Thursday, March 13, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message 14 Mar 2014 WR 14-75

They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire—something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.” — Jeremiah 7:31
The Torah portion for this week is Tzav, which means “command,” from Leviticus 6:1–8:36, and the Haftorah is from Jeremiah 7:21–8:3; 9:22–23.
The Jewish term for heaven is olam haba, which means “the next world,” implying that there is a place where people live after they die. There is also a Jewish term for hell, gehinom. This term is actually a combination of several words, which have their source in this week’s Haftorah reading from the book of Jeremiah. Gai Ben Hinnom, the valley of Ben Hinnom, is a very real place that still can be seen next to the City of David in Jerusalem. It has a chilling history, one that truly embodies hell on earth.
In this reading, Jeremiah scolded the children of Israel who continued to offer sacrifices to God even as they participated in evil idolatry. “God doesn’t want your sacrifices,” Jeremiah told them. Then, he described one type of idolatry specifically — the worship of the pagan god Molech.
Worshipers of Molech followed a particularly detestable practice of offering their first-born children to their god. In the Valley of Ben Hinnom, fires were kept burning day and night where human sacrifices were made as parents brought their children to be burned alive: “They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire.” Topeth means drums, and the place was so named because the idolaters would beat drums to drown out the cries of the innocent children.
But God heard their cries.
God told the people that this was “something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.” This kind of sickening worship bears no resemblance to the worship that God desires. The Sages teach that the worshipers of Molech would taunt the Israelites by saying, “You only offer animals to your God, but we are so much better than you. We are willing to sacrifice our children!” The idol worshipers glorified death, but our God says, “Now choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
True service of God is life-affirming. It is life-giving and life-saving. We value living, building, planting, and growing. God doesn’t ask that we surrender our lives in order to serve Him. Rather, He says,“Keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them will live by them” (Leviticus 18:5). God wants us to thrive and help others do the same, not the opposite.
Today, how will you serve the Lord in a way that affirms life? Can you help to feed the hungry, comfort the sick, nurture a child? By serving God in ways that bring more life into the world we will achieve the very opposite of the Molech-worshipers; instead of demonstrating the fires of hell, we will create a slice of heaven here on earth.

With prayers for shalom, peace,

Did Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 with 239 people aboard tragically disintegrate in mid-flight, as official investigators postulate? Or has it been disappeared with electronic weaponry? At least twenty passengers were employed in electronic weaponry.
While four passengers who boarded a missing Malaysian jet are under special investigation for stolen and other passport-related issues, twenty passengers were involved in cutting edge electronic technology used for defense purposes, including electronic warfare, such as weapons that can "cloak" or make planes invisible, appearing to vanish. If this is the case with the missing jet, the event points to terrorism or a foreign intelligence operation .
The public has been told that investigators said the missing Malaysian jet possibly "disintegrated" into thin air.
Adding to the mysterious tragedy is that not one country checked databases for information about stolen passports used to board the Malaysia Airlines flight. Interpol said Sunday that not one country checked its database for information about stolen passports used to board the Malaysia Airlines flight.
Secretary General of Interpol, Ronald K. Noble, said Sunday no checks had been conducted by the authorities in Malaysia or any other country about the two passports before the Boeing 777-200 left on Flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
In a forceful statement, Mr. Noble warned “only a handful of countries” around the world routinely made such checks.
“This is a situation we had hoped never to see,” he said. “For years, Interpol has asked why should countries wait for a tragedy to put prudent security measures in place at borders and boarding gates.”
Catastrophic events occurring during the cruise phase of flight are exceedingly rare these days. Given the altitude, few opportunities for weather or piloting deficiencies exist. Even an engine failure would still provide options.
Two aspects not reported regarding the mystery are: 1) using today's electronic weaponry, a plane can seemingly "vanish," and 2) passengers aboard the missing Malaysia jet are linked to contracts with the Department of Defense and high-tech electronic weaponry.
Today's electronic warfare (EW) capability includes weaponry that can hide planes. Electronic weaponry is not only available, it is being deployed. Is this being used to hide or "cloak" the "vanished" plane?
New electronic weapons allow jamming, blinding, deafening and more, so that a plane could possibly vanish from radar detection and security systems would not be activated. Basic radar Electronic Counter-Measure strategies used in electronic warfare (EW) are: 1) radar interference, 2) target modifications, and 3) changing electrical properties of air.
For example, a U.S. intelligence assessment concluded any Israeli attack on Iran would go far beyond fighter plane airstrikes and would likely deploy EW against Iran’s electric grid, Internet, cellphone network, and emergency frequencies for firemen and police officers.
“For example, Israel has developed a weapon capable of mimicking a maintenance cellphone signal that commands a cell network to “sleep,” effectively stopping transmissions, officials confirmed. The Israelis also have jammers capable of creating interference within Iran’s emergency frequencies for first responders.”
In a 2007, “the Syrian military got a taste of this warfare when Israeli planes ‘spoofed’ the country’s air-defense radars, at first making it appear that no jets were in the sky and then in an instant making the radar believe the sky was filled with hundreds of planes.”
Last year, it was announced that new stealth technology makes airplanes invisible not only to radar, it also renders them hidden to the human eye as well — “just like an invisibility cloak in a Hollywood sci-fi thriller,”reported
China had just touted its work on a “cloaking” technology using a hexagonal array of glass-like panels to bend light around an object, obscuring it from view, as though hidden by an invisibility cloak. Experts confirmed that the technology was legit — and not unlike American and European projects from the past few years.
“The general public … might not hear about how far the U.S. has really come, because it is classified,” firearms expert Chris Sajnog, a former Navy SEAL, said “Other countries are still playing catch-up — but they’re closing the gap”, he added. stated, “But while classified work progresses, several public projects from universities and military supply companies show just how real this futuristic technology is.”
“Major arms developers such as BAE Systems readily acknowledge work on this kind of technology, such as the Adaptiv program, which aims to hide armored vehicles.”
“The U.S. military is among many who have expressed interest in Adaptiv, which could be transferred to other platforms, such as ships and helicopters,” said Mike Sweeney, a spokesman for BAE.
In Electronic Warfare jargon, however, electronic countermeasure exists. ECM is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar or other detection systems, like infrared (IR) or lasers.
ECM can be used offensively and defensively to deny targeting information to an enemy.
The system can “make the real target appear to disappear or move about randomly. It is used effectively to protect aircraft from guided missiles.
“Most air forces use ECM to protect their aircraft from attack. It has also been deployed by military ships and recently on some advanced tanks to fool laser/IR guided missiles. It is frequently coupled with stealth advances so that the ECM systems have an easier job. Offensive ECM often takes the form of jamming. Defensive ECM includes using blip enhancement and jamming of missile terminal homers.”
Of the 239 passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, 20 are employed by the leading edge electronic company: twelve from Malaysia and eight from China.
Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE:FSL) is a global leader in embedded processing solutions and electronic warfare, providing industry leading products that are advancing the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets,” the company says on its website and in its statement today. ”… our technologies are the foundation for the innovations that make our world greener, safer, healthier and more connected.”
Freescale says its “key applications and end-markets include: automotive safety,hybrid and all-electric vehicles, next generation wireless infrastructure, smart energy management, portable medical devices, consumer appliances and smart mobile devices. The company is based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development, manufacturing and sales operations around the world.
  • Battlefield communications
  • Avionics
  • HF through L- and S-Band radar
  • Missile guidance
  • Electronic warfare
  • Identification, friend or foe (IFF)
Human rights regarding security and privacy, possibly terrorism
While everyone who boarded the plane are being investigated, four are under particular investigation. Two had stolen passports to board the now vanished Malaysia plane. They bought their tickets with two other people who boarded the plane and are also targets of the investigation. Now, ESP reports that the stolen passports may have been found.
A Chinese national, whose passport number was listed on the passenger manifest, did not board the plane, is still in China, and this individual’s passport was never stolen, China’s state media reported. The stolen passport carriers and the other two suspects have increased officials’ suspicions that the event is one of terrorism, officials say, but continue to stress that the event has not been declared a terrorist event.
Names of all the passengers is on the manifest here.
Military radar indicated the plane possibly turned from its flight route before losing contact: “There is a distinct possibility the airplane did a turn-back, deviating from the course,” Malaysian air force chief General Rodzali Daud said Sunday, citing radar data but not revealing which direction the plane possibly took when it went off route.
Malaysia Airlines (MAS) chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said the Boeing 777′s systems would have set off alarm bells if it changed course.

That, however, is assuming electronic weaponry was not used.

Below are very interesting videos on the missing Malaysian passenger jet and an email from an oil rig worker. It seems to me the Illuminati may be trying to build a case that this airliner and its passengers were taken by aliens.

mike mckay oil rig

There are quite a few elements to the story of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 that are very, very troubling. Passenger cellphones remained active long after the plane was supposed to have crashed. The transponder switched off abruptly with no indication of problems, or even a decline in altitude. Also, the Radar-return for the plane completely and abruptly disappeared, which should be physically impossible. There were also unidentified aircraft active in the area and behaving unusually.
We undoubtedly can explain the ringing cell phones, but the transponder is a problem. Also, a problem is the complete disappearance of the aircraft while at a very high altitude. Yes, I understand about ‘secondary radar’ being ‘transponder-only’, but the militaries of the region should have been tracking this craft.

They are strangely quiet. They either cannot account for the disappearance of flight MH370, or they don’t want to.

There are only 33 days until the first blood moon of the tetrad begin on 15 April 2014 or 15 Nisan 5774!

There is a lot going on in the Middle East. Keep your eyes on God’s center piece Jerusalem. We have the Pope visiting Israel in late May, probably to take Roman Catholic properties from Israel. This is sad but some Jews are selling out Israel to the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and others.  The European boycott is effecting Israel's huge export business and some Jewish businessmen want to give up Israel's land in order to restore their business relationship with Europe. Remember, the RCC believes the Church has replaced (replacement theology) the Jews in God’s eyes. The Book of Revelation is not in the RCC Bible!  Obama wants the peace agreement inked sometime in late April. Damascus and Syria have not gone away. The 50 year Jewish jubilee is in 2017. The Shmittah for the U.S. is in 2015. I wonder what harbinger God will send this time. On top of that if you think this frigid Winter is normal it is not. Our bad weather is linked to our policy of giving away God’s coveted land of Israel.


We are close we are to falling apart. If the true nature of the inflation that we are experiencing becomes widely known, the interest that the US government pays on its debt (and YOU pay on YOUR debt) will explode, and it will be game over.
The Illuminati know this – which is why they are doubling down on their lies about inflation and putting capital controls in place – to get ready for the moment when it all falls apart. We are already experiencing per-transfer limits to how much money we can send overseas. We’ve seen limits to how much cash we can take out of our accounts. Legislation is in place for bail-ins to steal money out of your accounts when the banks fail – when they fail, not if. But, there’s something else that happens on July 1st.
FATCA – Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
HR 2847. That bill was introduced in 2009 and passed in 2010, and it’s one of the most awful bits of legislation since Obamacare. It’s FATCA, and it’s evil.
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) comes into effect on July 1, 2014 – six months after it was supposed to be law. Most of us living abroad know about this, and we are happy to have been given an extra grace period. You are probably wondering why I’m so repulsed by this law.
FATCA isn’t about taxes. It’s about control – controlling every American, everywhere they go. The amount of revenue FATCA is expected to generate isn’t all that much more than the cost of the FATCA program.
So, why are they doing this?
Well, when the US dollar collapses, they will use the global control grid that FATCA is creating, to lock the gates of the US in an attempt to keep capital from escaping the clutches of the government. FATCA will be VERY important to the Illuminati.
If you think that I’m engaging in hyperbole, you need to take a good hard look at the examples of hyperinflationary collapse in history. They ALWAYS place harsh controls on money that moves in and out of the country. They ALWAYS make foreign bank accounts illegal if you do not live abroad. They ALWAYS crush the country where hyperinflation is taking place.
Worse, I believe that FATCA could be laying the foundation for asset confiscation by the government from Americans living outside the US.
This is an ugly law that seeks to impose American control in every banking institution throughout the world. Furthermore, I believe that this is yet another piece of data that points to the collapse of the American Empire, and the devastation that will follow that collapse.

Praise God. After being detained by the North Korean authorities for two weeks, Mr. John Short was deported back to China. Mr. Short was facing a possible 15-year prison sentence simply for distributing a handful of gospel tracts while on a regular tour of the country. We thank God for John’s release and for all those who prayed and wrote on his behalf. Please continue praying for the countless other Christians who are serving sentences in North Korean prisons and concentration camps.

Under cover of darkness, a boat carefully navigates the currents off the coast of North Korea. On board, a simple farmer from the “Hermit Kingdom” is about his Father’s business. He is nearly 80 years old and is wearing a neatly pressed suit and necktie. He prays for an unseen congregation as he drops another scripture leaflet into the icy waters. His name is Mr. “Yu.”
“I pray over every gospel leaflet I throw into the sea. I pray for those that will read them as they wash up on shore. This is now my profession, the most important task of my life.”
—Mr. Yu
It may seem strange that an uneducated farmer now wears a suit and tie to toss gospel tracts into the sea at night. But for Mr. Yu it is a matter of honor and respect. As an ambassador of Christ, he offers his best.
Since the founding of The Voice of the Martyrs, we have been involved in this unique ministry at various times. Today, the launches are more frequent than ever and are being conducted by North Koreans themselves. These gospel-tract launches are just one way they are reaching out to their countrymen with the love of Christ. You can help invade North Korea with Scripture and receive a free copy of These Are the Generations. Click here to learn more.
The IDF released on Sunday an inventory of weapons recovered from the attempted Iranian shipment to Gaza last week on the intercepted freighter Klos C. After detailed analysis carried out by the Engineering Corps, the IDF found 40 M-302 rockets, with a range of between 90 to 160 kilometers, hidden in crates. The Klos C also carried 180 120mm. mortar shells and some 400,000 7.62mm. bullets."
This next news segment reveals the true danger posed by these rockets.
"These are advanced weapons that were intended to threaten the security of millions of Israeli civilians ... the ship was heading for Port Sudan, where the Iranian Quds Force had planned to pick up the rockets and move them overland via Egypt and into Gaza through smuggling tunnels, the IDF determined."
Some news reports indicated that these rockets were sophisticated and powerful enough to represent a "game changer" weapon. Such missiles would allow terrorist organizations to launch the next missile campaign against, not only central Israel, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Dimona, but also northern Israel, with missiles that can fly further and carry a much larger warhead.
Since the IDF had been systematically tracking this shipment through various ports over a period of several months, this interception of the deadly cargo is quite a feat.
Israeli citizens are going to suffer badly once the 100,000 missiles their enemy possesses begins to fly against their cities, hamlets, and settlements. This trying time will be "the time of Jacob's trouble", the most terrifying and dangerous moment of Israel's existence. The prophecy of Daniel 12:1 will literally come to pass, as Michael, Israel's guardian angel, will have to spring to her defense.

While most observers claim that the current conflict over Ukraine is reminiscent of the Cold War, a political economy analysis of the last three days would ... underline how liberal economic interdependence has modified the rules of the game. "
"The reaction from oligarchs in Ukraine as well as the impact that the prospect of war had on both the Russian stock exchange and currency are solid proof that countries cannot operate bluntly as they did during the Cold War without closely monitoring global economic dynamics. "
"However, the capacity of European power to maintain a front of unity has its limit. It started suffering from internal defection as shown by the lukewarm and cautious positions from the Cameron administration highlighting the City's dependence on Russian capital. Indeed, Russian economic retaliation would also have strong impact on some of the largest American companies, including Exxon and PepsiCo.
"But the past week events confirmed this is not a zero-sum game, but rather an economic interdependence where former partners can grow together or lose together, at the expense of their domestic stability."
At this point, we must remember that, while this global economic interdependence is quite true and severely limits the power of one nation over another, the REAL purpose of this crisis is to bring Kingdom #5 -- Russia and Eastern Europe -- into reality. Remember also that leaders of both sides of this struggle are really cooperating with each other.
"Also the ten horns that you observed are ten rulers ... For God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words (intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled." Revelation 17:12. When the dust finally settles, the Club of Rome plan to create Nation #5 will prevail and Daniel 7:7-8 will have moved one more step toward full completion.

If you follow the money trail far enough and deep enough, you’ll run into a Jesuit banker. One of the people that put me onto the Jesuit bankers was World Bank whistleblower, Karen Hudes.
I’ve been paying attention to what Karen has been saying for a while, and she offers some startling observations.

The Jesuit Elephant in the Room

When Timothy said that the ‘Love of Money’ was the root of all evil, he wasn’t just ‘blowing smoke’. He was making an important point. Here’s the verse: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  1 Timothy 6:10
Is money the root of all evil?
Of course not, but the LOVE of it… definitely is.

Follow the Money
Those of you who know anything about counter-terrorism operations know that terrorism cannot exist without money – lots of money. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) could not have existed without it. The Irish Republican Army (IRA) could not have existed without it. China became communist because Mao had it and Chiang Kai-shek didn’t. And, it was a train full of gold that made the Russian revolution possible.
That’s why follow the money is stamped all over almost everything that I write. If you follow the money, you find out who is pulling the strings – and who is causing the conflict.
An example of this is the latest move in West/East global chess match. The recent Ukrainian Revolution could not have happened without lots and lots of money, and all we needed to know to find out whose money it was… well, we just needed to ask Cui Bono (Who benefits).
Cui Bono
Sometimes following the money is difficult. Money is fungible and changes hands quickly. It follows many tracks and can lead you on false trails. So, when you are trying to figure out which track to follow, it’s vital to ask, “Who benefits?”
And, when you follow some of these tracks… well, there seem to be quite a few Jesuits hanging around, trying to look inconspicuous. Even asking that ever-so-Latin question, Cui Bono?, sometimes isn’t enough.
The Jesuits
There are times when we CAN see the Jesuits directly involved in something. But, these are rare events:
§  The Jesuits were the model for the Gestapo
§  Jesuits were connected to the formation of the CIA
§  The Jesuits were involved in MK-Ultra
§  And now, we have a Jesuit Pope
I could go on, but do you see a pattern here?
I think that I do too, and it smells of dark deeds done in the basement of the Vatican. And, I believe that we need to be paying attention to this dark and powerful organization as we look to the days ahead. But…
…just remember that the Jesuits aren’t the Beast. They’re just riding it.
Georgia and Russian Territories Just North of Georgia

The country of Georgia is tiny. In fact it is 121st in size - behind Ireland. It’s a little bit larger than West Virginia, and smaller than South Carolina. In fact, the US State of Georgia is more than TWICE the size of the COUNTRY of Georgia. But, the global impact of this tiny country, right now, is greater than all of those US states - combined.
Right now, this tiny country is being used by the global elites to poke Russia in an extremely vulnerable area. The Chechen Republic is a part of Russia, and they’ve been trying to break away since 1991. That fractious republic lies right on the border with Georgia.
A lot of Russians have died in Chechnya, and Russia is NOT interested in having a powerful and potentially hostile entity on the border with Chechnya, potentially feeding arms and ammunition to rebels who want to kill more Russians.
Do you have the feeling that there’s something going on?

Mountains have been one of the most effective barriers to invasion in all of history, and Russia suffers from an extreme lack of them. In fact, Russia is flat – very, very flat. And, the Mongols used that ‘flatness’ to dominate Russia.
Well, Russia allowed Georgia to become independent because it sat on the OTHER side of the Caucasus Mountains. As long as Georgia didn’t make trouble and stayed on THEIR side of the mountains, everything was going to be fine. Of course, that’s not what happened.
In 2008, the US-armed and trained army of Georgia invaded South-Ossetia. The reasons for that are complicated, but the main point is that (rightly or wrongly) a US-backed entity invaded a province backed by Russia. And, Russia pushed back by invading Georgia.

What this means is that Russia has a problem on their southern border, in addition to Chechnya. Worse the problems in Chechnya probably run through Georgia. Do you remember the finger that Bandar bin Sultan waved in the face of Putin?
That finger runs straight through Georgia and into the rebel camps in Chechnya. This is a big problem for Putin, and the US and the EU want Putin to have big problems. But, the US is pushing for those problems to get much, much bigger.
The US Pushes for Georgia to Enter NATO
Georgia has wanted to join NATO for a long time. It has an even stronger desire now, and it has done everything possible to eliminate all barriers to joining. It’s even possible that all their efforts have made them the least corrupt nation in Central Asia (which isn’t saying much).
Enter America. We have already caused serious geopolitical problems for Russia in Ukraine, and now we are threatening to cause even more problems in Georgia by pushing for Georgia to enter NATO. The big question now is what Russia will do.
Putin undoubtedly knows what the US and the EU are doing, and he’s been pretty cool about it. And, I believe that we can expect Putin to continue being ‘cool about it’. So, what are the ‘cool options’ that Putin can use to respond to this foolishness?
Well, first off, he can strengthen already strong ties with Iran. Second, he can start making overtures to countries in Africa – especially North Africa. Think of this as pushing back – a counter blow, if you will – in response to Euro-American actions. But, those two options look very familiar…
…And, they should…because that is the Gog and Magog alliance of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

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