Thursday, April 10, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message WR 14-96

The first two items make me think how many of the people involved realized it would be their last day alive.  I suspect very few were ready to make their Creator, are you?

On April 10, 1815 Mt. Tambora began erupting on this date. The volcano, on Sumbawa Island, east of Java in what is today Indonesia, ultimately dumped an estimated 160 cubic kilometers (38 cubic miles) of melted rock and ash onto the surrounding countryside and into the air. Some scientists estimate it was the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history.
Mount Tambora sent so much crud into the atmosphere that it blocked the sun, leading to what became known as the Year Without a Summer in 1816. That year, cold and cloudy conditions killed crops across the Northern Hemisphere.
In 2004, a scientific expedition found the remains of a village and of two adults, buried under several meters (10 feet) of volcanic ash. Due to its similarity with the famous Mount Vesuvius eruption in AD 79 that buried Pompeii, some scientists call the site “the Pompeii of the East.”

Tambora Volcano is estimated to have been quiet for some 5,000 years. It steamed back into action around 1812, culminating in the April 10, 1815 eruption. 

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Below is a photo of God's awesome universe. I don't think the Wedding Ring Nebula is an accident, since Christ's Church is His Bride.
The planetary nebula Abell 33 captured using European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope.  Via ESO.
The Wedding ring Nebula

Have you noticed the relationship between North Korea and China?
What a weird pair they make. One seems fairly open and pragmatic. The other is closed and completely irrational. One is large, prosperous and a world player. The other is tiny, impoverished and a nobody on the world stage, except when they start waving missiles around. You would think that they have absolutely nothing in common.
They don’t even have languages within the same language family. Mandarin Chinese is a part of the Sino-Tibetan language family, and Korean is a part of the Altaic language family. So, they don’t even speak the same language.
Why China and North Korea Are Joined at the Hip yet, North Korea survives only due to the direct help and intervention of China.
Does any of that make sense?

Of course not – until you start to realize that North Korea might actually be a visible reflection of how the core of the government of China actually thinks. 
Chi was born July 1929 in ZhaoyuanShandong Province, China. In October 1946 he joined the Communist Party of China (CPC). He was recruited to the army in July 1945, and graduated from the synthesis department of Military Academy of People's Liberation Army (PLA).
The general is obviously very old and a member of the "Old Guard" of the CPC. 
In 1973, he became the vice political commissar of Beijing Military Region, and vice editor in chief of a prominent newspaper "People's Daily". He later became vice director of the general staff department of PLA and the director of political department under it, the political commissar of Jinan Military Region, and the head of the general staff department of PLA as well as the secretary of CPC's committee there. He was elected as a member of central military commission in 1988.
In May-June, 1989, Chi played an important role in directing the military's enforcement of martial law in Beijing to suppress the Tiananmen Square Protests in the national capital. As chief of staff he instructed the commanding officers of the Beijing, Shenyang, and Jinan Military Districts to "finalize the name list of every group army division scheduled to advance into Beijing and their exact times of departure and arrival, as well as details regarding primary duties", according to the "Daily report" (Meiri yibao) from the Central Military Commission Office, dated 19 May 1989. This military build up resulted in the so-called Beijing massacre, which took place on 4 June that year.
In 1993 Chi became a state council member and the Minister of National Defense until 2003. He was also the director of the Law of National Defense Draft Commission. He was elected to the vice chairman of central military commission of CPC in September 1995, and CMC of the state in December that year.
On 19 October 1999, after meeting with Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass in Damascus, Syria, to discuss expanding military ties between China and Syria, Chi then flew directly to Israel and met with Ehud Barak, the then prime minister and Defense Minister of Israel where they discussed military relations. Among the military arrangements, was a $1 billion Israeli Russian sale of military aircraft to China, which were jointly produced by Russia and Israel.
He was elected as a member of central committee of CPC's 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th National Congresses, and a Politburo member at 15th Congress.
Let's look at some quotes from General Chi Haotian’s speeches and writings
"…Our economic development is all about preparing for the need of war! Publicly we still emphasize economic development as our center, but in reality, economic development has war as its center! …
We also must never forget what Comrade Xiaoping emphasized “refrain from revealing the ambitions and put others off the track.” The hidden message is: we must put up with America; we must conceal our ultimate goals, hide our capabilities and await the opportunity. In this way, our mind is clear… … …We all know the principle of ‘doing one thing under the cover of another.’"
The general's  speeches are to the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party. These are not speeches to the Chinese government as a whole.
All of the ‘openness’ and ‘freedoms’ that we see in China are a mirage. They are a false front to a way of thinking that agrees 100% with the North Korean model of repression, concentration camps and mass murder.
Have you noticed any serious effort on the part of China to change North Korea in any way?
You haven’t seen any Chinese attempt to change North Korea (DPRK), because they want the DPRK to stay exactly the way that it is now.
But, there’s one other point to consider carefully.
North Korea is a proxy for the Chinese Military.
China uses North Korea to destabilize anyone and everyone in northeastern Asia without any repercussions to China. When the time comes to attack the US, North Korea will be the perfect agent for launching the war.
When/if North Korea launches its attack on the United States, America won’t have anyone to respond to, except a tiny country with a track record of insanity. How will North Korea attack the US? The North Koreans will use an Electro Magnetic Pulse Attack.
This is where the article by Michael Maloof comes in. The DHS concludes something that a lot of us have known for a long time:
North Korea has created a super-EMP weapon, and has the delivery vehicle to attack the US with it.
Please remember that low-kiloton nuclear weapons tend to produce more gamma rays than high-kiloton nuclear weapons, and lots of gamma rays are what you need when you want to create an EMP. And, apparently, there is a way to maximize gamma ray output from a nuclear weapon.
So, what would happen?
The scenario that we are thinking about starts with either the launch of a rocket from a freighter in the Pacific/Atlantic or the launch of a 'satellite' from North Korea. A nuclear explosion would occur over the center of the United States. Gamma rays from the nuclear explosion would cause a massive cascade of electrons from the atmosphere to the surface of the earth. US power lines would act as an antenna, capturing this pulse of electrons and destroying impossible-to-replace-in-less-than-18-months transformers at every power generating station across America.
In short, the lights would go out, permanently. Please remember that electricity is everything to our society. Without it, we die.
·         It powers the gasoline pumps that provide fuel for our cars.
·         It keeps our food from spoiling.
·         It keeps traffic moving safely and smoothly.
·         It runs our computers.
·         It pumps our water.
·         It runs our just-in-time society.
An EMP would take all of that away in an instant, and those of us who were unprepared for it would die of thirst in three days. The survivors would die of starvation in a month. It is projected that as much as 90% of the US population would die within 18 months.
But, there’s worse. An EMP would affect more than just the electrical grid. It would also destroy all unshielded electronics produced after the 1980s. A sufficiently powerful EMP weapon would render inoperable all cars produced during and after the 1980s, destroy all computers and all electronic devices like cell phones and telephone systems.
We would immediately be sent back to the 18th century without the skill and preparation to survive there. We would all start to die an agonizing death.
Once American society started to die off, China could step in and take over in a ‘humanitarian gesture’. It would be a rescue mission in which China would arrive and never leave. We would quickly become a colony of China, and that would be the end of the USA.
Please remember the Bible refers to a fire that is sent on them that dwell carelessly in the isles (Ezekiel 39:6). The U.S., of course, lies between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

“You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices. You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the LORD your God. Keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them will live by them. I am the LORD.” — Leviticus 18:3–5
The Torah portion for this week is Acharei Mot, which means “after the death,” from Leviticus 16:1–18:30, and the Haftorah is from Amos 9:7–15.
To most people, the word “kosher” refers exclusively to food. Indeed, kosher is the word that Jews use to describe food that is permissible to eat, as opposed to the foods that are forbidden to be consumed. However, in modern Hebrew the word “kosher” and its derivatives can also mean “physically fit,” “proper,” and “worthy.” Kosher is not just a label that validates food; it is also a term that certifies the quality of a human being.
The laws of kosher, as determined by the Bible, require a fish to meet two stipulations to be considered permissible to eat. It must have scales and it must have fins. The Sages teach that these physical attributes on fish have spiritual counterparts on people. Scales are a protective coating and correspond to the spiritual protection that a person who fears God has: “Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD” (Psalms 40:4). A person who puts his or her faith in the Lord is protected and blessed. Fins give fish the ability to swim upstream, against the current. This correlates with a person’s ability to go against the flow. A person who makes God his or her master and who is willing to go against the crowd is a person that we would call “kosher” — strong, proper, and worthy.
In this week’s Torah portion, God cautioned the nation of Israel: “You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you … You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees … for the person who obeys them will live by them.” God was telling the Israelites that they were not to follow the crowd. They were to swim against the stream and go against the flow in order to obey God. And here’s the punch line: “the person who obeys them will live by them.”
Our natural instinct is to be afraid of challenging the status quo. We might be laughed at or in some places even killed for different beliefs. But God is telling us, if we want to live, we have to stand up for what is right. God is the source of our protection and blessings. When we fear only Him, we will live and prosper. It’s when we stray that we should be truly afraid.
In what areas of your life is God calling you to stand out from the crowd? Where is it that you need to swim against the stream? Don’t be afraid to do things differently. Stand up for God and He will stand for you. Swim upstream; it’s the path that will carry you to God.
With prayers for shalom, peace,

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

Security researchers have uncovered a fatal flaw in a key safety feature for surfing the Web -- the one that keeps your email, banking, shopping, passwords and communications private.
It's called the Heartbleed bug, and it is essentially an information leak. 

It starts with a hole in the software that the vast majority of websites on the Internet use to turn your personal information into strings of random numbers and letters. If you see a padlock image in the address bar, there's a good chance that site is using the encryption software that was impacted by the Heartbleed bug.

"It's probably the worst bug the Internet has ever seen," said Matthew Prince, CEO of website-protecting service CloudFlare. "If a week from now we hear criminals spoofed a massive number of accounts at financial institutions, it won't surprise me."

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