decided today to take my wife's car across the street to the gas station to have the oil changed. In recent months only Connie did such errands.  I walked back to my house with my cane.

When I reached my driveway a tall, young man approached me. I had never seen this young man before in my life. I assumed it was a new neighbor on my street. We engaged in some small talk and he said he saw me walking with my cane and he pulled his car into UDF's parking lot and walked over to talk to me. He left his car engine running! He said he would like to pray over me and I immediately said yes to that. I told him about the history of my leg and foot and the intense pain I was experiencing. I told him on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worse I was experiencing level 9 pain. I invited him to sit on my deck and offered him some ice tea. He declined, I could tell he was all about Yeshua's business.

He placed his hand on my leg on three separate occasions and three times briefly prayed for me saying Jesus heal this man or something to that effect. I then got up from chair without my cane and walked on the deck. After the first or second time he asked about the level of pain and I said was a 5. After he prayed a third time my pain was 0 and I was walking without my cane.

I asked Rick if he was regularly in our area and he said no, he lived in Colerain far from my house on the west side of town but he worked in Milford at a fitness gym.

Now I ask you. What are the odds of Rick passing on a Thursday at that exact time and seeing me cross the street? What are the odds of me deciding to walk across the street when I haven't walked in months because of the pain? Friends, this was the almighty power of Yeshua at work, this was indeed a divine appointment.

After Rick left I took a nap and had the most restful nap I have had in months.

This past weekend my ministry "The Watchman Report" hosted a prophecy and spiritual warfare conference at our church and I told the assembled guests and my Jewish friends how Yeshua had resurrected our small church with a merger with Christ the King Church. The link to that amazing miracle is below.

I want to thank and praise Yeshua Hamaschiach for healing me and without Yeshua in my life, life would indeed be bleak.

God is faithful and He says I will bless those who bless my people and curse those who curse my people.

The young man's name was Rick Rhoades and I believe Yeshua is preparing him for a powerful ministry.

The link to the Christ the King story is below. Once again thank You, Yeshua! All praise to the Son! If Yeshua is for me who can be against me?

God Bless All
Your Watchman on the Wall

Image result for Yeshua healing

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