Friday, April 4, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message WR 14-93 4/7/14


The American people had over 6 billion dollars stolen from them in Iraq and Afghanistan and here is the result for working people.

Here is what happened on January 1, 2014:
Top Income Tax Bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
Top Income Payroll Tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
Capital Gains Tax went from 15% to 28%
Dividends Tax went from 15% to 39.6%
Estate Tax went from 0% to 55%

Remember this fact:
If you have money, the politicians want it. These taxes were all passed under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

A good friend of mine wrote this review for the movie "God's Not Dead". Born again Christians will love this movie because it is filled with the truth; atheists will hate it for the same reason.
With mendacious movies like Noah in theaters it is of great delight that we have biblical truth in God's Not Dead. There is no clouding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this film. This is always offensive to those who have not accepted God's gift of salvation yet, and clearly displayed in the multitude of hateful reviews online. In my believer-biased opinion, I think both sides of the argument are represented, and I am grateful for the apologetics review. The acting in this movie is commendable, as is the production quality, which is usually the first thing ridiculed in Christian films. I highly recommend every Christian buy a ticket and support this filmmaker's effort before it departs from the theaters. In return not only will your heart be lifted, but your spirit will be renewed to reach unbelievers. I'm afraid for them it is not long until they become very much aware that God is indeed alive. 

Israel's divine appointment is approaching in 11 days - 15 April/ 15 Nissan, watch the interesting video below:

Below is an animation of the Tsunami that resulted from the 8.2 quake in Chile. In regards to these catastrophes like the Chilean earthquake read Matthew 24 where Yeshua tells us exactly what will happen in End Times. By the way, Yeshua's account in Matthew exactly parallels the Book of Revelation. Who said God did not write the Bible?

Bill and an Identified Female Sexual Object (IFSO)  
The video below is Bill Clinton discussing aliens and UFOs 
Bill Clinton says we may not be alone. Bill should know he is married to an extraterrestial! Does Kimmel really think Bill C. would tell us the truth on the UFO alien matter. Bill is a lying politician!
During an appearance on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Wednesday, the 42nd president was pressed by host Jimmy Kimmel about whether he saw any classified information while in office proving the existence of aliens. While Clinton said he had “all the Roswell papers reviewed” and found no clear evidence that aliens exist, he also said he wouldn’t be shocked if intelligent life exists outside our planet or even if extraterrestrials one day visit Earth. “We know now we live in an ever-expanding universe,” Clinton said. “We know that there are billions of stars and planets literally out there — and the universe is getting bigger. We know from our fancy telescopes that just in the last two years more than 20 planets have been identified outside our solar system that seem to be far enough away from their suns — and dense enough — that they might be able to support some form of life.” “So it makes it increasing less likely that we’re alone,” he continued. “Oh, you’re trying to give me a hint that there are aliens,” Kimmel quipped in response. “No, I’m trying to tell you I don’t know,” Clinton replied. “But if we were visited someday, I wouldn’t be surprised. I just hope that it’s not like ‘Independence Day,’ the movie — that it’s, you know, a conflict.”
Saudi Arabia has Pakistani nuclear missiles
In reference to the article below, it looks like the Watchman’s prediction is coming true about Saudi Arabia acquiring Nukes. Think about the Middle East nuclear race this way, if the Illuminati wants WWIII in order to enlarge their profit then they will make sure Saudi Arabia somehow gets the bomb.
The race towards nuclear armament or proliferation is on in earnest in the Middle East. The message from the director of the political-military affairs bureau at Israel’s Defense Ministry, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Amos Gilad is summarized by the following statement: “When one goes nuclear, they all go nuclear…the Arabs will not tolerate the Persians having the bomb.”
Gen. Gilad points out two nations likely to acquire nuclear weapons should Iran obtain the weapons it desires. The first is Saudi Arabia who have reportedly already purchased nuclear weapons from Pakistan: according to a BBC report, as of November weapons had already been purchased and were ready to be transported.
The wholesale collapse of Saudi-U.S. relations, and the U.S. efforts to reconcile with Iran, have been game changers for Saudi Arabia. The U.S. backing of Saudi Arabia deterred Iran from gaining regional dominance. In recent years the U.S. has downscaled its military presence, doing all it can to establish a relationship with Iran—Saudi Arabia’s mortal enemy. Consequently, America is viewed by its old allies as “untrustworthy and treacherous,” hence Saudi Arabia feels it must take matters into its own hands to guarantee its safety. Hence the rush to nuclear proliferation.
The second power Gilad mentioned was Egypt: despite suffering the devastating economic setbacks of two coups, “The Egyptians have the resources, capability and know-how to achieve nuclear capabilities.” Egypt’s nuclear program has developed over time to where it can now produce just over 13 pounds of plutonium per year. In an interview with The Blaze, one professor speculated that such a quantity would be enough to produce one bomb a year, and that Egypt has the capability to produce 24 nuclear warheads. And in the same way, Egypt has said it would only seek nuclear weapons if Iran did, so Iran’s nuclear drive may yet fuel a push for weapons by Egypt. Egypt’s predicament is similar to that of Saudi Arabia. America’s current foreign policy has reportedly shattered ties between Washington and the military-backed government in Cairo today.
With dwindling American support and influence, smaller, weaker Arab nations must fill the void. The nuclear option seems most viable—particularly for those nations that have the means to create or buy them quickly, then align themselves geopolitically in the ways most appropriate for each nation’s survival. Perhaps the only predictable outcome is that virtually all the Arab countries will be firmly against Israel and will be willing to temporarily shelve their differences in order to unite against her.
Another area of nuclear proliferation is likely to shift to other non-Arab countries that have learned the lessons from the recent Ukraine scenarios. Dr. Richard Land, writing in the Christian Post, explains that “…in 1991,when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the newly independent Ukraine (inheriting part of Moscow's nuclear arsenal), was for one brief moment the world's third leading nuclear power. 

Ukraine had control of over 1,800 nuclear weapons, more than any nation but the U.S. and Russia. The Clinton Administration, rightly concerned about these weapons ending up in the hands of terrorists, made it a high priority to urge the Ukraine to give up its weapons in return for economic aid and security guarantees. 

The Ukraine did so in return for the "Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances" in which the Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons and signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and Russia, Britain, and the U.S. pledged to protect Ukraine's "territorial integrity." Dr. Land sees the absence of the U.S as a kind of ‘globocop’ creating a protection vacuum outcome that precipitates a panic rush for nuclear armaments by countries that felt the U.S would continually protect or shield them from the “bullies with nuclear weapons” (Russia, China, India, Pakistan, and sooner rather than later, Iran).

This is a very important article because it gives us an End Times view from the Muslim perspective. Friends, ultimately we are dealing with God's fulfillment of Isaiah 17.
What’s going on in Syria is horrifying. There can be no other way of describing this. Two groups of people have deeply committed themselves to destroying each other, and caught in between are Christians and the most ancient, continuously inhabited city on Earth – Damascus.
It is a tragedy of vast proportion with no other possible end – except utter destruction. It has already killed more than 140 thousand people and displaced millions of men, women and children. When it’s all over, millions will have died, the most ancient city on Earth will have been destroyed, the Middle East will have been transformed, and the world will have changed forever.
As I write about what is going on in Syria, my heart is heavy at the thought of what is happening there.
The ‘civil’ part of this war started in March 2011, when Syrian police tortured some kids for anti-Assad graffiti on the walls of a school in Deraa. Let’s talk about what is happening in Syria.

The Saudis would have found a way to start this war – one way, or another – because this really isn’t a civil war. It’s a proxy war, funded and promoted by corrupt Persian Gulf Sunnis in an attempt to block the rising power of Iran.
The US is aiding the Saudis because the fate of the United States lies in the balance. If Iran succeeds in dominating the Persian Gulf, the world will no longer need US dollars to buy their oil, and the debt-fueled American Empire will fall.
For America, it is Assad who must fall, or all is lost.
This is also a proxy war for Russia in her struggle to exert influence in the Mediterranean Sea and control the flow of natural gas to Europe. Russia has an important interest in the success of the pipeline being built from Iran, through Iraq and then to the Syrian coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
It’s also a proxy war for Iran as she struggles with Saudi Arabia for regional dominance. Iran sees her chance to unseat the corrupt oligarchs that control the Persian Gulf. And, the Iranians  want to make the way for the coming of their Islamic Messiah, the Imam Mahdi. You might say that Iran is the only country that looks at this proxy war in apocalyptic terms but some Christians, like myself see Isaiah 17 and then Psalm 83 in play.
Those that are fighting on the ground in Syria don’t suffer from such a complex viewpoint.
If this war is a civil war, it’s not a civil war that has anything to do with Syria, except to act as host to the conflict. No, this is a civil war within Islam, over who will usher in the Islamic Last Days. It’s an apocalyptic civil war between Shia Islam and Sunni Islam, and only one can emerge victorious.
A few days ago Mariam Karouny wrote an article entitled: Apocalyptic prophecies drive both sides to Syrian battle for end of time
There is a lot in that article that will chill you to the bone. Here are some quotes from the article, "From the first outbreak of the crisis in the southern city of Deraa to apocalyptic forecasts of a Middle East soaked in blood, many combatants on both sides of the conflict say its path was set 1,400 years ago in the sayings of the Prophet Mohammad and his followers.
Among those many thousands of sayings, or hadith, are accounts which refer to the confrontation of two huge Islamic armies in Syria, a great battle near Damascus, and intervention from the north and west of the country.
I am not completely sure why,where or how Mohammad was able to make these prophecies. I suspect a Christian told him about Biblical prophecies and twisted them for his own use. Or, the demons he listened to did the twisting for him. Whatever the case, there is an uncanny resemblance to what the Bible says about the era in which we live.
The power of those prophecies for many fighters on the ground means that the three-year-old conflict is more deeply rooted – and far tougher to resolve – than a simple power struggle between President Bashar al-Assad and his rebel foes.
Far tougher to resolve does not begin to address the impossibility of rescuing the situation. Both sides are fueled by a passion to win this struggle at any cost. It is a holy war of the worst possible kind – two sides that are equally balanced and utterly fanatic.
Karouny quote a rebel fighter: “If you think all these mujahideen came from across the world to fight Assad, you’re mistaken,” said a Sunni Muslim jihadi who uses the name Abu Omar and fights in one of the many anti-Assad Islamist brigades in Aleppo.

“They are all here as promised by the Prophet. This is the war he promised, it is the Grand Battle,” he used a word which can also be translated as slaughter.
This is where you should start to shiver, where you should begin to feel the chill of an apocalyptic future. That concept of ‘the Grand Battle’ is going to destroy Syria. When it’s over, all that will be left is rubble to fight over and thisn is what God says in Isaiah 17. 
Many Shi’ites from Lebanon, Iraq and Iran are drawn to the war because they believe it paves the way for the return of Imam Mahdi – a descendant of the Prophet who vanished 1,000 years ago and who will re-emerge at a time of war to establish global Islamic rule before the end of the world.
According to Shi’ite tradition, an early sign of his return came with the 1979 Iranian revolution, which set up an Islamic state to provide fighters for an army led by the Mahdi to wage war in Syria and then sweep through the Middle East.
“This Islamic Revolution, based on the narratives that we have received from the prophet and imams, is the prelude to the appearance of the Mahdi,” Iranian cleric and parliamentarian Ruhollah Hosseinian said last year.
He cited comments by an eighth century Shi’ite imam who said another sign of the Mahdi’s return would be a battle involving warriors fighting under a yellow banner – the color associated with Lebanon’s pro-Assad Hezbollah militia.
“As Imam Sadeq has stated, when the (forces) with yellow flags fight anti-Shi’ites in Damascus and Iranian forces join them, this is a prelude and a sign of the coming of his holiness.
The comment by Ruhollah Hosseinian illustrates an important point. Islamic prophecy, it is Iran’s the job to make it happen, it is government policy in Iran. Iran is a country like no other, driven by religion and false prophecies and a false prophet, notice I said false prophet. This is why Israel is so nervous about Iran’s nuclear weapon’s program and this is why you, I and the West should be nervous. However, Obama is not nervous as he and his fellow Illuminati continue to dismantle America's economic and military power.
Is there any other way than complete destruction in war and the death of millions?
I can’t think of any other outcome because this conflict has become the center for global jihad.
The author continues with a quote from Sami:
“We have here mujahideen from Russia, America, the Philippines, China, Germany, Belgium, Sudan, India and Yemen and other places,” said Sami, a Sunni rebel fighter in northern Syria. “They are here because this what the Prophet said and promised, the Grand Battle is happening.”
Both sides emphasize the ultimate goal of establishing an Islamic state which will rule the world before total chaos.

Herein lies the basis for what many people see as the Islamic Antichrist, and I completely understand that. The description of the Imam Mahdi is exactly the same as the Antichrist. That’s among many reasons why I don’t completely discount the possibility that the Muslims will somehow achieve a kind of unprecedented victory that will allow them to dominate the world and bring in their Antichrist and his caliphate. But many people believe this will never happen. 
For an Islamic Antichrist to take control, we would need to see a far greater destruction of the world than we can envision right now. How can the world's population be reduced by 50%, almost overnight?
I see scenarios where this is possible, but they are as close to impossible as you can get at this time. I believe that it is far more possible for the Muslims and the world to welcome an alien Messiah as the Mahdi.

Below is a quote from a Sunni fighter:
“These hadith are what the Mujahideen are guided by to come to Syria, we are fighting for this. With every passing day we know that we are living the days that the Prophet talked about,” said Mussab, a fighter from the Nusra Front, a Sunni hardline group linked to al Qaeda, speaking from Syria.
And then one from a Shi’ite fighter: Murtada, a 27-year-old Lebanese Shi’ite who regularly goes to Syria to battle against the rebels, says he is not fighting for Assad, but for the Mahdi, also known as the Imam.
And another Shi’ite:
Abbas, a 24-year-old Iraqi Shi’ite fighter, said he knew he was living in the era of the Mahdi’s return when the United States and Britain invaded Iraq in 2003.
“That was the first sign and then everything else followed,” he said from Baghdad, where he said was resting before heading to Syria for a fourth time.
“I was waiting for the day when I will fight in Syria. Thank God he chose me to be one of the Imam’s soldiers.”
Abu Hsaasan, a 65 year old pensioner from south Lebanon, said he once thought the prophecies of the end of days would take centuries to come about.
“Things are moving fast. I never thought that I would be living the days of the Imam. Now, with every passing day I am more and more convinced that it is only a matter of few years before he appears.”
If the average Muslim sees things in this way, fighters from around the world will pour into this conflict until there is nothing left of Syria, and nothing to fight over… except rubble.…which is exactly what the prophet Isaiah foretold in chapter 17.

Let's look at some numbers:
The approximate world population is                                           7 billion 
Let's assume the Rapture takes out                                            1 billion 
Population of the post Rapture world                                          6 billion
Great Trib begins with The Seal Judgments take out                  1.5 billion
Post Seal Judgment World Population                                         4.5 billion 
Trumpet Judgment take out                                                        1.5 billion 
Great Tribulation population down to                                          3.0 billion 250 to 750 million people @ Armageddon or 3.6% of today's population                        

The Wedding Ring

A good friend of mine wrote the piece below about his wedding ring. He recently lost his wonderful wife to cancer. Susan battled cancer for years. 

Today I stopped in at SaveMart to buy some groceries. One of the cashiers that Susan and I knew gave me some words of encouragement. I did need them. Yesterday was not a very good day, today is much better. Susan knew her before I did, since she did the grocery shopping. She lost her 1st husband & remarried a former Army Green Beret. We all met at the VA Clinic in Modesto when Susan was with me. It always amazes me how fast relationships form between veterans & their families. Today when she saw me coming through the line she simply asked: “How are you doing?” I normally hate it when somebody asks me that, but she quickly followed it with, “I am glad to see you are still wearing your wedding ring!”  I had not thought of that before, why am I still wearing my wedding ring? I’ve worn it for 35 1/2 years, why should I not be wearing it? As I allowed that question to ramble through my brain, I thought, I am widowed, technically not married, the vow reads till death do us part, Susan is sitting at the feet of her Saviour. Why do I still wear my wedding ring? I still wear my wedding ring because it reminds of someone special who not only caught my eye but my heart also.  I still wear my wedding ring because it is a reminder of somebody very precious that God gave me to be my helpmeet for a brief time down here on earth. I still wear my wedding ring because it shouts out to me that there is more to life than just this old world. I still wear my wedding ring because I have a hope & a promise that I will see my Susan again some day, Because He Lives, those who have trusted in Him & the finished work of the cross, shall also live. I still wear my wedding ring because it is not goodbye my love, but goodnight my Susan, see you in the morning. Gary (missing my Susan).

Friends, billions of dollars were stolen from U.S. taxpayers in Iraq and now the same thing has happened in Afghanistan. In approximately 24 April 2003 $800 million dollars were found in a residential neighborhood in Baghdad. This was only part of the billions stolen in Iraq.  Of course, the American “sheeple” will not say a word or demand that heads roll. God calls on us to be good stewards of our money, no wonder our nation is so far in debt. It is an under statement to say we wasted billions in blood and treasure in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
Now  once again the State Department says it has no idea what happened to $6 billion used to pay its contractors.
In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.
The alert was just the latest example of the federal government’s continued struggle with oversight over its outside contractors.
The lack of oversight “exposes the department to significant financial risk,” the auditor said. “It creates conditions conducive to fraud, as corrupt individuals may attempt to conceal evidence of illicit behavior by omitting key documents from the contract file. It impairs the ability of the Department to take effective and timely action to protect its interests, and, in tum, those of taxpayers.”
In the memo, the IG detailed “repeated examples of poor contract file administration.” For instance, a recent investigation of the closeout process for contracts supporting the mission in Iraq, showed that auditors couldn’t find 33 of the 115 contract files totaling about $2.1 billion. Of the remaining 82 files, auditors said 48 contained insufficient documents required by federal law.
In another instance, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement issued a $1 billion contract in Afghanistan that was deemed “incomplete.”
The auditor recommended that the State Department establish a centralized system to track, maintain and retain contract files.
The department responded and said it concurred with the recommendations to address the “vulnerability” in its contracting process.
Before Linick took office last fall, the State Department had been without an inspector general position for five years—the longest IG vacancy in the government’s history. I would say the illuminati thieves did not want an IG.

Below are some videos from Kevin Annett concerning the pope and the vatican, draw your own conclusions:

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