Friday, August 29, 2014

"Operation Zero Footprint", America's Dirty Work In Libya

the logo of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

It looks like the evil axis is the U.S., Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. I would throw in Saudi Arabia into the mix also.    

I know some of the "good" people involved in Libyan situation and their loyalty to our country and their integrity is impeccable.

Libya's Qaddafi threatened the fiat U.S. currency by establishing an African gold currency........Qaddafi, a U.S. ally, hence had to go. 

I would speculate that our Libyan ambassador was deliberately put in harm's way because he knew too much about U.S. arms transfers to al Qaeda and Libyan Islamic Fighting Group terrorists.

I can only conclude, and this is just my personal opinion that H. Clinton and John Mccain are either traitors or abject fools for their Libyan involvement.

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