Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hamas, Hamas

My good friend, Roger, wrote this poem

Hamas, Hamas – Why must you cry?
Hamas, Hamas – Why must you make so many die?
Hamas, Hamas – Did I not give Ishmael his land?
Hamas, Hamas – Will I not cause Jacob to stand?
Hamas, Hamas – Why don’t you stay within the borders?
Hamas, Hamas – Why must you act--- AS THE EARTH HOARDERS?!?!?  !!!!!!!!!
Hamas, Hamas – I am the King
  When will you learn to listen - as I sing?

Hamas, Hamas – You know the story of Abraham’s song,
  You know the story will live life long

Hamas, Hamas – If you will not bow and bend,
              You will find out ---WHERE I WILL SEND!!!

Hamas, Hamas – Accept my Son the Risen One,
 Or there is no hope for you - and you’ll be done!!!

Hamas, Hamas – Into the fires of Hell, you’ll not be heavenly bound,
  Jezebel is the liar, this is her sound.

Hamas, Hamas – I call you to repent,
 Change your allegiance to the Son I sent.

I am the Father, you are to follow me,
Your religion blinds all you see.

My son died on the cross to remove your sin,
This is the greatest blessing – please begin.

Time is growing short - as things come to a head,
You want to make sure - you’re being Holy Spirit lead.

The devil is a seducer of all who don’t see,
 Please open your heart to JESUS OF NAZARETH AND BE FREE!!!!!!!!

Free from the lies of the witchcraft beat,
 I desire all I love to reign with me – A Holy seat.

I’m coming soon please listen to me,
Don’t be deceived - I’ll help you see.

 I dare you to call on the name of my son,
 And you will find out who has won.

 I am the Father calling you,
 You must repent of this vicious zoo!

 This religious kingdom is not mine,
  I am the creator, in charge of time!

 I’m coming soon - please REPENT to the Holy One - the One I sent!
 The King of kings will rule and reign - in the land of Jerusalem – My domain.

 With a wooing heart - I am calling you,
 Hamas, Hamas – What will you do?

Jesus of Nazareth is calling you,
To a live a life that’s true blue.

Allah, Allah -    Cannot save you!!!!!!!
 Pray to Jesus – The One that’s true!!!

 Look at the cross where Yeshua invested all,
 This is the truth - this is the call.

Hamas, Hamas – Come out of her,
  Jezebel’s lies are quicksand for sure!

  Come to Jesus my Holy Son,
  Come Hamas and stand with the Risen One!!!
             I AM the Creator – warning you,
  Unite in my love – this is true.

  Humble your hearts unto My Throne,
  You will find a Holy Home.

  Welcome, welcome – into the family,
              We’re so happy you now can see.

                  I AM the Creator of the Universe
I AM the Great I AM
I AM the One who sent Moses to warn Pharaoh
I drowned the Egyptians in the Red Sea for not listening!!!
Listen to me – Allah can’t save you!!!
I AM Yahweh - -accept my son and live forever in my Kingdom!!!!

Romans 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of JESUS shall be saved.

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