Sunday, October 11, 2015

Middle East Update 11 Oct 2015

Image result for Baghdadi
keep your eyes on Damascus and Jerusalem and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Prophetic events can happen there in a blink of an eye.

Image result for King Salman

King Salman Bin Abdelaziz, 79, above, was confined to the hospital in Riyadh in intensive care and restrained under heavy sedation. Court sources say he was removed after “going crazy” and attempting to injure himself. King Salman, who acceded to the throne ten months ago, was said then to suffer from dementia and erratic behavior. Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef has stepped in to administer the kingdom. According to some reports, the king was heavily drugged and removed forcibly to hospital as part of a palace coup to remove him from power. Friends, just think about what would happen if the Pro-American regime in Saudi Arabia fell.

The supreme coordination committee of Israeli Arabs Sunday declared a general strike for Tuesday, in protest against “cabinet ministers incitement” against their community. This step comes on top of a series of Arab Israeli pro-Palestinian disturbances and attacks on security forces and highways and was taken in consultation the United Arab Knesset list. Wednesday, Arab Knesset members announced they will visit Temple Mount in a body, to challenge the ban Prime Minister Netanyahu imposed on lawmakers’ visits in an attempt to defuse the violent tensions surrounding the holy site.
Iraqi military sources said that their air force Sunday bombed a convoy in the western province of Anbar, which, according to an intelligence tip-off, was carrying ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, pictured above. The sources have not received word on his fate. Al Baghdadi has been reported killed before but later turned up alive. It has also been reported in the past that Baghdadi was permanently injured in a previous attack in May 2015. Click the link below.
Palestinians in Gaza opened fire on IDF troops providing security for Israeli workers who were fixing a section of the border fence adjacent to Kibbutz Kisufim on Sunday morning. Nobody was injured but the windshield of a civillian vehicle was damaged. The fence was damaged earlier by Palestinian rioters.
Iran’s Defense Minister, Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehqan, said on Thursday that Iran’s military recently carried out the first test of its new "Emad" ground-to-ground missile.

In light of the security situation in Israel, especially the serious rioting by Gazan Palestinians on the border with Israel, the General Staff decided Saturday night to delay the start of Gen. Eyal Zamir’s tenure as the new head of the Southern Command for at least another week, thus extending the overlap with outgoing Gen. Sami Turgeman..  

Israel’s cabinet unanimously approved the appointment of Roni Alsheikh, deputy head of the Shin Bet internal security agency, as the country’s police commissioner on Sunday.

cting police commissioner Benzi Sau issued Saturday night ordered the mobilization of 13 Border Guards platoons numbering some 1300 men.

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