Friday, April 17, 2015

Netanyahu Talks About Peace and Safety

Commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invoked messages of the Holocaust and biblical prophecy as a warning directed towards the expansionist and violent actions of the Iranian regime. Here is what Netanyahu said,
“Seventy years ago, the bells of freedom rang in the free world. The horrific nightmare that had engulfed all humanity in the depths of blood had come to an end in Europe ... Leaders of modern countries realized that it was a propitious time to establish a new world order based on defending liberty, eradicating evil and opposing oppression."
I find it highly interesting that Prime Minister Netanyahu stated two facts about the New World Order:
1) This new Order began after World War II.
2) The basis upon which this New World Order was established was the peace and safety created upon the ruins of World War II.
Our Bible says something very interesting about declaring "peace and safety", does it not?
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." (2 Thessalonians 5:3)
In other words, sometime after people begin declaring that the world has entered into an era of "peace and safety", world events will come crashing hard down around them. Indeed, the whole body of New Age writings declare that the New World Order will be produced by the "peace and safety" which the New Age Christ (Antichrist) will bring upon the world scene.
The Prime Minister continues to invoke the warnings of the Prophet Isaiah.
Quoting the Prophet Isaiah, the prime minister evoked a message of warning from God “as the civilized world is lulled into a slumber on a bed of illusions' ... For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples' said the Prophet Isaiah. The determination and lessons that were acquired in blood seventy years ago are now dissipating, and the darkness and fog of denying reality are taking their place', Netanyahu warned."
The clear-headed thinking that was forced upon the world by the shattering and bloody events of Nazi Germany is now being replaced by fuzzy wishful thinking concerning the true intentions of certain current leaders.
Whereas the key leader of the World War II genocide was Germany's Adolf Hitler, the key leader today is Iran's Ayatollah.
Both leaders were concerned about Israel's demise and the annihilation of her citizens. Leaders of the Free World must wake up, the Prime Minister warns, to realize that Iran is as much a threat to Israel as Hitler proved to be in World War II.
Netanyahu continues, quoting Isaiah again.
"With a message of hope, Netanyahu ended his speech by invoking the message of Isaiah 52:2, 'Shake thyself from the dust; put on thy beautiful garments my people'.

The very existence of tiny Israel, in the daily struggle against a vast array of enemies, is a testimony to God's Omnipotent power and His eternal promises. Netanyahu concludes: “The nation of eternity has shaken itself from the dust, returned home, stood tall, established an outstanding country and an outstanding army, the Israel Defense Force, in which our brave and courageous sons and daughters serve, he stated. We will remember those who were murdered, we will guarantee life.”

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