Friday, February 21, 2014

The Truth About Ukraine

What is happening on the streets of Kiev right now is really a proxy war between the East and the West and the Illuminati love it. This Hegelian conflict pits the USSA and the EUSSR, which are quite determined to bring Ukraine under their sphere of influence against Russia which is quite determined to keep Ukraine out of the EU and out of NATO and under Russian influence. This is a conflict that is perfectly suited for global elite like Soros, McCain and Diamond. It is no wonder the Russian Bear is paranoid about the United States. Imagine if the Russian government undermined the Canadian or Mexican government. The American people would be furious if such a thing were to occur.

Russia is extremely concerned about the strategic natural gas pipelines that go through Ukraine that transport gas from Russia to the rest of Europe.  Ultimately, it is not in the interest of the people of Ukraine to be dominated by either side, but that is what is going to happen.  A Hegelian conflict is playing out on the streets of Kiev and this conflict is going to greatly increase tensions between the East and the West. 

Tragically, it is the people of Ukraine that are paying the price for this proxy war.  During the recent unrest, at least 75 people have died, more than 500 people have been injured, and the streets of major Ukrainian cities are being turned into war zones.

You can see some photos of the unrest in Ukraine right here, and you can find some before and after photos of Kiev right here and right here.
Violence has been committed by both sides.  For those that think that these are just “peaceful protests”, just consider the following…In Ukraine, US-backed thugs seized weapons from a military depot and begin firing on police — killing at least ten. The rebel groups occupy and torch government buildings, trade union headquarters, the central post office, and political party headquarters. They occupy local government facilities in other cities and physically attack local authorities. Their goal is simply to overthrow the elected government.
The two sides hardened their positions on Wednesday, with Russian officials denouncing what they called a coup by right-wing extremists, while the United States and Europe threatened to impose sanctions on those responsible for the violence that has erupted in the capital, Kiev, and spread to other cities.

The starkly divergent reactions underscored the deepening confrontation between Russia and the West over Ukraine’s fate, with each side accusing the other of interference and disputing the facts of what is happening.

It is no secret that the “rebel groups” in Ukraine are being organized and funded by high-powered organizations in the United States.  In fact, as the video below by Paul Joseph Watson demonstrates, some of these organizations that are fueling the “revolution” in Ukraine are directly tied to George Soros…Sadly, most of the people involved in this bitter conflict in Ukraine don’t understand any of this. Most of them just want liberty, freedom and a better future for them and for their children. Unfortunately, they are not going to get that no matter which side wins.
Either they are going to end up under the thumb of Russia, or they are going to end up under the thumbs of the USSA and the EUSSR.

Americans should not think that what is going on in Ukraine is not going to affect them. Tensions between the United States and Russia have been rising for years.  This has been a constant theme through the recent Olympic Games. Most Americans tend to think of Russia as a “former enemy” that more or less collapsed at the “end of the Cold War” in the early 1990s. But that is not the reality any longer.  Russia has experienced a massive economic resurgence over the past couple of decades, and according to some economists now has a larger economy than Germany does.

For much more on Russia’s rise as an economic superpower please see my previous article entitled “The Rise Of The Bear: 18 Signs That Russia Is Rapidly Catching Up To The United States“.
In addition, Russia has also experienced a tremendous resurgence militarily. Even as the U.S. decreases military spending, Russia is aggressively arming.  A while back, Russian President Vladimir Putin made the following statement…“No one should entertain any illusions regarding their chances of asserting military superiority over Russia, we will never allow that to happen….thanks to our military doctrine and advanced weapons.”
Russia is in the process of recruiting hundreds of thousands of new troops, and according to Putin the modernization of the Russian armed forces will go to the next level in 2014…“In 2014, the armed forces will receive more than 40 most modern intercontinental ballistic missiles, more than 210 airplanes and helicopters, more than 250 units of armored vehicles. Nuclear rocket carriers the Alexander Nevsky and the Vladimir Monomakh will take over the combat watch and six new satellites will reinforce the orbital grouping.”
Some analysts are concerned about the nuclear attack submarines with “advanced stealth technology” that Russia is building.  The following is an excerpt from one of my previous articles entitled “New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them ‘Black Holes’“…Did you know that Russia is building submarines that are so quiet that the U.S. military cannot detect them?  These “black hole” submarines can freely approach the coastlines of the United States without fear of being detected whenever they want.  In fact, a “nuclear-powered attack submarine armed with long-range cruise missiles” sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for several weeks without being detected back in 2012.  And now Russia is launching a new class of subs that have “advanced stealth technology”.  The U.S. Navy openly acknowledges that they cannot track these subs when they are submerged.  That means that the Russians are able to sail right up to our coastlines and launch nukes whenever they want.  But instead of trying to find a way to counteract this potential threat, the Obama administration has been working very hard to dismantle the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal.

The U.S. does not consider Russia to be a strategic threat any longer.  At the height of the Cold War, the U.S. military had more than 31,000 strategic nuclear warheads.  Today, it only has 1,550 and Barack Obama wants to reduce that number by another one-third.
Did you know that Russia has more spies inside the U.S. today than it did at any point during the Cold War?
Most people that will read this article will not grasp the importance of it.  Hopefully you are not one of them.

What is happening in Ukraine is a great game of chess, and those that assume that “America always wins” may be in for a great shock someday.

The video below is very interesting about Ukraine. The usual suspects are behind the "fake revolution" in Ukraine. The narrator may be correct in his assessment that NATO is encircling Russia, I agree that at least the players are trying to push the Ukraine out of Russia's strategic orbit. However, I think there is something much bigger going on. The Illuminati or Global Elite are undermining the government in Ukraine.

Why are they doing this? Follow the money, by creating division in the Ukraine they increase their greedy international profit.

Let's look at who is funding the thugs and hooligans in the Ukraine.
1. Spilna Sprava (meaning common cause), the organization leading the revolution is funded by George Soros' Open Society Institute.
2. The U.S. government has given $5 billion to the thugs, just like we give funding to al Qaeda in  Syria. The thugs are being paid to riot.  
3. The National Endowment For Democracy led by Stanford University's Larry Diamond.
4. "Whisper Roar" out of Stanford University is funded by a wealthy Moroccan Prince.
5. The global elitist and Manchurian Kandidate John McCain flew into the Ukraine last December to foment trouble.
6. Once again, the Illuminati, satan's followers are attempting to set the 10 Kingdoms that answer to the anti-christ.

Bloodshed on Independence Square (Maidan) and rumors of worst yet to come have prompted panic among Ukrainians, with many fleeing the country and those who stay emptying shop shelves, queuing for gasoline and making big cash withdrawals from banks.
People queue to get their money from bank machine in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on February 20, 2014, as a result of the financial panic caused with clashes between anti-government opposition and police in Kiev. (AFP Photo)
The mood is a pre-war one in most Ukrainian cities, where people, afraid of the country falling deeper into economic paralysis, are trying to buy up as many essential foods and goods as they can. Fearing stampedes, some Kiev shops have started limiting the amount of shoppers at any one time.
Some shop-owners confess they are running out of stocks to refill the fast-emptying shelves, and new deliveries are not expected anytime soon amid the current turmoil.
Social media is swarming with pictures of over-crowded stores and scarce supplies.
“This is not a joke. No bread, no eggs, only expensive imported spaghetti left, huge lines and this is in a small local village shop,” Instagram user @iartemka says, adding up a #PrayForUkraine hashtag.
People in the shops have gone mad. Huge queues, empty shelves,” Twitter user @Helen_Marlen writes.

Kiev is witnessing a mass exodus. The number of those, who left the country this Thursday is reportedly twice as many as on the Thursday of the week before. Most people are heading for Odessa, Simferopol and Kharkov, the Ukrainian cities largely loyal to the government and less affected by the turmoil, according to Airticket UA, online travel agency, cited by The Kiev Times.
"Because of the instability in Ukraine I had to dismiss my employees and leave Kiev for Moscow with my family,” a Ukrainian entrepreneur told “I don’t think my firm will resume any activity before things get better in the country,
With the local currency, the Hryvnia, plunging to new lows with each ensuing day of the unrest, people are desperate to withdraw whatever money they can from their accounts. In many cities around Ukraine people are queuing for cash.
What is aggravating the situation is the fact that many shops have stopped accepting credit cards.
That creates fertile ground for rumors.
They will freeze all of the accounts tomorrow, everybody’s withdrawing, people are fighting in banks,” an instagram user writes. 

Banking experts are dismissing the rumors as absurd, but the people aren’t listening, preferring to get their cash out of the banks just to be on the safe side.
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The shops and banks frenzy is accompanied by another one at the gas stations. Kilometer-long lines of cars can be seen waiting for fuel amid rumors of a gas shortage supply. The huge leap in demand for gas immediately led to an increase in its price.
While the panic has spread all over Ukraine, it is worst in Kiev, where fierce fighting continues. There are reports of shops being looted in the center.
Residents of the Ukrainian capital have meanwhile started forming self-defense brigades, patrolling their own houses.

"Criminals are walking around Kiev, we must defend our own neighborhoods,” Nikita, an activist from the Dneprovsky district of the capital told Ukrainian online magazine “Vesti”.

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