Thursday, March 12, 2015

God's Prophecy Concerning Elam, A Region of Iran

In approximately 596BC Jeremiah (49:34-39) wrote a prophecy concerning the destruction of Elam in the “latter days”. Elam is a region in Iran that is isolated by the Zagros mountains and the Bushehr nuclear facility is located in Elam.

Interestingly, Ezekiel’s 38 prophecies are written about Persia, not Elam. Essentially, Elam is a region of Persia or modern day Iran.

Below are the nine prophecies concerning Elam from Jeremiah 49:34-39.
1. God will break the bow (missiles are like arrows in a bow) of Elam, the mainstay of their might.
2. God will bring the 4 winds from the 4 quarters of heaven against Elam.
3. Elam’s population will be scattered to the four winds (worldwide).
4.  God will shatter Elam before their enemies and before those who seek their lives.
5. God’s fierce anger will bring disaster upon the people in Elam.
6.  God will pursue them with His sword until they are consumed.
7. God will set His throne in Elam v38 (a seat of authority perhaps one of Yeshua’s palaces).
8. God will destroy Elam’s king and her princes.
9. God will restore the fortunes of Elam in the future.

Elam was the grandson of Noah and the Elamites were war like and expert archers.

It is important to note that the region where Bushehr is located in Elam is  active earthquake country and it sits on a tectonic plate.

That 2/3 of the world’s desalinization plants are in Persian Gulf, hence an earthquake would severely affect the region’s water. Finally, large numbers of Iranians are coming to Yeshua. There has been a 19% growth rate in Christianity in Iran. Is this the Lord’s last great harvest in Iran?
It seems to me that reading Jeremiah's prophecy that some sort of nuclear catastrophe awaits Elam. 

Remember what God says about His chosen people the Jews: "I will bless them that bless my people and curse them that curse my people." 

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