Friday, March 13, 2015

Are We In A New Technological Era?

Why hasn’t Saudi Arabia cut oil production to shore up the price of oil? Huge reserves, as the Kingdom has long realized, are of little use if no one wants to buy your oil.
Is it possible that upcoming high technology is going to end our seemingly insatiable demand for oil and oil products.  Is the oil age coming to an end?
Saudi Arabia's long-serving energy minister Sheikh Yamani predicted the demand for oil would run out long before reserves were exhausted. He memorably remarked that 'the Stone Age did not end for lack of stone'. Change was driven by the development of bronze, a much better material.
The days when oil will be replaced by a much better energy source are coming closer. As early as 2030, it is likely that no one will be building new power stations which use fossil fuels. By 2040, electric cars may have replaced those driven by petrol or diesel. By 2060, even shipping might be powered by solar energy.
Private industry had better be ready and able to slip production into the new technology, or the numbers of unemployment will reach so high that the economy will collapse and no one will be able to buy the fancy new technological machines. 
The Luciferians have expressed a sensitivity to keeping the employment steady and high, so as to not aggravate the working masses. 
Image result for alice bailey lucis trust
Alice Bailey wrote in her book"The Externalisation of the Hierarchy"; channeled through Bailey by the demonic spirit, "Master D.K.", p. 191, 208-209 that the Luciferians believe in the preparatory period for the new world order and there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organize any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe upon the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to gradually see to the disarming of the nations. The great need will be for slow action, leaving time for the needed healing process and adjustment before the final peace terms are settled by the nations. Nations will have to shift from a war footing to settled peace activities. Disarmament must go forward as an initial move, but in such a manner that the question of unemployment is not unduly aggravated. The 'turning the cannon into plowshares' must be carried out with judgment, and only wide international planning can take care of this stupendous process. 
Therefore, in the preparatory period when electric and hydrogen vehicles replace gas burning vehicles and when alternate forms of energy widely replace the oil-burning we are using today, the Illuminati will ensure that a wide variety of new jobs will be available to keep the masses satisfied, until the Masonic antichrist) arrives on the world scene. The Luciferians are convinced that Western peoples must feel prosperous right up until the beginning of the "Final Birth Pangs" war. Former Satanist, Doc Marquis, said that the Illuminati was so determined to maintain a feeling of prosperity right up to the end that they would maintain the economy by demonic witchcraft, if necessary.

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