Monday, April 20, 2015

Why The Luciferians Want To Go To Mars

Image result for SpaceX

Years ago, when Elon Musk announced he was going to launch the first privately funded liquid fuel rocket into orbit, I figured he might be able do this a daunting but not impossible task. But he did have a bit of a leg up: He’d been pouring money into SpaceX, a personal fortune made from running earlier companies like PayPal and (and now SolarCity and Tesla).
You have to admit that Musk has an impressive resume. He has proven that he is brilliant when it comes to running a private company. So, why is he pouring hundreds of millions of his own money to build a rocket to Mars? The answer may surprise you.
I know Mars is a long-term goal for SpaceX because some people want to retire on Mars. Retire on Mars? Why would anyone want to retire on this most inhospitable planet? Why, the most advanced and most expensive human machine designed to make human existence possible on Mars cannot compare to the most average, boring ocean sand beach on Earth! Musk's answer is both revealing and telling.
Musk didnt hesitate. 'Humans need to be a multi-planet species', he replied.
What can this statement mean?
"... a single global catastrophe could wipe us out. Space travel is a means to mitigate that, and setting up colonies elsewhere is a good bet. As Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (the father of modern rocketry) said, “The Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot live in the cradle forever”.
In the late 1980's the Luciferians began panicking about the continued availability of crude oil and other resources needed to sustain an Earthly lifestyle. The Luciferian leadership seems to be panicking over the dreadful volume of oil and oil products which our current industrial civilization is consuming. These global leaders truly believed that the supply of oil on the Earth is limited. In other words, every barrel of oil consumed today takes away from the supply of oil in the future.
Image result for The Illuminati

These leaders did not want to finally gain control over the world -- after planning for it since 1773 -- only to discover that only about 100-200 years of energy supply remained. The largest single motivation behind the NASA space program was to discover another Earth-like planet to which the Luciferians and their families could escape before the Earth ran out of oil and other commodities necessary for life.
Therefore, space exploration was originally envisioned to find other planets on which humans could survive before Earth runs out of all the raw materials needed to continue mankind's existence as a species.
Furthermore, Musk might believe the propaganda of former Vice President Al Gore, when he preaches the lie of Global Warming. Many times people begin to believe the lie they have been telling others. Perhaps Musk believes the lie of climate change ruining mother Earth.
There are five global catastrophes which the Luciferians  shout loudly as great dangers to humanity.
These five created disasters are:
1) Global Warming / Cooling / Climate Change
2) Global Terrorism
3) Global War
4) Global Economic Disaster
5) Global Virus Pandemic
And, every one of these disasters could possibly, in the mind of Luciferians, ruin life on Earth as we know it.
If these very Luciferians could just believe and depend upon God's promises to sustain Earth so that His Son, Jesus Christ, could come back to put all His enemies under His feet, to rescue Israel, and to rule for 1,000 years, they would not be panicking today over some imagined global catastrophe!

Truly, it is sweet to trust in Jesus and to take Him at His Word!

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