Monday, October 12, 2015

More Miracles in Israel

Image result for the Henkin children

Above, the Henkin family.
Israeli media is filling up with grim tidings of escalating violence and the third intifada. It is true there has been a spike in the number and intensity of lethal terror attacks on Israelis by Palestinian Arabs.
But despite the wave of terror that has washed over the Jewish State, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted Wednesday, “We have known worse times than this.” The prime minister added, “We will also overcome this wave of terrorism with determination, responsibility and unity.”
Netanyahu made the remarks just hours after a Palestinian Arab stabbed an IDF soldier in Kiryat Gat, grabbed the soldier’s rifle and then escaped into a building.
Image result for kiryat Gat terror attack

But the terrorist didn’t get far: not only was he spotted by police and shot dead, miraculously, he could not shoot anyone else with the gun that he stole because it was not loaded. The gun is pictured above.  The soldier had followed protocol to the letter, and had left the ammunition magazine out of his weapon.
There have been other miracles hidden among the tragedies in what may be an emerging third intifada.
In the deadly Arab terror attack that left Rabbi Eitam Henkin and his wife Na’ama dead last Thursday on the Samaria road between Itamar and Elon Moreh, their four children survived.
The Henkin children were not spared by the Palestinian Arabs for due to strategic reasons. They were miraculously saved by “friendly fire.” The terrorists accidentally shot one another.
Finally, a third miracle – a “chazaka,” in Jewish thought, conveying a sense of reinforcement or permanence to the truth of the miracles.
In Petach Tikvah during Wednesday’s terror attack near the Kanyon HaGadol mall across the street from Beilinson Medical Center only one victim was stabbed by the Arab attacker. The terrorist was unable to stab more people because, miraculously, his knife broke.
“We will take firm action against terrorists, lawbreakers and inciters,” said the prime minister. “We have bolstered our troops and are using all means necessary to fight this terrorism.”

In the Jewish State, that includes PRAYER

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