Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Middle East Update 13 Oct. 2015

Click here to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ-vQNHTnoc
Image result for Israel bombs syria October 2015

Above, Israel bombs targets in Syria, the link is below.

As Arab terrorism grows in Jerusalem, even reaching the western gates of the capital city, a chilling new video, the link is above, uploaded on Monday bears stark testimony to the presence of Hamas terrorists with semi-automatic assault rifles in the northeastern neighborhood of Shuafat. The video shows three Hamas terrorists in full regalia replete with scarf masks and green Hamas headbands. As one reads from a script over a microphone, the other two stand menacingly, one bearing a Kalashnikov rifle and the other an M-16. Most attacks until now have consisted of stabbings, making the presence of assault rifles in the capital all the more troubling. The terrorist seen speaking in Arabic in the video is reading an announcement from the Al-Qassam Brigades, the "armed wing" of the Hamas terrorist organization. His reading came as part of a memorial ceremony for Ahmed Salah, a Shuafat resident who was killed in clashes with security forces in the region; the ceremony was held at the Salah family home. Shuafat has been the site of intense violent Arab rioting, and just last Tuesday a police force in the neighborhood came under attack and required rescuing by Border Police. 

In the background behind the terrorists, massive Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Hamas terror flags can be seen, together with various Hamas announcements. In his speech, the Hamas terrorist promised the families of the "martyrs" that Hamas will not forget their sacrifice for the "Palestinian struggle." The recent spate of terrorism was in fact set off by Hamas, as the first large-profile attack was conducted by a Hamas cell based in Shechem (Nablus), Samaria. That attack - the brutal gunning down of a young couple in front of their four children as they drove near Itamar in Samaria - came a day after Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas announced the abandonment of the 1994 Oslo Accords at the UN.

The Health Ministry Tuesday ordered hospitals across Israel to go on emergency footing for a potential national contingency of multiple casualties in the wake of the wave of Palestinian terror. Medical and auxiliary staff and supply centers were put on a state of preparedness. Hospitals in Jerusalem already face a rise in emergency admissions i the past month as a result of terrorist attacks.

The families of five killer-terrorists are to be notified Tuesday night that their homes are listed for demolition. They were given 48 hours to appeal the decision before Israel’s High Court. The order was cleared by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked. It was also decided by the cabinet to deploy IDF troops in Israeli cities to boost security and backup for the police. Partial shutdowns and curfew are to be imposed on Palestinian districts of Jerusalem, the residential areas of terrorists.  
An IDF vehicle came under sniper fire from the Gaza Strip Tuesday without causing casualties. The IDF acted to quell a Palestinian riot in the southern part of Gaza, under a hail of rocks and fire bombs and rowdy rallies in support of the Israeli Arabs general strike. Israel closed the Erez crossing until further notice.

Government must stop stammering and take immediate action to restore security, (and in that day they shall call for peace and security. 
  • Ezekiel 13:10 (KJV)

    Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered mortar:
    • 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV)

      For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

said opposition Zionist Union leader Yitzhak Herzog Tuesday, ahead of the cabinet security meeting called to approve stronger measures against the rising wave of terror. He proposed imposing a lockdown on Palestinian neighborhoods and flashpoints in Jerusalem, the large-scale deployment of soldiers and police; mobilizing army reserves, combating the incitement carried on the Internet, and the temporary closure of Temple Mount to all visitors. Herzog also advised the government to “think about regional and diplomatic steps for de-escalating the violence.”

Acting police commissioner Bentzi Sau told reporters Tuesday, after three Israeli deaths from terrorist attacks that morning, that the security cabinet is meeting in urgent session at noon to approve tough new measures consistent with the terrorist violence escalating day by day across the country, with Jerusalem its focus. He declined to elaborate. Police spokesmen admitted for the first time that the latest two attacks in Jerusalem were organized and coordinated – finally abandoning the “lone wolf” theory.

The IDF fired missiles at two Syrian army positions across the border after a Syrian mortar shell landed and exploded on the Golan. No Israeli casualties reported.

Route No. 1 and Route No. 443 leading to Jerusalem were reopened on Tuesday afternoon after they were closed in the morning due to concern that terrorists would use them to drive to the city and carry out attacks. Traffic entering the city is being slowed by a roadblock set up by police..

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