Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Replacement Theologists Convene In Bethlehem WR 14-74

Bethlehem will be the sight of the third” Christ at the Checkpoint “conference, March 10-14, 2014. In view of the anti-Jewish rhetoric that is likely to pepper the dialogue, many Messianic Jews and Evangelical Christians question the validity of this year’s conference.
If past conferences are a preview, there will be some talk of peace and reconciliation sandwiched in between plenty of scathing criticism of Israel and” cloaked versions of Replacement Theology”
Replacement Theology teaches that the Christian Church has replaced Israel or the Jewish people regarding the plans, purposes, and promises of God. Adherents to this theology no longer consider the Jews to be God’s “chosen” people.
According to the CatC (Christ at the Checkpoint) conference manifesto, “reconciliation” is the theme. Evangelical Christians are called on to “reclaim their prophetic role in bringing peace, justice, and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel.”

However, the manifesto goes on to paint Israel as the aggressor and Palestinians as the victims.” There are real injustices taking place in the Palestinian territories and the suffering of the Palestinians can no longer be ignored.” the Manifesto asserts.
Other questionable points in the manifesto are,” racial ethnicity does not guarantee the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant “and “any exclusive claim to land of the Bible in the name of God is not in line with the teaching of the scripture."

The narrative of many of the speakers reveal’s a misunderstanding of the issues which led to the displacement of the Palestinians, namely, that Israel came to resettle its ancient homeland in 1948, after a 2000 year absence. Arab leaders quickly ignited a war against the State of Israel and have rejected numerous attempts by Israel to bring a peaceful settlement to the conflict.
It is due to the politically charged and anti-Semitic themes between Israelis and Palestinians promoted at the conference that a majority of Messianic Jews have chosen not to participate. Rabbi Dr. David Friedman has penned a petition that has been circulated to many local and foreign Messianics.
“None of us desires a state of conflict, however; neither do we desire to see anti-Semitic insinuations at what purports to be a reconciliation effort. And we have seen such at the first two CatC conferences”. wrote the Rabbi to the sponsors of the Checkpoint.

The letter recommends that” wide changes in the CatC approach need to occur, and some contents of past conferences need to be repudiated, in order for the anti-Semitism of past conferences to disappear.” Due to the anti-Semitic content and undertones, the framers and signers of this petition will not attend the conference.
The petition goes on to urge,” all participants to check their own hearts and minds regarding their attitude toward the Jewish nation.” 

It states that anti-Israel politics and political correctness have emerged as focal points of the conference and the Jewish people and the state of Israel have been singled out for criticism. Dr. Friedman goes on to state that “conference sponsors retain connections to pro-jihadist movements or persons, whose political stances threaten the entire Middle east.” 
In finalizing the petition, Dr. Friedman affirms,” As sincere believers in Yeshua, we cannot, and we will not, endorse this conference.”
It should be reported that three Messianic leaders have agreed to be a part of the conference as speakers.
According to the website, Christians for Zion, on the opening night of the CatC, Dr. Rami Hamadallah will address the event. 

Who is Rami Hamadallah? Why is his presence at the conference controversial?
Mr. Ramadallah is the appointed Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority. Prior to this appointment, he was the president of An-Najah University, which has been labeled by various think tanks as a” hotbed of terrorist recruitment and activity.” Hamas has labeled the university as a “greenhouse for martyrs.”
During Mr. Ramadallah’s tenor at the University, students reenacted the infamous Sbarro bombings in Jerusalem, where fifteen civilians, seven of them children were killed.”This event was commemorated as a heroic act of” Palestinian resistance.”
Other noteworthy speakers at the CatC are, William Wilson, president of Oral Roberts University, Rev. Jeff Tunnicliffe, secretary-general of the World Evangelical Alliance, and Joseph Cumming of Yale University Center for Faith and Culture.
According to watchdog group NGO Monitor, the U.S., U.K. and Dutch governments are sponsors of the CatC through an organization called The Holy Land Trust. The United Methodist Church-affiliated General Board of Global Ministries is also cited as a donor.
The LORD promised to bless those whose bless Israel and to punish those who abuse Israel, and that ALL nations would be blessed through Abraham’s seed. (Genesis 12: 1, 2)
History has proven the truth of God’s promise to Abraham.

It will be interesting to see what progress toward peace comes out of the 2014 CatC.

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