Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Ash Heap of History? WR 14-95

I believe that 100 years from now Bush and Obama will be noted as the Presidents who transformed America and doomed her to a second world status. I look out on the fruited plain and I see too many ill symptoms facing America that the Roman Empire and every empire before us faced. The chief symptom is turning our back on Almighty God.  
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; whatever a man sows that he will also reap.” (Gal .6:7) These words of the Apostle Paul could also be applied to the United States of America; whatever a nation sows, that a nation will reap.
For nearly one hundred years, the United States of America has led the world. Citizens of the USA have enjoyed unprecedented levels of freedom and liberty, and the highest standard of living ever experienced under human governance.
Could all of that be slipping away?
In my opinion, America is unraveling at a stunning speed and to a staggering degree. This decline is breathtaking, and the prognosis is dim.
America is in trouble. Consider the following:
And still climbing!
The national debt of the USA is approaching 17 trillion dollars.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the interest payments on our debt will take up 36% of the budget in 2030, 58% in2040, and 85% in 2050.
Fears that American bankruptcy has launched a thriving business in survival food, weapons, and seeds in preparation for such a disaster.
Half of all children born to women under the age of 30 are now illegitimate.
Maintaining the present spending trend in the US will require doubling of all federal taxes to maintain theoretical solvency, according to the IMF.
Fewer Americans are working today than in 2000.
America lost its AAA financial rating and no one is discussing how to get it back.
Forty-seven percent of Americans do not pay income taxes.
Congress has a 15% approval rating.
1 in 16 Americans receives disability payments from the government. That figure is up from 1 in 36 in 1992.
Fears of a societal breakdown drove firearm sales to the highest level in 2012.
The US is unable to control its borders and vast numbers of illegal aliens continue to enter the country.
The erosion of constitutional rights and widespread governmental corruption has caused many to lose faith in American leadership.
“The United States faces a world that is ever more dangerous, with the looming specter of a nuclear armed Iran and Saudi Arabia, mounting turmoil in North Africa, a resurgent Russia, a rising and authoritarian China, and a malevolent and rogue state in North Korea”.
The present administration lacks a coherent long term vision for maintaining America’s place as the world’s superpower.
Around the world, many are baffled by events in the United States. Suddenly, the country seems out of control. The economy is in the doldrums and the political system is dysfunctional and paralyzed.
 In addition, corporate corruption and greed contribute to the decline in the economy of the nation and the individual.
How do American’s feel about the position of the United States at home and on the world stage?
A recent Pew Research poll reports that a majority 53% see the US as playing a less influential role in the world than it did a decade ago. When asked if they believed that the US is less respected in the world? 70 % responded in the affirmative.
Certainly, the United States has faced many challenges in the past. Two World Wars, the Great Depression, four notable assassinations in the 1960’s, the Vietnam War, and Watergate in the 1970’s, all tested the strength and resilience of America.
The successful OPEC oil embargo temporarily disrupted the economy of the US and recurrent high inflation and economic recessions have challenged the country.
Historically, the nation has overcome these many challenges and maintained its preeminence.
Many of the world’s people have looked to the United States for leadership and seen it as beacon of hope. Immigrants continue to pour across American borders in hopes of a better life.
But still, a quiet voice inside the ears of American’s whispers that something is just not right. Perhaps, the USA’s declining influence is due to its declining dependence upon the Creator and Sustainer of the country. Could it be that as we have retreated from dependence upon Him that our situation at home and on the world stage has diminished?

In 1778, James Madison reminded the country that” we have staked the whole future of the American civilization, not upon the power of the government…but upon our capacity to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”

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