Friday, October 9, 2015

The Evil Trans-Pacific Partnership

The announcement of the passing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement (accounting for some 40 percent of the world’s GDP) yesterday marks the amplification of another shattering Shemitah Trend – not well understood but of a profoundly radical nature. Within the last few weeks the world’s entire power structure has been radically reconfigured.
following the end-day of Shemitah, September 13th, (The Wipeout date) the world’s democratic paradigm died and a new ruling structure of technocratic corporatism was ushered in. This corporatism works hand-in-glove with entrenched governmental bureaucracies, so we can also call it by a more familiar name: Fascism.
In fact, last month the Pope spoke at Congress in between two “fasces” as he announced the new world order.  Fasces is a bound bundle of wooden rods, sometimes including an axe with its blade emerging and is where the word fascism comes from.  It seems no one ever seems to notice them.
The word fascism is so charged with historical overtones that it is best to find other descriptors about which people have fewer preconceptions. Fewer preconceptions allow us to see what is taking place more clearly. And we have to try to be as clear-sighted as possible because the general media will give us no help.
Let’s look at the Fascist Trans-Pacific Partnership ( to be accompanied eventually by a similar “Atlantic” agreement). Some of the TPP sounds fairly encouraging. Tariffs and other barriers to trade are reduced, for instance. But the main thrust of TPP is to empower large corporations and their un-elected and mostly unaccountable leaders.
Under the TPP, multinationals and powerful corporations can sue governments that make laws that interfere with business and profit-taking. This is a huge undermining of sovereign state power. Michael West, writing for the Sydney Morning Herald, had this to say:
The reality is this TPP free trade deal is as much about free trade as it is about entrenching the interests of large multinational corporations.  It is no secret that, while the citizens of the 12 signatory nations remain in the dark about the detail of the regional free trade pact, multinationals and their lobbyists had a large hand in shaping it. The US has a system of trade consultative committees. There are some 600 “cleared advisers” who consult to government. Of those, about 550 hail from the corporate sector; the rest a smattering of union, community and environment groups.  The cleared adviser has to sign a confidentiality contract and cannot talk about the deal but is free to give detailed advice to government. 
Why the secrecy? Because TPP is a radical reconfiguration of the way the world works. It removes power from democracies and places it in the hands of unelected managers (technocrats) of gigantic private sector enterprises.
Power will pass out of governments and into the hands of those who wield power unaccountably, protected by the very nation-states they are now being encouraged to sue. Of course this has increasingly been the case anyway, but there is a difference between wielding power behind the scenes and being empowered by law to do so.
What we can see both in the EU and with the TPP is further centralization of power in vast entities that are almost impervious to challenge. The average person has no chance of influencing EU decision making. And when it comes to the TPP, the average person will have no chance to confront multinationals. Meanwhile, multinationals that are distrustful of a given nation’s legal system will be able to turn to a variety of extra-national tribunals that will be empowered to make binding decisions.
The scaffolding of global governance is being erected with treaties like the TPP. It didn’t even take the United Nations. The banking cabal that is seeking ever more concentrated power worldwide finds it easier to pursue the convergence it seeks via secret treaties that are realized via tremendous pressure brought on individual governments behind the scenes.
We have seen this before in history. Most recently with the first information revolution that introduced books and allowed people to read the Bible. It soon became evident that the Catholic Church had not been telling the truth about the written Word of God and this revelation ushered in significant discontent, expanding the Renaissance and leading to the Reformation, Age of Enlightenment and the American and French Revolutions.
Now thanks to the internet, we are engaged in another tumultuous era. The initial information revolution sank the Church, which in turn stripped kings of their divinity. As a result, democracy gradually emerged.
But the internet has shattered the credibility of democracy. In the US for instance, confidence in government (congress) is running in single digits.
What people have not yet comprehended is that as democracy gradually dies, a new system of rule is waiting in the wings. This system involves a corporate-government alliance managed by an un-elected technocracy.
The system is already quite well worked out and values “expertise” above all else. Those welcomed into the ranks of technocracy go to the best schools and receive the “best” educations. What this really means is that the best and brightest receive a homogeneous world view whether they are in the US or Europe or elsewhere.
This is how a technocrat elite is being built and the only problem with it is that the beliefs of the emerging technocratic class are quite questionable at best and propaganda at worst.
What are some of these faulty beliefs? Well, one of the simplest is the idea that multinationals are an outgrowth of capitalism. They are not.
Multinationals only exist because of judicial fiat. They are an enforcement of the state. They rest on a three-legged stool of court decisions including intellectual property rights, corporate personhood and central banking – itself an absurd invention of Leviathan.
Central banking is perhaps the most egregiously false dogma to which our managing caste clings. It is impossible for a small group of individuals to set the price and volume of “money” for the rest of us. To do this involves knowledge of the future that is simply not available using backwards-looking statistics.
The idea of the “expert” has been promulgated with extreme violence worldwide. The new, emergent priest class is to use the best statistics and mathematical protocols to create decisions that will anticipate the future and render harmless various kinds of disasters.
This is, however, a kind of nonsense. Central bankers cannot know the future anymore than other kinds of industrial technocrats. NO ONE can know the future. No one, for the most part, can make better predictions than anyone else.
But this is what we are being asked to believe. This is the shape of the future – in which a few “supermen” furnished with the most prodigious brains and best educations shall be held up as part of an “expert class” endowed by innate superiority with the right to rule.
This is the paradigm now under construction. For those who do not believe it can evolve into a force as powerful as democracy once was, please examine your assumptions. The elites have evolved such structural changes before and they use very blunt instruments to do so. Those instruments include war and economic repression and depression.
This is the bloody birth of a new era, one drenched in migratory lunacy, the horror of drone warfare and the creeping genocide of economic depression. It doesn’t have a chance in hell of working.

But it will create holy hell before it is fully discredited. Paranoid and terrified, elites have truly “let loose the dogs of war.” Conflicts around the world have blossomed with terrible violence. Meanwhile, most of the world is now suffering from increasing economic dysfunction.  In fact the next leg may have just been set-off a few hours ago when Deutschebank announced a $6 billion third quarter loss.  Their stock is currently down 6%… and it could be Deutschebank that really sets off this fall crisis. 
Image result for the evil trans pacific partnership

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