Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Events Surrounding The 2nd Blood Moon

We just had the second Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 tetrad and look at the events below that are occurring: It seems a lot of events are coming to a climax. These events just scratch the surface for the month of October - only 8 days on and counting. Also we just began the year long Shemittah, we are in deep doo doo!

-      Turkey, Gomer in the Bible, is getting drawn into the conflict with ISIS

- The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a Tuesday night explosion at the French Cultural Center in Gaza City, according to an unverified proclamation published Wednesday morning in the Strip.

- The UN Security Council has been told that Syria has revealed for the first time the existence of four more chemical weapons facilities. Three of the sites are for research and another is for production. Correspondents say the announcement heightens concerns that the Syrian government has not been fully open about its chemical weapons program.

- Kobani - nuff said

- Ebola - Burial teams in Sierra Leone reportedly went on strike over lack of hazard pay this week, leaving the bodies of victims of the Ebola outbreak in the country's streets.  Health officials scrambled Tuesday to figure out how West Africa's Ebola outbreak got past Europe's defenses, quarantining four people at a Madrid hospital where a Spanish nursing assistant became infected. Determined to contain the spread of the deadly virus, they even announced plans to euthanize the woman's pet dog.
- An Obama administration official traveled to Oklahoma City Saturday to offer words of praise to congregants at the mosque attended by Alton Nolen, the recent Muslim convert who beheaded a co-worker last month - ????
- The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union

- A second day of weak German data sent European markets into retreat on Tuesday with stocks, the euro and periphery euro zone government debt all knocked by the mounting evidence of an abrupt slowdown in the bloc's economic engine room.  Following the grim market response to European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s latest monetary policy pronouncements, Europe is approaching another make-or-break moment comparable to the crisis of 2012. The summer quarter ended this week, and financial markets delivered their judgment on just how bad things are, pushing the euro down to its lowest level since September 2012.

- A new trough in euro zone inflation pushed the euro to a two-year low on Tuesday, leaving the dollar on course for its biggest quarterly gain in six years and world stocks facing their largest drop since the peak of the euro crisis.  

- Two workers were killed in an explosion that took place at a military explosives factory southeast of Tehran, near the suspected nuclear reactor in Parchin, IRNA, the official Iranian news agency, reported Monday

- The US Supreme Court has rejected appeals against gay marriage in five states - Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia and Wisconsin. The move increases the number of states where same-sex marriage is legal to 30, plus the District of Columbia. By declining to hear the appeals, the court left intact lower court rulings that had struck down those state bans

- Kiev and Nato have urged Moscow to do more to help establish a genuine ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, where fighting is still raging around Donetsk airport and shelling and shooting continue to kill and injure civilians

- The White House rejected criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a withering response on Monday, accusing him of refusing to acknowledge how much help the United States has been to Israel over the years.  Writing in his weekly Hebrew column for Arutz Sheva, Sheftel wrote "Obama doesn't want a nuclear Iran, but he wants an Iran that can enrich uranium and threaten Israel - it's one of the most hostile regimes for Israel that wants Iran to threaten us, because today we have no more bitter enemy in the western world than the United States."  

- A document published by Galei Tzahal (IDF Radio) on Monday morning reveals that the Tourism Ministry is considering opening the Cotton Merchant's Gate to the Temple Mount for Jewish visitors and tourists

- The Temple Institute’s crowd funding campaign to raise funds for the modern architectural plans for the Third Holy Temple in Jerusalem came to a close on Rosh Hashanah after surpassing its $100,000 goal in 60 days. The initiative began on the first day of the month of Av, when Jews commemorate the destruction of the ancient Holy Temples. Almost 900 pledges have come in from more than 30 countries worldwide.  

- Target has released a new promotional advertisement that features two lesbian women who are preparing a room for the arrival of a child. “We want our child to know that anything is possible, and that there’s also nothing wrong with and everything right with pursuing knowledge and learning about the world

- A man has died in Uganda's capital after an outbreak of Marburg, a highly infectious hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola, authorities said..a total of 80 people who came into contact with him had been put under quarantine

- Up to today, throughout the Fertile Crescent, despite the many wars in the region, one could find communities that bore witness to the extraordinary antiquity of the areas religious traditions. Until the arrival of the Islamic State. Like the Jews, who fled decades ago, Christians are now also all gone. A year ago there were 60,000 Christians in Mosul. Today there is only a handful

- Out of sight for a month, young Kim Jong-Un is supposedly ill. But rumors are swirling he’s been deposed—and North Korea’s second most powerful man now feels confident enough to travel South. North and South Korea have agreed to resume formal high-level talks that had effectively been suspended since February, reports from South Korea say. The agreement came during a surprise visit to South Korea by North Korean officials for the closing ceremony of the Asian Games. The visit was led by two top-ranking North Korean officials seen as close aides to leader Kim Jong-un.    

- A New Jersey boy who went to bed last month in seemingly good health and died in his sleep is the first fatality linked directly to a strain of enterovirus that has infected more than 500 people, a local medical official said on Sunday.  The number of children treated in Colorado for limb weakness or paralysis-like symptoms after coming down with a respiratory virus has risen to 11, a hospital official said on Friday. Melissa Vizcarra, spokeswoman for Children's Hospital Colorado, said the child in the latest case is suffering from muscle weakness but tests have not conclusively linked it to a nationwide outbreak of Enterovirus D68.

- Earthquakes/Volcanoes coming alive everywhere - check.  Around 25,000 earthquakes have registered on Icelandic Met Office’s equipment since August 29. The eruption is one of the largest in the world. All in all 39 quakes over 5.0 have been recorded, most of them in the rim of the Bárðarbunga crater.

- Images of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appearing frail and in bed have raised questions about the seriousness of his condition, and who might eventually succeed him. In early September, Khamenei made a surprise announcement that he was having surgery and asked people to pray for his health. What followed was unprecedented in the 35-year history of the Islamic Republic.  

- Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he has signed a treaty ratifying the Eurasian Economic Union, and is set to begin a new era of trade done primarily outside the dollar, and in national currencies such as the Yuan and Euro. This Union already has the support of several BRICS nations, as well as associate countries, and will help facilitate trade being done in a much smoother and easier way than what is currently used through SWIFT or other Western banking processes.  

- Sweden will become the first major European nation to recognize Palestinian statehood, newly sworn-in Prime Minister Stefan Lofven announced Friday

- Turkey's parliament gave the government new powers Thursday to launch military incursions into Syria and Iraq, and to allow foreign forces to use its territory for possible operations against the Islamic State group

- The American Freedom Defense Initiative, which is headed by blogger Pam Geller and is known for its aggressive critiques of Islam, sought to post an ad that included the quote “Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah.” Geller says the quote is from Hamas-affiliated TV and exposes the organization’s true agenda

- Speaking at an event in London to mark the end of a John Lewis competition for start-up companies, Mr Street said: "I have never been to a country more ill at ease... nothing works and worse, nobody cares about it." Mr Street described the country as being "in decline" and said: "If you've got investments in French business, get them out quickly."  France has put itself on a collision course with its EU partners after rejecting calls for it to adopt further austerity measures to bring its budget deficit in line with EU rules. ...President Francois Hollande's government said that “no further effort will be demanded of the French, because the government — while taking the fiscal responsibility needed to put the country on the right track — rejects austerity.”  

- For the first time, Russia, which is in the midst of a major strategic nuclear modernization, has more deployed nuclear warheads than the United States, according to the latest numbers released by the State Department.  

- Russia has cut gas deliveries to Slovakia by half in a bad sign for EU efforts to broker a deal on Ukraine. Prime minister Robert Fico told press...that the drop came without any warning. He said his national distributor...can still "fulfill its commitments" on “reverse flow” to Ukraine and supply customers in Slovakia and the Czech Republic by buying extra volumes on the spot market.

- The Russian economy is thought to be on the verge of a recession and the ruble has dropped in value to a record low, falling in value by thirty percent since Putin became President. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) originally forecast economic growth of 3.9 percent in Russia in 2013, but in actuality the Russian economy only increased by 1.3 percent. Global investors pulled about $850 million out of the country in 2014 and already 2015 is expected to be worse.  

- Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz says she wants a greater military presence in Poland in light of events in Ukraine. The comment came as the US announced it is deploying 700 soldiers and 20 ‘Ironhorse’ tanks across the three Baltic States and Poland.  
- Islamic State insurgents in Iraq have carried out mass executions, abducted women and girls as sex slaves, and used child soldiers in what may amount to systematic war crimes that demand prosecution, the United Nations said on Thursday.
- The number of dengue fever cases in Guangdong has increased to 13,449 as of Sept. 30, a figure 19.38 times higher than the same period last year. Even one of the province's vice governors has contracted the virus, reports our Chinese-language sister paper Want Daily

- The Palestinians have drafted a United Nations resolution calling on Israel to withdraw from the West Bank and East Jerusalem by November 2016 as part of a new push for independence and full U.N. recognition

- Troops in northern Somalia have battled al-Shabab Islamist militants for the Galgala mountains, with both sides claiming to have won. The fighters have been holding the northern mountains for several years. An al-Shabab spokesman told the BBC that after a heavy battle they still controlled the territory in Puntland

- On Sept. 30, statistician and economist Dr. Jim Willie was a guest on the Caravan to Midnight radio show to talk about current financial, economic, and geo-political events. During his three hour interview, Dr. Willie stated that one of the purposes behind China's creation of the new Shanghai gold exchange is to eventually take over global price controls for the monetary metal away from the Comex, and then force a global currency reset by raising the price of gold to its true or actual value.

- Protesters camped out in Hong Kong for a fifth consecutive day are threatening to expand their campaign of civil disobedience if the territory's chief executive does not meet their demand for democratic reforms.

- Islamic beheadings are making their way to the West. Recently an elderly woman in Britain was savagely decapitated by a Muslim inspired by the ISIS beheadings of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and now a woman in Oklahoma has been beheaded by a Muslim coworker.

- When Iranian nuclear physicist Ardeshir Hosseinpour was murdered in 2007, Israel was the main suspect. Now, his sister claims he was murdered by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) because he would not cooperate with its efforts to divert nuclear work from peaceful purposes to building an atomic bomb, reports the Canadian National Post's Media Line.  

- A mosquito-borne virus that can cause debilitating joint pain lasting for years has spread to the continental U.S. after infecting hundreds of thousands of people in the Caribbean and Central America. The virus is called Chikungunya

- Abba Eban, Israel’s legendary representative to the United Nations, once famously remarked that “the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas proved Eban’s point Friday, in an incendiary speech to the UN General Assembly in which he accused Israel of “a new war of genocide” against the Palestinian people.  

- The Government Accountability Institute, an investigative research organization, said the president went to only 42.1 percent of his intelligence meetings, known as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB, in the 2,079 days of his presidency through Monday

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