Tuesday, May 6, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message 9 May 2014

Is the Pope traveling to Jerusalem in May to announce that all the worlds' religions are one, and that he is the leader of that religion?
That is Satan’s and his allies, the Illuminati’s, plan.
Let us review the Plan:
At the proper moment in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should be combined into one. We know this because of people who have quit the House of Theosophy.  
Pope Francis is scheduled to make his first trip to the Holy Land from May 24-26. It is rare for a Roman Catholic Pope to visit Israel. Rai, the patriarch of the Maronite church will travel to Jerusalem next month to greet Pope Francis. The patriarch is the first head of his Lebanon-based denomination to visit since Israel's creation in 1948. Rai's visit is diplomatically noteworthy because Lebanon remains technically at war with Israel and bans its citizens from entering the Jewish state.
As I have written many times there is an unprecedented effort to create the final ten kingdoms that must precede and answer to the Antichrist. Could it be that it is now the time for the Pope to declare a one world religion and say he is the leader of the One World Religion?
King David's tomb
Now may be the time for the Pope to make this announcement, however, he wants to go to a place in Jerusalem under the control of the Vatican. Therefore, the news that Netanyahu asked the Rabbis to give David's Tomb to the Vatican is huge.  
A Knesset Member said Thursday that Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef told him that the Prime Minister's bureau contacted him and asked to grant halakhic permission for Israel to hand over the Tomb of David to the Vatican.
How can a Jewish leader hand over sovereignty of a revered Jewish historical site to the leader of one of the greatest anti-Semitic organizations on earth?
How could Prime Minister Netanyahu even contemplate giving control over a sacred piece of land to an organization that has been historically so anti-Jewish that they quietly supported Adolf Hitler in his genocide program and then established "Rat Lines" to carry many thousands of Nazi officials through Catholic churches to the south of Italy where they were whisked to safety overseas?
The Israeli MKs were unanimous in declaring that they intend to do everything within their power to forestall any attempt to hand over the Tomb to the Vatican. There are also reports that not just the Tomb, but the entire Mount Zion compound is up for transfer.
If the Catholic Church controlled all of Mount Zion, that would give the Vatican the territory within Israel which could be declared a combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector.

With each passing week more and more “End Times” prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes and we are in the midst of the tetrad. Remember blood moons are a warning to the nation of Israel and God warns both Jew and gentile not to give away his covenant land. The time of the fullness of the gentiles is being fulfilled. 

Friends, the prophetic signs are piling up showing that we are approaching the Rapture and the Beginning of the Great Tribulation. The "generation" that saw the budding of the fig tree (Israel, 14 May 1948)  will be 70 yrs old in 2018…..Jesus said this generation shall not pass away until these things occur. Below is a partial list of “End Times” signs if you have some other examples please let me know.

Nigeria - Muslims kidnapping/killing Christians
Uganda - plots to attack Christian churches
Egypt - purging of Coptic Christians
Ukraine - Jews fleeing to Israel
Christians in USACorruption:  
Toronto Mayor, Lois Lerner, IRS, EPA, Holder and Justice Department,U.S. State Department, Obama vacations and waste, CIA, election, lobbyist and voter fraud and general government waste of taxpayers money. 
White House, Benghazi, GDP, inflation, debt, Obamacare, Syria, Ukraine, NSA spying and eaves-dropping
Formation of satan’s 10 Kingdoms: Ukraine, Syria and U.S.
Legalization and celebration of mind altering narcotics
Divorce, Swinging, Lesbian, gay, transgender life styles
Anglican priest divorces his gay partner, causing lots of damage to the church as an institution; his sin is more important than Christ's Church
Decadent prime time TV and cable shows and movies
The decline of absolute truth, moral relativism  
Dumbing down of the populace and education “Common Core”
Earthquakes – in diverse places, rare earthquake warning issued for Oklahoma Scientists manipulate human and animal DNA, cloning, Frankenstein is in the house
Abortion - woman films herself getting an abortion claiming that abortion is a positive experience 
Fullness of the Times of the Gentiles - Israel negotiates to give Roman Catholic Church Holy Sites in Jerusalem and Israel
US/EU/UN forcing Israel to give up land for "peace"
Kerry threatens Israel with a worldwide boycott because Israel is an “apartheid state”
Moves accelerating to rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
Obama’s brother Muslim Malik joins with the House of Yahweh in an effort to rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount
Training of Levite Priests underway
Temple instruments in place to conduct the sacrifice
Jews have the Red Heifer
Nations increasingly isolate Israel, Israel must
stand alone against the world

A Satanic Black Mass reenactment is scheduled to take place at the Queen’s Head Pub in Memorial Hall at Harvard University on May 12, with the Mass performed by The Satanic Temple, which is being hosted for the event by the Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club.

Harvard University was launched in 1639 through a financial gift from the Protestant clergyman John Harvard.  In its early decades, Harvard trained many Protestant ministers who went on to serve the various Christian churches of New England.
Satanists erecting statue of Baphomet next to ten commandments in Oklahoma
Roman Catholic Church’s Lucifer Telescope looking for UFOs and Aliens
Worship of Gaia (Mother Earth) environmentalists and earth zealots gaining more and more traction
Americans removing God from the public square, freedom to
worship being stopped in the military
Global Economy
Prices of Food escalating
More and more world governance, UN supervision, Agenda 21, G12, G7, G7 meetings
International Banksters and Gangsters rape individual countries for profit e.g. Ukraine, Syria, Libya
World economies on the brink Greece, Portugal, Ukraine etc.
Pope trying to usher in the one world economy
New World Order banking system looms
replace US dollar as world's reserve currency
Technology in place to prevent buying and selling
People won’t get jobs without a personal ID "mark" of the beast
Active and erupting volcanoes at all time high
Famines , drought,  water shortages
Pestilence and Disease spreading
Viruses – Middle East Respiratory Virus, Ebola, Autism, Nile Virus, Chem Trails, allergies,
Kings of the East rising – China, N. Korea  and India
Resurgent Islamic Caliphate or Ottoman Empire the rise of Gog of Magog
Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons proliferation
Wars and rumors of wars
murder and mayhem abounds around the world
Arab Spring, Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, North
Korea, Nigeria, Iran, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan
General lawlessness and violence
In U.S. cities a black person is murdered almost every day
Signs in the stars, moon and sun
Blood Moons
Meteorites and Asteroids
Mass Coronal Ejections on the Sun

Solar Electro-Magnetic storms strike the Earth 

Haifa, Israel home for Holocaust survivors

After you watch the video below ask yourself this question. Why isn't Israel taking care of these tragic citizens? I think the Israelis should be ashamed.

Watch the "Do You Know Why" video below.


 Brother Barry Chamish and your Watchman tipped you off to the the give away of Israel's Holy Sites beginning a few months ago. Remember, where there is smoke there is fire. Now we have more confirmation of secret talks between Netanyahu and the Vatican. What would make Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu want to hand over Mount Zion and the Tomb of David to the Vatican? 

One member of the Knesset has publicly stated that Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef has informed him that Netanyahu has formally asked for halakhic permission to give the Tomb of David to the Roman Catholic Church. And there have been persistent rumors of secret negotiations between the Israeli government and the Vatican regarding Mount Zion and the Tomb of David. 

So why would Netanyahu want to do such a thing? In any peace deal with the Palestinians, the Tomb of David and the Mount Zion complex should remain under Israeli control. So what is Netanyahu thinking?

Of course the Israeli government is formally denying that there is a secret deal in the works, but that has not stopped the media in Israel from reporting on these persistent rumors for months. For example, here is a brief excerpt from a recent Arutz Sheva article…

Is there a secret deal between the Vatican and Israel to transfer control over King David’s Tomb to the Catholic church? An investigative report in Makor Rishon cites La Stampa Vatican Insider journalist Andrea Tornielli as saying that the deal has been nearly completed, and that Deputy Foreign Minister Ze’ev Elkin is in charge of the negotiations with the Vatican, but Israel denies any such deal.
God's focus is on Jerusalem - in the center of the map

And as I mentioned above, a member of the Knesset claims that Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef told him that Netanyahu has requested formal permission to give the Tomb of David to the Vatican…

A Knesset Member said Thursday that Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef told him that the Prime Minister’s bureau contacted him and asked to grant halakhic permission for Israel to hand over the Tomb of David to the Vatican.

In fact, that same article states that the entire Mount Zion complex could end up being transferred into the hands of the Vatican…

The MKs were unanimous in declaring that they intend to do everything within their power to forestall any attempt to hand over the Tomb to the Vatican. There are also reports that not just the Tomb, but the entire Mount Zion compound is up for transfer. The MKs made clear that the zone is under Israeli sovereignty and will remain so.

There have been reports, recently, of a secret negotiation channel between the Vatican and the Israeli government, regarding the Tomb – and especially its second floor, which the Vatican calls the “Room of the Last Supper” – and the Mount Zion compound.

For a long time, the Vatican has been positioning itself to take control of more holy sites in Jerusalem. But the genesis for this idea may have actually come from the U.S. State Department. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry envisions the holy sites in Jerusalem being under international control…

Secretary of State John Kerry quietly presented a U.S. plan for eastern Jerusalem that calls for an international administrative mandate to control holy sites in the area, according to informed Palestinian and Israeli diplomatic sources.

The exact composition of the international mandate is up for discussion, the sources said, but Kerry’s plan recommended a coalition that includes the Vatican, together with a group of Muslim countries such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

If the Vatican does gain control of more of the holy sites in Jerusalem, it would move even farther in the direction of being regarded as “the top religious authority in the world”. This certainly would not bother Pope Francis. In fact, he seems to be quite eager to do what he can to bring the religions of the world together in a one world religion.

These secret negotiations between the Israeli government and the Vatican could also be an indication that peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians are not dead. Netanyahu talks tough, but he has also publicly stated that he is “prepared to make historic peace with our Palestinian neighbors“.

And the U.S. State Department is certainly applying as much pressure as it can in order to get a “peace deal” rammed through. In particular, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry seems to spend an extraordinary amount of time twisting the arm of Israel. Just the other day, he went so far as to threaten that Israel could become “an apartheid state” if the peace talks fail…

on Sunday 4 May 14 Kerry has said that if Israel doesn’t make peace soon, it could become ‘an apartheid state,’ like the old South Africa.

The comments were made by Kerry during a meeting with influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday. Kerry’s use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America.

officials from the State Department continue to turn up the heat on Israel. Just consider what some “anonymous U.S. officials” recently said.

American officials directly involved in the failed Israeli-Palestinian peace process over the last nine months gave a leading Israeli columnist a withering assessment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the negotiations, indicated that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has completely given up on the prospect of a negotiated solution, and warned Israel that the Palestinians will achieve statehood come what may — either via international organizations or through violence.

Speaking on condition of anonymity to Nahum Barnea, a prominent columnist from Israel’s best-selling daily Yedioth Aharonoth, the officials highlighted Netanyahu’s ongoing settlement construction as the issue “largely to blame” for the failure of Secretary of State John Kerry’s July 2013-April 2014 effort to broker a permanent peace accord.

They made plain that US President Barack Obama had been prepared to release spy-for-Israel Jonathan Pollard to salvage the talks. And they warned that the world will not keep tolerating the Israeli occupation.

But for any peace agreement to work, it isn’t just the Palestinian Authority that Israel has to deal with.

Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, and Hamas is not interested in peace. Just consider what one of the top leaders of Hamas said on Saturday…

Mussa Abu Marzuq said Hamas, which recently signed a reconciliation deal with the Western-backed Palestinian leadership in the occupied West Bank, would never agree to recognise Israel.

“We will not recognize the Zionist entity,” he said at a press conference in Gaza City.

Could he have been any clearer? The truth is that peace with Israel is absolutely antithetical to everything that Hamas stands for. The following are just a few quotes from the Hamas Charter…

”Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

”The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [Holy Possession] consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. No one can renounce it or any part, or abandon it or any part of it.”

”The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews [and kill them]; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: Oh Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”

we will probably see a U.S.-brokered peace deal within the next year or two. But it won’t bring lasting peace. Instead, it will just set the stage for the next major war in the Middle East.

Are you ready for the Psalm 83 War? Is your salvation firm?

In March, Brendan Eich was appointed as the new chief executive officer (CEO) of Mozilla. Two weeks later, he resigned his position, following pressure from the board of directors and amid complaints from his subordinates. In fact, during his short tenure, half of Mozilla's board resigned from their positions and some of his employees made comments on Twitter and other social media sites intimating that they could not work with Eich.

Normally, when there is this much upheaval over an executive, leading to his dismissal, it is brought on by a serious act of misconduct on his part. So, upon learning of Mr. Eich's summary ouster from his position, the obvious question is: what did he do to justify short tenure?

Brendan Eich was one of the co-founders of Mozilla, which makes the popular Firefox internet browser. He had been with the company since its founding, and was certainly well-known by the board of directors. There is no question that he was knowledgeable about the company. He also created JavaScript, and is well-known in the technology industry as a whole.

Mr. Eich's "crime" was to donate $1000 for the passage of Proposition 8 in California. Proposition 8 was a ballot initiative to write into California law that which should be obvious: a marriage is between a man and a woman. This ballot initiative passed in the very liberal state of California, having the support of the majority of voters of the state in 2008. At this point, President Obama was stating his support for marriage defined the same way. Yet, six years after the fact, Mr. Eich was punished by the board at Mozilla (a company he co-founded) by being forced out of his position as CEO due to the outcry over giving money he earned as a private citizen to a cause in which he believed.

Nowhere in the outcry against Eich was it ever stated that he tried to proselytize others into believing as he did. He was not accused of any discriminatory practices against homosexuals. In fact, Mozilla has a "same-sex partners" provisions written into their insurance policies, and Eich even stated that he would enforce these provisions, even though he apparently didn't believe in them. 

Mitchell Baker, the chairman of the board, stated after the dismissal that people had a right to be angry (at Eich's appointment as CEO) because they "haven't stayed true to ourselves". This is rather ironic, given that he and the others on the board forced Eich out of office because his views differed from their own. In other words, they were opposed to Eich being allowed to "be true to" himself and his principles. Of course, it also speaks volumes about the way Mozilla values the loyalty of long-term service, even of a co-founder of the company.

Unfortunately, Brandon Eich's story is not an isolated incident, but rather symptomatic of the way the homosexual activists are aggressively going after anyone who even remotely disagrees with their agenda of recognition of their actions and lifestyle. Last year, former NFL football player Craig James was fired after a week from Fox Sports Southwest, where he worked as a commentator. Like Eich, he was not fired for anything he said or did on the job. He was fired because of a statement he made during an earlier run for the U.S. Senate in 2012. 

During a debate that year, James was asked his position on homosexual "marriage". His response was direct and clear. He said he opposed "leaders" who participate in "gay" parades, and that he opposed so-called "marriages" on biblical grounds.

What likely led to hysterics among the left, however, was when he said that homosexuality is a choice. The left has long sought that elusive gene that will prove that homosexuals are "born that way", and have promoted this notion, seeking to destroy anyone who would disagree with this opinion. He stated clearly that he believes, just as the Bible teaches, that homosexuals will "have to answer to the Lord for their actions". This statement, while certainly true to what is taught in the Bible, goes against what many of the more liberal denominations of "churches" teach today.

Fox fired James, claiming that his statements would not "play in our human resources department", and that "he couldn't say those things here". Of course, he never did say those things on the job, and was never accused of doing so. Fox fired a man who they never showed to be incapable of doing his job, but because they were afraid of something he said on an important issue a year earlier.

This attack on free speech, and specifically on Christian free speech, is not unique to the United States. In April, Peter LaBarbera, who is a Christian and American citizen, was asked to speak in Regina, Saskatchewan. Mr. LaBarbera is the director of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, but was called to Canada to speak to the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association in early April.

At the Canadian airport, LaBarbera's passport was seized and he was subjected to hours of interrogation. He explained that he was asked about the content of his speech, while the customs agents went through his luggage, his laptop, a DVD of an earlier speech he made, and went over his organization's website with a fine-tooth comb. 

Apparently, LaBarbera's appearance was opposed by a pro-homosexual group called Intolerance Free Weyburn, which referred to him as a "purveyor of 'hate'". They opposed his presence in Canada, arguing that it would violate Canada's "Hate Propaganda" law, designed supposedly to prevent incitement against homosexuals. Of course, like all "hate crime" laws, it has been used for the purpose of silencing speech that the left doesn't like. 

Mr. LaBarbera was going to speak on the link between homosexual and pro-abortion activist policies. He was ultimately denied entry into the country under the authority of the country's Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, contending that the content of his website "targets" people based on their "sexual orientation", and was not allowed to speak at the event.

Academia has long been the bastion of Marxist thought, and most of the colleges across the country have adopted the homosexual agenda, with the addition of "LGBT" clubs and organizations having a prominent position at many of these universities, even in areas that are deep within the Bible belt. 

In 2010, Julea Ward was a masters psychology student at Eastern Michigan University, which has a policy that students in their masters provide counseling to students in a way that is "affirming" to the student. This is a graduation requirement for the masters program at that university. Miss Ward, a Christian, sought an exemption that would prevent her being forced to counsel homosexual students in a way that would affirm their homosexuality. Instead of accepting that Miss Ward had a legitimate religious reason for not counseling these types of students, they kicked her out of the masters program under the claim that she was trying to skirt the academic requirements. 

After being kicked out of the masters program for her religious objection, she filed suit against the university. A federal judge sided with the university, and an appeals court in the sixth circuit (which covers Michigan) found that there were grounds for the suit to continue, partially finding in Miss Ward's favor, citing the fact that she had a religious objection to counseling students in this manner and that she had stated she would refer such students to other counselors.

In Canada, Trinity Western University is seeking recognition and accreditation for its law school. There was opposition to the university because of its ban on homosexual acts on the campus. Trinity is a private Christian university that is planning on opening its law school in 2016. The Law Society in British Columbia, after much discussion, decided not to blacklist the school, which allows for the accreditation process to go forward however two other provinces are refusing to recognize any degree's from the school, including Canada's largest province Ontario.

The University of North Carolina at Wilmington was recognized as the second most liberal public university in the state of North Carolina. They have a LGBT group prominently displayed at the university union, and certainly have several Marxist policies. At the orientation for students in August 2013, a mandatory event featured a lesbian speaker, who attacked white Christian males as a group and talked about the need for "tolerance".

Mike Adams, a professor in the Criminology department of the university, was hired by the university in 1993 and became an associate professor in 1998. At the time he was hired by the university, he was an atheist and a liberal. However, when he became a born-again Christian in 2000, he started writing for Townhall.com and other publications from a decidedly conservative, Christian perspective. Needless to say, his opinions and articles soon earned the disdain from the heavily liberal staff at the university, including Kimberly Cook, who is the chair of his department and an avowed liberal feminist. Cook, in fact, reprimanded Adams for his political columns, but said that her ideal candidate for a teaching position at the university was a "lesbian with a dog collar". 

Professor Adams related numerous problems that started to develop with the university, including numerous incidents where he was singled out by Cook and was consistently denied tenure. It should be noted that Adams was praised by Cook's two predecessors, and Adams has a 4.4 (out of 5.0) rating on ratemyprofessor.com. 

After Adams filed a lawsuit alleging discrimination against him because of his Christian and political viewpoint in 2007, a seven-year battle continued until April. A federal judge ruled that the university acted inappropriately in denying Adams tenure and awarded him with $50,000 in back pay. They also ordered that Adams had to be immediately promoted with full tenure.

There are numerous incidents that have come to the forefront that are indicative of an atmosphere hostile towards Christianity. A growing movement for speech codes that extend past the university to public life, with sanctions against people who do not accept the homosexual agenda. "Hate crime" laws have been adopted in several states, and liberals in Congress have long been lobbying for federal "hate crime" legislation, which would punish those who speak out against sodomy.

A recent case involving a photographer who refused to work on a lesbian "wedding" ceremony, and a bakery that refused to make a cake in a similar "wedding" are illustrative of the strategy that is being enlisted by homosexual activists, who find Christians and specifically target those businesses with frivolous lawsuits to "punish" them for holding firm on their beliefs. These high profile cases, and the federal government's refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (passed during the Clinton administration) show the troubling direction in which the country is headed.

Homosexual activists are employing a new brand of McCarthyism, "calling out" those that disagree with them and seeking to shut down their businesses or otherwise silence viewpoints with which they disagree. If this trend continues unabated, the United States may find itself in the same position as countries in Europe, where pastors have found themselves incarcerated for preaching sermons that included biblical admonitions against homosexuality. 

No Christian Ducks Allowed

This would have been unthinkable twenty years ago, but seems far closer to reality today. Christians will be left with the choice of accepting a watering down of their beliefs or being punished for defending them. This punishment may include loss of jobs, destruction of their reputation, or even imprisonment. While the McCarthyism so often spoken of from the 1950s was more hype than reality, the situation that conservative Christians find themselves in today is very real. The only way to defend against it is to first acknowledge that it exists. The situation as it exists did not happen overnight; nor will it be overturned immediately. If Christians are prepared to defend their beliefs, however, the process must start quickly before any more ground is lost.

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