Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Persecuted For Yeshua

While Middle East Muslim leaders were gathered at UN Headquarters in New York late last month to lambast Israel, a local Christian cleric was addressing a different UN forum - the Human Rights Committee in Geneva - to set the record straight on freedom for minorities in the Jewish state.
“Every five minutes, a Christian is killed in the Middle East because of his faith”, noted Father Gabriel Naddaf before a largely unsympathetic audience.
But Father Naddaf, who had been invited to speak by 'The Face of Israel' organization, was not deterred, declaring boldly that “Israel is the only place in the Middle East where Christians are safe.”
As the specter of genocide stretches across Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Africa, at the bloody hands of Islamic radicals, you must realize that we are witnessing a modern day repeat of the massive slaughter of Christians over 1,000 years ago.
The results of this slaughter and of the mass exodus of Christians from these areas resulted in a nearly 100% population of Muslims. ISIS fighters have every intention of repeating this kind of slaughter today!

Today, Christians in this part of the world are being persecuted and killed, just as Christians were tortured and murdered in the Communist era. 

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