Monday, April 7, 2014

Pentecost Spiritual Warfare Conference 6,7 and 8 June 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have a powerful group of speakers lined up for the Pentecost Spiritual Warfare Conference (PSWC) this year. The PSWC will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 6, 7, and 8 June in 2014. The conference will be held at Eastern Hills Baptist Church (EHB), 5825 Islington Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45227. EHB is located between Murray Ave. in Fairfax and Bramble Ave. in Madisonville.   

Pastor Ken Rivera of Eastern Hills Baptist Church
In 2012 your Watchman attended a Spiritual Warfare Conference at Eastern Hills Baptist Church (EHBC) in Fairfax, OH, a suburb of eastern Cincinnati. To the best of my knowledge there had never been a conference like this in Cincinnati. I asked myself who was this pastor who was willing to host an event with subjects that I had a keen interest in. I felt Pastor Ken deserved my support.  I also knew he preached true and sound Christian doctrine, an absolute requirement for me. I began attending EHBC and soon my wife joined me. We found Pastor Ken to be a “people person” who had a genuine love for Jesus Christ and God’s children. Moreover, he possessed more knowledge of the Holy Bible and its history than anyone I knew and I know some people who have an immense knowledge of the scriptures. Pastor Ken had a major advantage over others because he had studied Greek for 4 years. We began going to his Bible studies and we always learned something new about the Bible. My wife and I decided to join EHBC. Pastor Ken then put me in charge of organizing the Pentecost Spiritual Warfare Conference. I have found that Pastor Ken empowers people, if you have an idea for the church he says “Go For It”. So, low and behold, we are now in 2014 and we are hosting our 3rd PSWC and it is getting better each year because God had a vision and a mission for our church.

Michael Wolf

Rabbi Michael Wolf is one of the most creative people I know and a terrific preacher.
Michael is a man of many trades. He has led Beth Messiah Congregation in Cincinnati, Ohio for the past 35 years.

A true Renaissance man, he has several artistic outlets such as: writing poetry and song lyrics, creating musicals and screenplays, writing novels, and if that isn't enough, he even creates homemade tinfoil phonographs.
Michael’s book "The Upper Zoo tells a story of a twelve year old Jewish boy in the 1960s who is impacted by the life and love of an autistic child with a firm commitment to Jesus. After being placed in a class for under-achievers, Jonathan finds his life changed forever. The book takes an unusual approach, revealing a world of dysfunctional pain and spiritual triumph through the eyes of a twelve-year old boy. Through surprising twists and turns, Jonathan uncovers secrets that will drastically affect his life and the lives of those closest to him.

No one who reads The Upper Zoo will be able to put it down—it is an inspirational and poignant novel."
 Sound of the Spirit
The development of the screenplay for the film "The Sound of the Spirit" was more straight forward for Rabbi Wolf. Michael says that working with a production team on that project helped him to get his vision on screen. The movie was released through the Bridgestone Multimedia Group in September of 2012.
Rabbi Wolf wrote a girl-meet-boy Messianic musical "Mechitzah" and dotted it with music & lyrics. He used “Garage Band” to develop orchestral arrangements for the songs. It resulted in three performances before 750 to 800 people at Beth Messiah as well as a DVD documenting the last dress rehearsal.
Is that all for Michael? No way, keep your eye on the lookout for Michael Wolf's creations, as he will continue to pioneer the Messianic Artist's way through novels, music, and film productions.

It is a joy and honor for Eastern Hills Baptist Church to have Michael speak at our PSWC.


What an honor it is to have Emmanuel as a Christian brother. Emmanuel has and will go anywhere to witness for Jesus/Yeshua to the unsaved. He also has a true love for Muslims. Below you will find some of his videos, they speak for themselves.  
Pastor Emmanuel Doulat, a pastor’s son, was born in the Punjab province of Pakistan and witnessed the extreme struggles of Pakistani Christians that led him to question his Christian faith. However, in 1992 he gave his heart to Christ Jesus and answered the call to the ministry to serve as an evangelist. Emmanuel not only has firsthand knowledge to share about Christian life in Pakistan but also a powerful personal testimony. He has developed many college level teachings including teachings on discipleship, leadership, church planting, spiritual warfare and how to develop relationships with Muslims using the Qur’an.

He has been involved in Gospel ministry all over Pakistan and he also has been in different countries like, Singapore, South Africa and Honduras to teach and preach in conferences, seminars, churches, Bible Schools and Seminary.  Emmanuel and his wife Sumera found asylum in the United States in 2009.

Tad Lawrence

His friends, affectionately call him Tad (Temporary Active Duty in this world for the Lord) Tad is one of the most generous Christian men I have ever met. His friends and I have been guests in his home on numerous occasions. Tad has a photographic mind and his mind and lips move at warp speed. He has been a guest on my Watchman Report several times and I constantly have to challenge him to slow down for the viewing audience. I am blessed to have Tad and his wife as my friends.
Tad is an expert on many types of spiritual warfare, especially one of  satan’s greatest lies – evolution. If we can get Tad to slow down to 60MPH from 90MPH he will give a fascinating talk. However, Tad likes to move fast because he knows his Christ work is short on this miserable planet.  
Tad Lawrence has an innate sense and instinctive skill set for understanding the fundamentals of financial planning, investment analysis and financial rewards and risks. Tad decided to follow his strengths and pursued a career in the financial industry. Throughout his 38-year career, Tad has become a recognized leader in the investment arena who is known for his diligent, hard work and ability to deliver on his promises. Currently he works at UBS Financial Services Inc. in Cincinnati, (Kenwood) OH.
Tad earned a Bachelor of Science in business administration at the University of Denver, and is affiliated with the Investment Management Consultants Association.
Tad is a very charitable and community-minded individual. His parents trained him well in giving back to others. He volunteers with the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, American Red Cross, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati. Tad is an avid outdoors man and dog lover. His friends have made him promise he will never go helicopter skiing again.  Tad also enjoys spending time with his family and his grandchildren. He is a gifted pianist like his father was. Tad truly loves Jesus Christ and leads several Bible studies. Some of these studies have continued for over 15 years.

Russ Dizdar Speaking at Branson
In the 70's Russ was a rock n rolling, bar fighting, drug and alcohol consumer. He searched every door to meaning he could get his hands on. He dabbled in occultism and a practiced golden Buddha meditation.  He was trained in astral projection to seek the ascended masters. Russ says, “I sought to experience anything spiritual, supernatural and alternative I could find what it was I was looking for…… but I didn't, instead I found myself on the edge of death and hell itself. 

Russ Dizdar, started out in the AOG Church, and then ordained to the ministry October 1978 at Green Baptist Church by the SBC. He has served as Sr. Pastor of 4 churches in the last 30 years. He is the executive director of Greater Akron Youth For Christ and a police chaplain. In 1982 he founded Shatter the Darkness and in 2007 Preemption Broadcast. His internet messages have been heard and downloaded in over 110 countries with over 30 million hits in 2010.

He has studied the Basics of Biblical Counseling and Crisis Counseling. He is trained in Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Spiritual Warfare, Abduction Research, Deliverance, Evangelism, Nothetic Counseling, Theophostics, Wise Counsel SBC, Mind Control deprogramming and Exit Counseling. He has law enforcement training in advanced occult and cult crimes, occult and satanic crimes. He has worked with Tom Wedge the author of “The Satan Hunter”.

Once blind tells the story of how Russ became filled with the Spirit of God and then Jesus unleashed  love, power and his powerful message on Rss and he found his spiritual answer.

Russ says, “when I accepted the living Christ into my life in September 1975 the blinders came off and the presence, power and love of God came in……the clarity between the deception of darkness (even when masqueraded as light) and the truth that is in Jesus filled my life and changed it forever!” Russ adds, its not a religion, not a set of rules, its an awesome relationship with GOD, knowing God is not only possible, God loves you and wants you to be close to him.

Russ continued, “it is the living Jesus who came 2000 years ago fulfilling hundreds of prophecies, He was foretold, conceived and born unlike anyone else in human history. He lived free from sin and evil, showed us what God is, does and says. He now gives to all who come to Him His power, new life, help and the presence of the coming (glorification) indestructible, irreversible immortality. He came seeking us and no one wants us more than God does.

Russ has spoken in over 27 conferences in the last 4 years.

Russ is a “BROADCAST MISSIONARY” and his radio program is called “The Ragged Edge” Since 2009 about 6 million downloads of his mp3s/sessions have gone out.

Gary Kah

"The Watchman" had the honor of meeting Gary at the International Prophecy Conference in Brooksville, FL. in 2011 when we both spoke at the conference. I found him to be a fascinating and interesting man with an important message for the lost world.

Gary Kah is the former Europe & Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana state government. While in that position he traveled extensively overseas working closely with the economic staff at American Embassies on trade-related projects. During that time, he learned of efforts underway to establish a one-world political/financial system. He also discovered there was a religious motivation connected with these endeavors.   

 En Route to Global Occupation
Gary has written two best-selling books detailing his experiences and explaining the goals of the one-world/interfaith movement. His books, En Route to Global Occupation and The New World Religion, are fully documented and are critical in understanding today's global developments - including the unfolding financial crisis and rapidly changing events in the Middle East. Gary keeps interested readers informed of the latest international economic, political and religious developments through his research news journal Hope for the World Update
The New World Religion
Hope for the World Update is a research newsletter that offers in-depth analysis of current world events. Each issue is packed with well-documented articles, quotes, and news items. Hope for the World Update is unique because each issue contains reproductions of documents and exhibits demonstrating the move towards a one world government and its spiritual counterpart, the New Age Movement.

Below is the link to Gary's excellent website:

Larry Kunk

Larry is the co-founder of Ephesians 5:11, Inc. Larry is a former Rosicrucian and New Ager. 
Ephesians 5:11, Incorporated is a 501 (c) (3) counter-cult ministry which specializes in subversive religious organizations which deny being religions. 

Subversive religious organizations are religious organizations which promote false plans of salvation while claiming to teach truth. Some such organizations promote false plans of salvation while claiming not to be religions. Other subversive groups admit that their organization is a religion. 
Mormonism Resource Library
A few examples of subversive groups which admit to being religions are Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. The largest subversive religious organization which admits to being a religion is the Catholic "Church." Catholicism teaches the worship of Mary and other saints, through prayer. Prayer to Mary is an attempt to communicate with the dead. 1 Samuel 28 tells of Saul's desire to communicate with Samuel, after he had died. That séance is recorded in the Bible. Saul was killed the next day. The apparition warned Saul that God would kill him as punishment. Are the apparitions of Mary significantly different than that of Samuel?  
Freemasonry Resource Library
The largest among the subversive groups which deny being religions, is the Masonic Lodge. Other similar groups include the Odd Fellows and the Rosicrucian orders. Our major emphasis is on the Masonic Lodge and the Rosicrucian Order, two of the most prominent. We provide tracts, books, video tapes and other materials which equip the body of Christ to minister to Masons and Rosicrucians who claim to be Christians.

Islam Resource Library
John 14:6 and Acts 4:10 - 12 makes it clear that Jesus is the only way to salvation. John 14:6 reveals the words of Jesus: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Acts 4:10 - 12 contains the core teaching of the first Gospel sermon. It reads, "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

If a person is not a Christian, he is headed to hell. If a Mason or Rosicrucian does not claim to be a Christian, it is necessary to lead him to Jesus. Until he is ready to accept Jesus, it makes little difference if he is involved in the occult or not. If he leaves the occult organization, he is still headed to hell, unless he accepts Jesus Christ as his savior. When we lead an occultist to Jesus, it is necessary to inform him that he has to make a clean break with all aspects of the occult and all elements of false religion in order to become a Christian. We would not be reluctant to tell a Buddhist that he cannot become a Christian unless he makes a clean break with Buddhism. Is there any reason to withhold the corresponding truth when witnessing to an occultist?

If a Christian is ensnared in sin, other Christians have an obligation to attempt to lead him toward repentance.
James 5:19-20 states: Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
In order to witness to a man who is ensnared in the occult, you have to know something about the occult organization he is involved in. However, you do not have to know as much as you would think. If you know a few critical facts which will convict a man that the teachings and practices of the organization he is involved in are grossly incompatible with Christianity, that is often sufficient. If the man is a Christian, he is sealed with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can use any Christian to provide evidence which will lead a man to repentance. It is not up to us to cause a man to repent. However it is up to us to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to confront the man with the truth in a loving manner. If the man is a Christian, it doesn't take a lot to lead him out of an occult organization. If he is not led by the Holy Spirit, it may be next to impossible to lead him out of an occult organization.

Lee Kresser
Lee Kresser

Lee Kresser is one of the most dynamic and creative people I know. He is a tremendous radio talent and a terrific public speaker. Lee has a true love for Jesus and he pays it forward. It is an honor to call Lee my friend.

Lee is President at Thought Weaver Productions LLC. Lee was President at Shared Memories That Heal Hearts, Plant Engineering Mgr at ZF Batavia, and Ford Motor Company Batavia.

Lee’s Goals are to bring authenticity and accountability into the fabric of corporate operations. The bottom line financially is NOT really THE bottom line.
Below is a video of Lee Kresser on the Watchman Report program.

Brad Cousino

Brad is a dynamic public speaker who delivers a true gospel message concerning spiritual warfare. Brad has a true love for Jesus Christ and this comes through in his public speaking. Brad has over 30 years of experience in a variety of fields including professional football, marketing and sales, and conference speaking. Brad, in his personal life, overcame a number of challenges and went on to become a top collegiate athlete on a Division One football team and a professional athlete in the NFL, playing with the Cincinnati Bengals, the New York Giants, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Upon leaving the NFL, he worked his way up to eventually run the property management division of Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate. Brad started his own development company specializing in developing and managing commercial self-storage facilities in Westchester, NY. Brad serves as Senior Engagement Officer at a Christian ministry called Kings Domain. Brad leads the donor development program. This includes outreach to corporate partners, churches, educational institutions, and other ministries. Below is a YouTube video of Brad speaking.

FOUNDING ZEALOTS by Thomas W. Hagedorn

Pastor Tom Hagedorn has written a marvelous book entitled “Founding Zealots”.
Tom discovered that “Religion, morality, and knowledge being essentially necessary to good government… schools…shall forever be encouraged...”

When Thomas Hagedorn stumbled across those fifteen words in Ohio’s first Constitution, he had no idea that it would lead him on a 20-year quest to answer one simple question:

How could Ohio’s first public schools have promoted morality and religion, when today they are either indifferent or hostile to those values?

After studying hundreds of old letters, diaries, reports, and biographies he discovered that the teaching of religion and morality was commonplace, not only in Ohio’s first government schools, but all across 19th century America. Surprisingly, he found that most historians have ignored the Christian philosophy, motives, and leaders that laid the foundation of that vital institution. For the first time, Founding Zealots tells the entertaining and dramatic story of this five-decade-long struggle, the men who fought it, and the reasons why other historians have instead left us with a very different, much more secular account.

Based upon exhaustive research, Founding Zealots shows that:

•    Horace Mann’s role as the founder of our public schools is a myth.
•    Evangelicals--many of them devout ministers and missionaries--started the schools primarily to promote Christian evangelism and discipleship.
•    Marxist theories underlay several of the accounts of mainstream historians.

Thomas W. Hagedorn has been researching the origins of America’s public schools for twenty years. A member of six professional organizations in history and education, he has presented papers at three academic conferences. He earned a BS (cum laude) and an MBA, both from the University of Cincinnati, and the CPA certificate. While researching air pollution in college he co-authored two articles in scholarly journals. He lives in Cincinnati with his wife. Pastor Hagedorn's website is below.

Randy and Donna Ivins of the Iron Samaritans

Randy and Donna Ivins are founding members of the Iron Samaritans in Cincinnati, Ohio. They are two of the most giving servants for Jesus Christ that I know.
They have blessed Eastern Hills Baptist Church by bringing the homeless, oppressed and needy of the inner city of Cincinnati, OH. to our church. It is truly neat when the Iron Samaritan members come to our church in a large group wearing their “colors”.

They also originated and created food baskets to be distributed to needy families who live near our church. Pastor Ken Rivera and I wish we had a thousand Randy and Donna’s in our church. We are blessed to have them as our friends.  

Their Mission is to be the hands and feet of God, bringing a light in the time of darkness.

They believe the Spirit of the Lord is upon us because He has anointed us to preach the gospel to the poor. They believe Jesus sent us to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those that are bruised. Luke 4:18

Randy will be playing some of God’s music at the PSWC. Both Randy and Donna will be speaking on Spiritual Warfare but they have not chosen their specific topics yet. In the past Randy has spoken on the effect of Satanism in Rock n, Roll but I think he may speak on a different topic this year. Whatever Randy and Donna speak on, it will be well worth your time to attend.
501(c)3 Non Profit Organization
All donation are welcome and tax deductible
Make checks payable to Iron Samaritans
P. O. Box 62244
Cincinnati, OH 45262
** Meeting Place **
Eastern Hills Baptist Church 5825 Islington Ave. Fairfax 45227 
Meet at 7:00pm til 8:30 every 1st Wednesday of the month

Hasso Pape (Pronounced Pop with a long A)
Hasso Pape is one of the most gifted and brightest intellectuals that I know. Suffice it to say, I would be proud to have Hasso as a son. I admire Hasso because he gave up a lucrative engineering job at General Electric to work for Christ. Hasso not only talks the talk, he walks the walk. The link to his website is  

Hasso grew up in Upper Arlington, OH, and now works for Wycliffe Bible Translators as a software developer in Dallas, Texas. He creates software used around the world to translate the Bible. Hasso assists translators with storing, sorting, comparing, and preparing data for publication, allowing technology to tackle tedious, labor intensive, translation tasks.  

Wycliffe’s mission is to translate scripture into every language in the world. Some of the languages in the world are spoken by only a hundred or so people. There are numerous people groups who still need a Bible in their own mother tongue.  Wycliffe’s goal is to provide each of these people, who number in the millions, with at least a portion of the Bible by 2025. The link to the Wycliffe website is 

I am certain that with people like Hasso at Wycliffe they will accomplish their goal. Hasso will share his work and tell numerous humorous stories about languages, cultures, and how people interpret the Holy Bible. Hasso will invite the audience to join him in the process of bringing the Word of God to remote people groups. Hasso might speak briefly on another subject that God puts on his heart.
Chris Hunter

Chris Hunter was born in 1948 in southern Ohio, where his coal-mining grandfather and Cherokee grandmother settled.  A cum laude graduate of Ironton High School in 1966, and recipient of a congressional nomination to The United States Military Academy at West Point, Chris attended Ohio University, Ohio State University, and Franklin University, graduating with bachelor’s degrees in business administration and operations research. 

Chris served in the US Army performing electronic maintenance & instruction at a nuclear missile site established following the Cuban Missile Crisis.  He was employed until age 34 by the City of Columbus as Executive Project Manager, and was Chairman of the Awards Committee for the Columbus Chapter of the National Management Association, while concurrently a cell group and home church leader with Xenos Christian Fellowship in Columbus.

Chris toured North America for two years by motorcycle, doing biblical studies and making daily Christian connections from 1984 to 1986.  He became a SAR park ranger at Myrtle Beach, where he wrote the park’s and the state’s Emergency Action Plan.  

It soon became obvious God had placed him there to oppose “New Age”, the occult and witchcraft.  Chris served as Rabbi with Kinsman Ministries, a Messianic synagogue in North Myrtle Beach.

In 1996 Chris began backpack-hiking 18 long distance trails all over the US, some 13,000+ miles.  He is a member of The Appalachian Long Distance Hiking Association (ALDHA), and was chosen to address the Gettysburg University student body at ALDHA’s annual “Gathering.“  Chris is one of only 30 people in history to have thru-hiked the entire Appalachian Trail three times, and for the past two years has been listed first among the 13,000 one-time Appalachian Trail “thru-hikers” by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, the Trail’s governing agency.  

In 1998 Chris managed and led the Allison Ranch, a remote Idaho retreat for Christian missionaries.  From there he was called home to assist his elderly parents, where he inspired and contributed heavily to World Dominion, a book by Vaughn Shatzer, documenting the development of the New World Order.

In recent years Chris has taught extreme backpacking and emergency preparation, while intensely following developing biblical prophecy, and enjoying his three grandchildren. He is member of Trinity Assembly of God Church in Ironton, Ohio and does audio-visual work with Voice of Evangelism.

The schedule of speakers.

Admission to the event will be $12.00 per session  or $30.00 for all 3 days.

7 – 7:45        Russ Dizdar – Satanic crime and the occult
8 - 8:45        Gary Kah – national speaker on the One World Govt.
9 – 9:45        Chris Hunter - “World Dominion”

 9 – 9:45       Tom Hagedorn – “Founding Zealots”
10 – 10:45    Chris Hunter - "Emergency Preparation - Grab and Go"
11 – 11:45    Larry Kunk – “Concepts of God”
noon to 1:00 LUNCH BREAK
1 – 1:45        Lee Kresser - “The Lion of Judah”
2 – 2:45        Brad Cousino - “Breaking Your Spiritual Bondage”
3 – 3:45        Gary Kah national speaker on the One World Govt.
4 – 4:45        Russ Dizdar Satanic crime and the occult
5 – 5:45        Sandy Gross     
– 7:00        DINNER BREAK
7 – 7:45        Randy Ivins
8 – 8:45        Emmanuel Doulat – Ministering To Muslims in Pakistan

Pentecost Sunday

  9 – 9:45      Hasso Pape topic Wycliffe Bible Translating
10 – 10:45    Emmanuel Doulat – No Distance Is Too Far To Travel For                            Jesus
11 – 11:45    Larry Kunk  “Defending the Gospel”
  1 – 1:45      Russ Dizdar Satanic crime and the occult
  2 – 2:45      Donna Ivins  -
  3 – 3:45      Tad Lawrence Evolution and Satan's Greatest Victory Ever No                     One Has To Believe In A God Anymore                             
  4 – 4:45      Tamar Klayman 
  5 – 5:45      Rabbi Michael Wolf – Beth Messiah Messianic Congregation

  6 – 7:00      TBA

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