Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lost Jews Make Aliyah To Israel

On Sunday, 4 May 2014, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) welcomed a group of 19 Ukrainian Jews it was assisting to make aliyah to Israel due to the on-going crisis in Ukraine. Arranged through the Jewish Agency, the group included five families and three single women who represent a portion of the significant increase in Ukrainian Jewish immigration to Israel due to the unrest and Anti-Semitism there in recent months.
Responding to an urgent request from the Jewish Agency, the ICEJ has been raising funds from Christians worldwide over recent weeks and has already collected enough donations to cover the flights to Israel for an initial 100 Ukrainian Jews. This is the first group of ICEJ-sponsored Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel from Ukraine since the crisis there escalated in February.
Daria Granovsky  said "I have been to Israel several times to study and visit with family and friends, but I knew it was time to come to stay. And I'm very happy to be here now because of the growing crisis in Ukraine," Daria is a Jewish single woman working on her marketing degree. "There has not been much violence yet where I live in Kiev, but the troubles are getting worse and worse every day and you could sense it was coming our way."
A Neo Nazi in Ukraine
Anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi groups were already on the rise in Ukraine even before the current political crisis erupted, and many Jews no longer feel safe there and are preparing to leave for Israel. The Jewish Agency reported recently that the number of Jews making aliyah from Ukraine has nearly doubled so far this year compared to 2013.
Over recent decades the ICEJ has assisted more than 115,000 Jews in making aliyah to Israel, including at least 42,000 Jews from Ukraine. Some of these earlier Ukrainian Jewish immigrants were courageously evacuated by volunteer Christians from conflict zones, such as during the fighting in the Transnistria region along the disputed border with Moldova in 1992.

"The unfolding crisis in Ukraine has meant an even more uncertain future for the Jewish community there.
The global elite told us what was coming with the January Super Bowl Trident commercial 

Friends, the major problem in the Ukraine is violence and unrest funded and promoted by international thugs like George Soros. Ukraine is being crippled by corrupt, crooked Ukrainians and their foreign agents like John McCain who are stealing Ukraine blind. The CIA and international gangsters are also funding Neo-Nazi militants and para-military groups.
The Nazis are back 
Why are Soros and other international economic gangsters undermining Ukraine? 
Ukrainians Nazis with their WW2 banner 
They want to drive the Ukrainian and Russian stock market down so that they can buy Ukrainian and Russian stocks, currency, oil, natural gas and natural resources for pennies on the dollar. This is exactly the same thing Rothschild did to the British stock market in the aftermath of the battle at Waterloo. Rothschild planted the lie that the Duke of Wellington lost at Waterloo. Panic ensued on the London stock market and He drove the market DOWN and bought huge amounts of stock thus driving the stock market up when the news hit London that Wellington actually won.
Always remember my saying: follow the money.

Also remember the global elite is in the process of forming ten kingdoms that will answer to the anti-christ. Ukraine sits in a precarious position between Europe and Russia. The global elite are creating unrest by trying to force Ukraine to be part of Europe. Ukraine is a perfect battlefield for them because the western part of Ukraine is composed of Poles and other European ethnic groups while eastern Ukraine and the Crimea are populated by Russian ethnic groups.

The global elite likes to promote division (Anti-Semitism) because they need a scape goat to blame the crisis on. Jews are always an easy target for a variety of historical and religious reasons.  

These evil people want a one world government, they want to create their grand New World Order where we will all be slaves to the billionaire banksters, Nazis and gangsters like Soros, Gates, Buffet and Turner. These worship at the altar of Satan. They want this world's money, power and sex and satan will give it to them in return to their loyalty to him and his plan for us. Remember, whatever satan offers ultimately ends with human beings dying. 

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