Friday, June 27, 2014

Videos of the Day 27 June 14

If you believe Yeshua/Jesus Christ is coming back and if you believe the Bible is the word of God then the Pope Francis considers YOU a fundamentalist terrorist! Watch the excellent forerunner video below.

Friends, I thank my God that he blessed me and I live in the U.S. It is hard to break centuries old customs where people eat wild game meats. Liberia is not a sanitary place to live and places like it in Africa are a breeding ground for Ebola. West Africa is currently undergoing the worst outbreak of Ebola to date. The video makes an interesting reference to the development of the HIV virus at a research facility in Liberia years ago.

This is a scary update from Fukushima. The Japanese are constructing an ice wall (ice mixed with soil) that is already failing because the ice melts from the heat. Radioactivity is leaking into the Pacific Ocean. Further, the fuel rods are sinking into the earth and in one year it is predicted the fuel rods from reactors 1,2, and 3 will have sunk 100 feet! How we lookin not good!

  Friends, here is what is important about Iraq: 1. Our government, along with Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the Persian Gulf states financed, facilitated and trained the ISIS thugs in Turkey and Jordan to overthrow Assad in Syria. It is a classic Illuminati case a. create a crisis b. respond to the crisis and c. provide a solution. It is thesis, anti-thesis = synthesis. The Illuminati uses this model over and over. Now the U.S. has thrown another so-called ally in Baghdad, Iraq un der the bus. Do you really think the Israelis can trust us to bring a peace agreement that we not undermine their ultimate security? If South Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt are the model then if I was Netanyahu I would not trust the U.S.

My ole buddy Muqtada al Sadr is back in the news.

Are you serious? Paul gives us an excellent update on earthquakes in Oklahoma.

Coming "out" as a Christian

The homosexual agenda and the linkage to disasters in the U.S.

Arizona hearing on chemtrails

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