Thursday, June 26, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message 26 June 14

The LORD said to Moses, “Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.” — Numbers 21:8
Not many people like snakes. They are creepy and many are poisonous. These dangerous creatures are prevalent in the desert, so it’s not a surprise that in this week’s reading, snakes are present and hurt the children of Israel. What is surprising is that for the first 39 years the Israelites were in the desert, not one snake was to be seen.
The Sages teach that God had provided special protection so that the Israelites would not be disturbed by the desert snakes. But after they complained about the “food service” in the desert, saying “There is no bread! There is no water! And we detest this miserable food!”(v.5), God decided to teach them a lesson. They didn’t like the way He was taking care of them, so God decided to let them see how well things worked out without Him. God removed His divine protection, and the snakes did what they would normally do. As soon as the people were bitten and began to die, the Israelites learned their lesson.
Next, God healed them, because God always prefers life to death and healing over illness. However, His healing came about in a most unusual way. God commanded Moses to create a copper snake on a pole to be raised up high. Those who gazed at it would be healed.
However, when you think about it, it’s a little bit confusing. The very thing that caused the pain and illness is the same thing that would bring the healing?
The Sages teach that it’s not the snake that brought healing, but God. The snake was raised high so that the people would look beyond it and see the heavens. Not everyone was healed from glancing at the snake – only those who really looked at it and understood that it wasn’t the snake that poisons, but sin, and that it’s not the snake that heals, but God.
On our journey through life, we are bound to encounter our share of snakes on our path. Sometimes, we are even bitten. It could be an illness, a lawsuit, or a betrayal by a loved one. However, we need to see beyond the people and circumstances that are causing us pain and see God. In Judaism, we have a slogan: “There is nothing but Him.” If we can find Him in our problems and come close to Him and repent, He will bring about our salvation.
Friends, remember that the thing that brings you down can be the very thing that raises you up. Seek God in all your challenges, and you will emerge from them stronger, better, and closer to God.

Perfect, if you hate Christians

On May 5, city politicians in Nanaimo, British Columbia, voted 8 to 1 to ban a conference that was scheduled for their city’s convention centre just four days later. City councilors condemned one of the event ’s sponsors as “hateful,” mentioned it in the same breath as the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram, and said the decision to ban the event from public property was no different than if they had voted to ban an organized crime ring, too.

Sounds awful. Who was coming to town – the Hells Angels? The conference itself was based in Atlanta, Georgia, but plenty of people in Nanaimo were paying $60 to watch a pay-per-view simulcast of it in Nanaimo. The event, which took place May 8  and was streamed to 800 cities in North America, is aimed at providing thought-provoking speakers who can help build up a generation of viable leaders; the conference does not explicitly address controversial subjects like homosexuality. So who were these undesirable people?

Actually, Nanaimo councilors didn’t know very much about the conference themselves, calling it by different names throughout their meeting. They weren’t quite sure who was speaking at it either, or what they were speaking about, and they had to be corrected by city staff. And they didn’t invite any conference organizers to answer their allegations – or even give them any notice before ripping up the business contract signed with them by the convention centre.

But what the councilors lacked in knowledge, they made up for in vitriol. You can see for yourself. Nanaimo is a small city of just 80,000 people, but the politicians there think highly enough of themselves and their deep thoughts that they actually televise their council meetings. Their 20-minute tirade against the conference can be viewed online, at

Fred Pattje, the councilor who introduced the motion, said that one of the many sponsors of the conference was an American fast-food restaurant named Chick-Fil-A. Several years ago, the founder of Chick-Fil-A had said he opposed changing U.S. law to permit same-sex marriage. Until a year ago, that was Barack Obama’s opinion, too. But to Pattje and fellow councilors, the fact that an executive affiliated with a fast food company was one of a dozen sponsors of a world-wide leadership event, being simulcast from the city’s convention centre, was intolerable. Even if some of the councilors couldn’t quite pronounce the name Chick-Fil-A either.

The problem, as councillor Jim Kipp said so succinctly, was that Chick-Fil-A has funded “a very strong unbelievable Christian belief” of being against same sex marriage, before referring to terrorists.

It was shocking bigotry. Councilors took turns defaming the convention, Chick-Fil-A, one of its speakers, its organizers and those in it – all without the burden of facts. They falsely accused one conference speaker of being anti-gay – even though city staff reminded councilors that the conference wasn’t about homosexuality at all. It was about leadership in business. One councillor – Bill McKay, the lone voice against the ban – pointed out that former First Lady Laura Bush would be speaking, and Nobel Prize laureate and former anti-Apartheid crusader Desmond Tutu also.

In the end, the motion passed over McKay’s sole objection. The motion instructed the convention centre that “any events that are associated with organizations or people that promote or have a history of divisiveness, homophobia, or other expressions of hate not be permitted and as such, advise the VICC not to permit in a City owned facility, the upcoming Leadercast event.”

One councilor, Bill Bestwick, actually suggested that city hall turn off the power and blackout the simulcast when a particularly objectionable speaker was scheduled to speak. Bestwick was very excited about his role as self-appointed censor.

Banning divisive people, and expressions of hate, eh? Sounds like the council was describing itself.
According to the Nanaimo Daily News, three pastors who came as a part of the Nanaimo Evangelical Fellowship, a coalition of churches, asked officials for an apology and for an affirmation that people of any and all faiths can use the conference center, citing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the basis of the request.

Faith leaders expressed shock over the event’s cancellation at a June 16 council meeting, with Pastor Darcy Siggelkow of Generations Church calling both the cancellation and the councillors debate over the issue “immensely concerning.”

“I’m not asking you to agree with or accept my opinions and beliefs … but my rights to have those beliefs,” he said

ISIS uses same strategy as 8th-century Muslim conquerors.
By Joseph Farah
It’s called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.
It is a jihadist movement and army unprecedented in size, wealth and power not seen since Islam swept through the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, part of Europe and Asia in the eighth century.
It bears many of the same characteristics as that eighth-century force – perhaps because it is modeled after it in its style of warfare and its goals.
What am I saying?
Do I expect to see ISIS conquer the Middle East, North Africa, part of Europe and Asia in the 21st century?
No, I don’t. But I do expect to see enormous carnage and destruction and bloodshed as a result of this movement – far more, perhaps, than most other analysts project.

There is a ferocity to ISIS that makes even al-Qaida uncomfortable. It has already captured more wealth and armaments, including chemical weapons, than all but a handful of countries in the world possess. (By the way, have you asked yourself why the U.S. did not destroy Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons depots when capture of them was the major objective of the invasion in the first place?)
I think ISIS is being underestimated by nearly everyone.
I’m particularly concerned with the timing of its rise. It coincides with Barack Obama’s decision to order the U.S. Border Patrol to stand down, opening America’s southern boundary to anyone and everyone – from drug dealers to criminals to children to terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction. If Obama were working in conjunction with ISIS, he could not possibly have made their promise to “see you in New York” more chilling.
Brutality difficult for Westerners to even imagine is the modus operandi of ISIS. It calls for a scorched-earth policy against its enemies – which includes Christians, Shiites, Alawites, Jews, non-believers and all non-Sunnis. ISIS leadership advocates and practices barbarism designed to strike fear into the hearts and minds of its opponents and anyone who doesn’t stand with them in their strict Shariah Sunni code. Already the ISIS marauders have crucified victims, beheaded them and conducted mass executions of Iraqi soldiers and civilians. No atrocity is beneath them.
It’s part of the strategy, the central part of the strategy, they pray will deliver to them the entire Levant. What is the Levant? It’s big area, if ill-defined. But it usually includes the following: the Eastern Mediterranean Anatolia and Egypt – meaning the island of Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and part of southern Turkey. In other words, it includes crossroads of western Asia, the eastern Mediterranean and northeast Africa.
Does that sound strikingly similar to the Islamic conquest of the eighth century? If so, it is not coincidental. It’s the same vision – the same tactics, the same strategy followed by Muhammad’s followers.
The speed of conquest by the Islamic crusade of the eighth century was nearly unprecedented in its time, possibly equaled only by the rapidity of the conquests of Alexander the Great.
The success of campaigns like that requires that superior forces faint in fear of the coming hordes. You can see it’s working already in Iraq.
Where was the air power when those caravans of armed trucks were streaming down desert roads? I keep asking myself that question. Does the Iraqi army not know how to fly its planes and helicopters? Do they not have eyes in the sky? Could they not see these armies coming? Did the U.S. leave them ill-equipped and outgunned? If so, what was our sacrifice all about?
And where have Iran’s vaunted military forces been? Were they caught unawares, too? What about now? Are they, also, quaking in fear of the black flag army?
It would be a catastrophic mistake to under-estimate this force. It’s not just men and material. There is a spiritual component to it. ISIS is comprised of true believers – men who are in a frenzy to conquer or die trying.

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist.

Tony Palmer and Kenneth Copeland sit next to the False Prophet

The apostate Charismatics will be the first to fall

"That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past." Ecclesiastes 3:15

Back in March, I reported to you how Roman Catholic priest Tony Palmer gave a rousing call to Kenneth Copeland's church to "return to Mother Rome". He was met with a hero's welcome by a very enthusiastic congregation. And just in case you thought that it was a "one off" meeting, you would be sadly mistaken.

On June 24th in Vatican City, Rome, who was sitting around the table?  Why, it looks like charismatic leader Kenneth Copeland, Roman Catholic priest Tony Palmer, and assorted others from the Charismatic movement in Toronto breaking bread with the False Prophet from the book of Revelation, Pope Francis. And just in case you forgot Tony Palmer's original message, here is a refresher for you:
At their  meeting today in Rome, they discussed among other things, the coming alliance of the Roman Catholic church with the Charismatic apostates. This has already been in the works for quite some time, and they feel very confident of making the merger. Of course, at first, it will simply be a "let's focus on what we have in common" ruse whose mask will be dropped soon after the Charismatics have grown comfortable with the idea.
Absorbing the Charismatics and the Pentecostal movements will create the foundation the Vatican needs for their One World Religion. The Vatican's alliance with Islam has already been established with great success. Just like Rome used the army of Spain as muscle for the Spanish Inquisition during the dark ages, Rome is using the blood-thirsty Muslim terrorists of Islam to regain control in our day. We are watching Christians being exterminated in North Africa and the Middle East.
God says "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18:4
The Roman Catholic Church brags constantly that they have "never changed", and that is true. The Vatican that exists today is exactly the same demonic system that began the Spanish Inquisition to kill Christians back then. As Ecclesiastes says, that which has already been, is the thing that shall be.
Even so, come Lord Jesus...quickly.

Israeli warplanes and rockets struck nine targets in Syria early Monday in retaliation for a missile attack from Syria on Sunday that killed an Israeli teenager and wounded his father along the border in the Golan Heights. A spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces said Monday that Israel fired guided missiles from the ground and rockets from the air that hit sites in Syria, including a military command headquarters."
"The Israelis would not say where in Syria the targets were."
Biblically knowledgeable Christians will feel a check in their spirit at the news that Syria actually fired a missile into Israel, prompting a strong Israeli response, "guided missiles from the ground and rockets from the air".
With the nations around Israel burning with the fires of war, including Syria fighting for its life against Islamic militants, this volatile situation seems ripe for the destruction of Damascus as foretold in Isaiah 17:1: "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap."
Archeologists will tell you that Damascus is the longest continually occupied city in the world. This prophecy has never been fulfilled, but is awaiting fulfillment at this End of the Age. The stage seems set, the actors are in place, soon they will carry out their prophetic roles.
We must do what Jesus said believers at the End of the Age should do when they see prophesied events occurring:
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."(Luke 21:28)

Christian, look up, stand up, and jump with joy, for the events of the day prove that our Lord Jesus is soon to snatch His church from this dimension!

Isn't it fitting then that the threat posed to the Shi'ite government of Iraq should hand Obama the treaty of immunity, for which he and Bush ardently sought?
"Remember last week when President Obama said he planned to send up to 300 military advisers to Iraq? Well, the U.S. couldn't do it until the Iraqi government gave U.S. soldiers immunity from prosecution, through what's called a 'diplomatic note'. If those U.S. soldiers committed any crimes or had any legal troubles while advising Iraqis, the U.S. wanted to handle any prosecutions."
President Bush aggressively tried to get this diplomatic immunity from Iraq before he left office, but was rudely turned down. You see, the United States has committed egregious war crimes in its war against Iraq, starting in 2003. Usage of Depleted Uranium munitions has killed tens of thousands, a number to grow into tens of millions during the next ten years.
In fact, Iran has already urged the International Criminal Court to bring a sentence of War Crimes committed by Bush and his advisors.
A Pentagon official said "... Iraq has provided acceptable assurances on the issue of protections for these personnel via the exchange of diplomatic note. Specifically, Iraq has committed itself to providing protections for our personnel equivalent to those provided to personnel who were in country before the crisis."
In 2011, the U.S. plan to have thousands of U.S. military trainers in Iraq fell apart because there was no Status of Forces Agreement, which included the vital immunity from prosecution. So the U.S. just left. Now with Iraq under attack from ISIS, it's a different story."
Now that this American funded and trained militant group, ISIS, is now threatening to completely overthrow the existing Shi'ite government, Iraq is now willing to sign this immunity agreement! What a difference it makes when an angry bear has you by the throat and your only hope is the guy you so rudely refused to reach agreement!
The ISIS has accomplished a great service to Obama and Bush! No, I do not believe it coincidences, and neither should you!

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