Thursday, February 20, 2014

"End Times News" and Gospel Message 21 Feb 2014

While we will have more to say about the disastrous December TIC data shortly, which was released early today, and which showed a dramatic plunge in foreign purchases of US securities in December - the month when the S&P soared to all time highs and when everyone was panicking about the 3% barrier in the 10 Year being breached and resulting in a selloff in Treasury paper - one thing stands out. The chart below shows holdings of Chinese Treasurys (pending revision of course, as the Treasury department is quite fond of ajdusting this data series with annual regularity): in a nutshell, Chinese Treasury holdings plunged by the most in two years, after China off-loaded some $48 billion in paper, bringing its total to only $1268.9 billion, down from $1316.7 billion, and back to a level last seen in March 2013! 

This was the second largest dump by China in history with the sole exception of December 2011.

That this happened at a time when Chinese FX reserves soared to all time highs, and when China had gobs of spare cash lying around and not investing in US paper should be quite troubling to anyone who follows the nuanced game theory between the US and its largest external creditor, and the signals China sends to the world when it comes to its confidence in the US.
Yet what was truly surprising is that despite the plunge in Chinese holdings, and Japanese holdings which also dropped by $4 billion in December, is that total foreign holdings of US Treasury’s increased in December, from $5716.9 billion to 5794.9 billion.
Because of this country. Guess which one it is without looking at legend.

That's right: at a time when America's two largest foreign creditors, China and Japan, went on a buyers strike, the entity that came to the US rescue was Belgium, which as most know is simply another name for... Europe: the continent that has just a modest amount of its own excess debt to worry about. One wonders what favors were (and are) being exchanged behind the scenes in order to preserve the semblance that "all is well"?

Do not believe what the "Lame Stream Media" is telling you about the fake revolution in the Ukraine. Watch the video below.

The Mason and Jesuit plot to takeover Israel's land

The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is taking an increasingly active role in the Middle East, especially the Holy Land.
The Papacy has traditionally taken an aloof position regarding Israel, a position which many Christians believe traces back to the RCC anti-Semitic mantra that blames the Jews for killing Christ. For many centuries, RCs leveled the charge "Christ-killer" against the Jew.
Pope Francis I has already changed some things about the RCC; now, he is apparently changing the attitude toward Israel. The pope met with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in early December 2013 at the Vatican. The two leaders discussed the political and social situation in the Middle East. They discussed the current negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. Pope Francis expressed the hope that a just and lasting solution respecting the rights of both parties may be reached as soon as possible.
The site that holds alleged pieces of the true cross. Why would such a symbol have a snake's head and double headed Eagle or Phoenix at the top of it?
There are important developments of prophetic significance in Israel. Diplomatic relations between Israel and the Holy See were established in 1993. Since 1999 the two sides have been negotiating a long list of outstanding issues, including the status of the RCC in Israel, RC sovereignty over certain holy sites, taxation and expropriation of RCC assets in Israel. Israeli officials involved in talks said resolving these matters would bring a historic upgrade of relations.

Did you notice that one of the issues between Israel and the Vatican is sovereignty over certain holy sites.

Why is this particular issue important?

The Illuminati script for the establishment of the global New World Order (NWO) Religion calls for the Pope to travel to a particular location in Jerusalem. Listen to the precise wording: .... an Illuminati insider said, “fear of war must be maintained until the desired political and religious changes have been instituted. At the proper moment in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should be combined into one. This action will then finally break the Middle East logjam.”

Now that we know the Pope will be visiting a site over which the RCC will have sovereignty, known as the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem, all we need is for the Pope to travel to Jerusalem. Popes rarely travel to Jerusalem. But, Pope Francis I has a trip planned. Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Israel in May 2014. This visit occurs after the first Blood Moon appears on Pesach (Passover) on 15 April 2014.  His trip, like his papacy will be marked with broad popularity and intense media attention.

Pope Francis I may announce the formation of a global religion. He would be the leader or false prophet of this global religion. This will set the stage for a second trip to the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem. I would speculate that his trip to the combined sector could be during the tetrad, during the Jewish Jubilee in 2017, during a Jewish feast or during the approaching Shmittah in 2015.   

This Papal trip may hold great implications for the establishment of the NWO and of the ecumenical one-world religion planned by the Illuminati and foretold in prophetic Scripture.
A new law in Texas has led to the closure of nearly one-third of Texas' abortion clinics. Texas has suspended a Houston doctor's license for performing abortions without getting privileges to admit patients to a nearby hospital, the first such move under a new state abortion law that went into effect last year. The Texas Medical Board said that physician Theodore Herring performed 268 abortions between Nov. 6 and Feb. 7 without the right to admit patients to an authorized hospital within 30 miles of where the procedures took place. The suspension was effective immediately the board said, adding that Herring would pose a threat to public welfare by continuing to practice medicine.
Nazi doctor Theodore Herring

A federal court heard an appeal from Planned Parenthood and other advocacy groups last month to relax restrictions that have caused a dozen clinics to suspend services.

In fact, the fight against abortion is beginning to pick up power, even in areas considered bastions of liberalism. For example, while New York city remained the abortion capital of America in 2011, with abortion ratios almost twice the national average, citywide the abortion ratio (the percentage of pregnancies ending in an abortion) fell below 40% (39.55%) for the first time since 1970, when abortion was legalized in New York.
This news is terrific for those of us who love life. When abortion upon demand burst upon the scene in America four decades ago, satanists the world over were gleefully pleased. They knew that their lord, satan, looked upon abortion as human sacrifice that would move the world closer to the appearance of the Man of Sin, the Biblical Antichrist.
But, he never counted on the vociferous and unrelenting opposition to abortion from the Christian community. Prayers and actions have started to roll back this tide of innocent blood.
Who knows, but maybe this concerted Christian effort will roll back abortion irretrievably until only the Rapture of the Church can give victory once again to the satanists who love abortion and death so much. 

The video below demonstrates how our elections are being stolen. Obama used this method in a huge way. 

God says in the Bible there will be an increase in knowledge in the “End Times”.

Friends, if all the weapons were used today in war it would make WWII look like a picnic.

Some of the weapons that the Navy has plans to roll out sound like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, with lasers that are designed to track and shoot down high flying drones, and electric guns that fire projectiles at hypersonic speeds. 
The U.S. Navy electric gun
The military's laser weapon

These aren’t planned for some hazy date in The distant future, though. The Navy plans to deploy its first shipboard laser sometime this year, and it intends to test an electromagnetic rail gun prototype aboard a vessel within The next two years. 

For the Navy, it's not so much about getting to play with the latest and greatest tech toys as it is about simple economics. The fact is that Both of these technologies cost pennies on the dollar when compared to things like missiles and smart bombs, and these weapons can be fired continuously, unlike missiles and bombs, which eventually run out.

"It fundamentally changes The way we fight," said Captain Mike Ziv, The program manager for the Naval sea systems Command, directed energy and electric weapon systems. “The Navy's laser technology has evolved to The point that a prototype to be deployed aboard The USS Ponce this summer can be operated by a single sailor,” he said. 

The solid-state laser weapon system is designed to target what the Navy describes as "asymmetrical threats." Those threats include unmanned drones, speed boats and swarm boats, all potential threats to warships in the Persian Gulf, where the Ponce, a floating staging base, is set to be deployed. 

Rail guns, which have been tested on land in Virginia, fire a projectile at six or seven times the speed of sound — enough velocity to cause severe damage. The Navy sees them as replacing or supplementing old-school guns, firing lethal projectiles from long distances. But no weapons system is perfect, and both of these still have their shortcomings. 

Lasers tend to lose their effectiveness in anything but clear conditions, so events like rain or dust clouds, or even severe turbulence in the atmosphere can all have an impact. With the rail gun, the big shortcoming is the sheer amount of power (in The form of electricity) expended to actually launch the projectile, said Loren Thompson, defense analyst at the Lexington Institute. 

"The Navy says it's found ways to deal With use of lasers in bad weather, but there's little doubt that the range of the weapon would be reduced by clouds, dust or precipitation," he said. Meanwhile, when looking at the rail gun’s power consumption problems, currently the only ship in the fleet with the power to operate one is the Navy's new destroyer, the Zumwalt, which is still under construction at Bath Iron Works in Maine. 

The ship's gas turbine-powered generators can produce up to 78 megawatts of power, which is enough electricity to power a medium-size city, and certainly more than enough for a rail gun. One possible way around the power problem that engineers are currently looking at is a battery system that could be retrofitted to older ships in the fleet, that would enable them to fire a rail gun. 

In any case, despite their various shortcomings, both weapon systems are highly prized because they serve to "get ahead of The cost curve," Ziv said. In other words, they're cheap. 

The starting price for missiles aboard a U.S. Navy warship is a minimum of $1 million apiece (with more advanced missiles costing much, much more), making it cost-prohibitive to defend a ship in some hostile environments in which an enemy is using aircraft, drones, artillery, cruise missiles and artillery, Thompson said. With a laser operating on about 30 kilowatts of electricity — and possibly three times that in the future — the cost amounts to a few dollars per shot, Thompson said. 

Just like in sci-fi movies, the Navy's laser is a beam of energy that can quickly burn through most any target and obliterate sensitive electronics. 

Unlike The movie laser, the Navy’s version is invisible to The human eye. The targeting system locks onto the target, sending a beam of searing heat. "You see the effect on what you are targeting but you don't see the actual beam," Ziv said. While other nations are developing lasers of their own, the Navy’s design is far more advanced at this point. 

“Most folks are stunned to learn the technology is ready for deployment,” Ziv said."


Friends, the global elite are moving around the world de-stabilizing nations. It looks like it is Venezuela’s turn in the frying pan. Jesus said in the “End Times” there would be wars and rumors of war.  The game changed in Venezuela last night, 20 February 2014. What had been a slow-motion unraveling that had stretched out over many years went kinetic all of a sudden. What we have this morning is no longer the Venezuela story you thought you understood.
Throughout last night, panicked people told their stories of state-sponsored paramilitaries on motorcycles roaming middle class neighborhoods, shooting at people and storming into apartment buildings, shooting at anyone who seemed like he might be protesting.

San Cristobal on Tuesday evening
People continue to be arrested merely for protesting, and a long established local Human Rights NGO makes an urgent plea for an investigation into widespread reports of torture of detainees. There are now dozens of serious human right abuses: National Guardsmen shooting tear gas canisters directly into residential buildings. We have videos of soldiers shooting civilians on the street.
And that’s just what came out in real time, over Twitter and YouTube, before any real investigation is carried out.
Venezuelans protests against Maduro's repressive government 

Online media is next, a city of 645,000 inhabitants has been taken off the internet amid mounting repression, and this blog itself has been the object of a Facebook “block” campaign.
What we saw were not “street clashes”, what we saw is a state-sponsored offensive to suppress and terrorize its opponents.
Here at Caracas Chronicles we’re doing what it can to document the crisis, but there’s only so much one tiny, zero-budget blog can do.
After the major crackdown on the streets of large (and small) Venezuelan cities last night, I expected some kind of response in the major international news outlets this morning. I understand that with an even bigger and more photogenic freak out ongoing in (the Ukraine) an even more strategically important country, we weren’t going to be front-page-above-the-fold, but I’m staggered this morning to wake up, scan the press and find…
Venezuela’s domestic media blackout is joined by a parallel international blackout, one born not of censorship but of disinterest and inertia. It’s hard to express the sense of helplessness you get looking through these pages and finding nothing. Venezuela burns; nobody cares. 

The Koran
Islamic law is called Shariah. It is made up of the Koran (the revelations of Muhammad), Hadith (traditions of Muhammad’s words and actions), ijma, (consensus of religious leaders), and qiyas, (analogous reasoning).
Islamic law dictates every detail of life, even down to the use of a toothpick, how to lie in bed, etc.
Muslims consider the Hadith indispensable for interpreting the Koran. It is second in authority only to the Koran.
Muslims often speak of the Suima, or trodden path. It refers to the customs of Muhammad and his early followers who knew him personally. Sunni Muslims accept all of the Hadith; Shiites accept most of it. They reject the thousands of Hadith recorded by Muhammad’s second wife.

Most Christians are generally familiar with what they can expect from Hollywood and generally from secular movie releases. Themes and content routinely include violence, murder, sexual immorality, cursing, swearing, blasphemy, deception, Satanism, drug abuse, torture, revenge, and fighting for domination and control. 

In a nutshell: unending and unbridled lust for power, wealth, and sex while “looking out for number 1” – deifying self at the expense of others, and at any cost. It would seem that Satan has such a control over Hollywood that there is barely any room left for faith based values in the average Hollywood movie. In many cases, films released are inherently hostile to Christian values and ethics. 

Some, such as Martin Scorsese’s 1988 release of “The Last Temptation of Christ” and Ron Howard’s 2006 release of “The Da Vinci Code”, did not hesitate to deviate from the verified Biblical scripts and instead used distortions of the gospels to blaspheme Jesus Christ. 

Despite this, a few faith-based movies have been released out of Hollywood that have become widely accepted by Christians, as they have remained essentially true to the Biblical accounts. The Passion of the Christ, released to the public in the run up to the Easter season of 2004, was undoubtedly the most popular faith -based movie ever, grossing $611 million worldwide. 

The Chronicles of Narnia movie series were also tremendously popular. These were a set of Christian allegories based on books written by the late C.S. Lewis, a Christian apologist considered well–grounded in Biblical exegesis. Other popular Bible-based movies date back as far as the Cecil De Mille’s “The Ten Commandments” released in 1956, and other epic Bible-based classics such as William Wyler’s “Ben Hur” released in 1959.

Another major Hollywood faith-based movie release is now in the offing: “Noah” which is purportedly based on the Biblical account of Noah and the Flood in the book of Genesis. The movie, directed by Darren Aronofsky and timed for release in March, has elicited a controversial response from members of the Christian community who have been allowed to preview the movie. 

Entertainment writer Leslie Gornstein in a Yahoo article titled: ‘Will Christian Moviegoers Float Noah’s Boat?’ quotes Director Aronofsky stating that he hopes the movie will provide something for everyone.

According to Leslie’s report, "Noah," which opens March 28, does, in fact, depict vignettes straight from the Bible, including a scene in which Noah goes on a wine-fueled bender. The director also paid close attention to detail, such as the precise shape of the ark, and whether the doors of the ark could be closed by anyone other than God.

So what exactly are proving to be the bones of contention with Christian groups over “Noah”?

One issue seems to be that the “Noah” movie themes may be similar but not identical (or at least close enough) to the Biblical accounts. Leslie explains: “…Aronofsky also broadens the $125 million tale in a way that isn't sitting well with some Christian groups. 

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter recently, the filmmaker said, "For people who are very literal-minded, it would be great to communicate that the themes of the film are very much in line with the themes of the Bible — ideas about hope, second chances and family. If they allow that, they're going to have an incredible experience with the movie. If they don't allow it, it's theirs to lose."

Another issue is that the movie (starring Russell Crowe acting as Noah) reportedly shows Noah dwelling on concerns such as environmentalism and overpopulation — issues that, according to some Christian marketers, aren't exactly canon. And that could be a problem for millions of potential consumers, says brand strategist Chris Stone of the group Faith Driven Consumer. 

This week, the group released a survey of more than 5,000 Christians. The survey asked whether they would be "satisfied with a biblically themed movie – designed to appeal to you — which replaces the Bible's core message with one created by Hollywood."

The answer was an overwhelming no – 98% no, to be exact. Stone states that his group is "large enough to matter," by his reckoning this means 46 million faith-driven consumers who spend $1.75 trillion annually. This estimate is certainly large enough to deny the “Noah” movie its intended blockbuster impact, should the survey end up being representative of most Christian’s views, come the movie’s March 28 launch date. 

Box-office analyst Jeff Bock of Exhibitor Relations reportedly commented that: "'Noah' certainly has all the bells and whistles of a modern-day blockbuster, but not having the faith community behind it would be a big drawback for its chances to break out and become a 100-plus-million-dollar hit….Odds are this will be successful, especially overseas, but to eventually reach blockbuster status it will have to debut with at least $30 million domestically."

Not surprisingly therefore, the film's distributor, Paramount, is said to have staunchly rebuked the findings: "The survey question that had the 98 percent response rate did not contain any reference to the film 'Noah,' despite the fact that the [Faith Driven Consumer's press release] implied that it did, and research from industry leading firms about the upcoming epic paints a very different picture," the studio responded in a press release. 

Paramount further lists Nielsen’s National Research Group (NRG) and the Barna Group as two firms that paint "a very different picture" of the film's prospects. Nielsen's tracking of "Noah," according to the studio, concluded that 83 percent of those aware of 'Noah' in the pre-release tracking have expressed interest in seeing film. 

The Christian polling firm Barna Group, Paramount states, "have had a similar response to NRG in their own pre-release research done on behalf of 'Noah,' including the fact that 86 percent of Christian respondents who are aware of the film, said they would recommend 'Noah' to their friends." Paramount has further chosen to hire Grace Hill Media to reach out to “tastemakers” in the Christian community to help foster grass-roots enthusiasm for the film.

Leslie quotes family-and-faith-oriented MovieGuide founder Ted Baehr: "Noah" doesn't significantly stray from the Biblical source material and instead remains quite faithful. In fact, by the time the film comes out, the whole issue may be moot, Ted says. "All of the hyper-environmentalism that's being reported, it's not in the final movie…the environmental points are there, but they are dropped pretty quickly, and it's more oriented toward salvation, and loving God, and being fruitful.

In the absence of more detailed clarity as to the extent and significance of the alleged departure of the “Noah” script from the actual Biblical account, it would appear that the controversy may well yet draw curious Christians to the movie stands. 

Hopefully enough clarity will be made available before “Noah” launches to allow Christians to make a well informed decision about whether or not they should watch it. Perhaps one theme to look out for in previews is how well the level of human wickedness and depravity is depicted before the flood (as reflected in Genesis Chapter 6), prompting God to destroy the earth with the flood.

Another Bible based movie “Son of God” is due to hit the movie screens February 28th. Based on History Channel's acclaimed miniseries The Bible, this movie appears to be devoid of the controversies that have afflicted “Noah” so far. Indications are that the movie is solidly based on the Biblical Gospel accounts and should therefore inspire saints and convict sinners in much the same way as the Passion of the Christ did a decade ago. One problem, the scenes showing satan were removed because the actor looks like Obama.
In fact pastors and Christian leaders throughout the U.S. are jumping on board a campaign to buy out multiplex cinema screens for the day before its public release on Feb. 28.

Although there is little public expectation that it would have the same level of impact, it’s yet another way to help fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ before the end of time. As Jesus Himself prophesied: And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14).

Winter is far from over. Models are hinting at another surge of arctic air trying to spill southward into the eastern United States for the end of February. Image Credit: GFS via College of Dupage Weather
Here we go again -The weather computer model for late Feb 2014

When you read the article below remember that New Age authors in the decade of the 1980's were calling for the legalization of child murder.
Sadly, The Los Angeles Times (LAT) has been pushing for child euthanasia. In less than one week, the LAT has been used twice as a platform to push child euthanasia. These articles demonstrate that all the soothing bromides from assisted suicide advocates about how 'aid in dying' will be reserved for competent terminally ill adults are bunk.
Hitler's Genocide has proven that the ultimate murder machine begins with a euphemistic, utopian program designed for noble, humanitarian purposes. Hitler's greatest killing programs, at the beginning, sounded and seemed reasonable and noble. But as victims arrived at the killing camps, they looked upon buildings designed to look like homes with well-manicured lawns, and painted fences. They saw nothing to hint that they were entering the most efficient murdering machine man had ever created.
So it is with this so-called “new” international euthanasia program of murdering the undesired, mentally ill, the handicapped and anyone else authorities want to eliminate.
Megan Daum, above, of the LAT swallows the nonsense that 'strict guidelines' will protect children against abuse. For example, she notes, “Contrary to paranoid visions, children in Belgium wont be able to ask for life-ending medication by merely hitting a nurse’s call button. Children must be suffering from pain that doctors have deemed truly unmanageable. They must get approval from their parents and their medical team, and they must be evaluated by psychologists. They must make the request several times and demonstrate that they understand what they are asking for. And, of course, they must be close to death anyway.”
Close to death doesn’t excuse killing. The law doesn’t define how close the child must be to death and thus, that will be decided by the death doctor.

And what does unbearable suffering mean?

There is no way these restrictions against child euthanasia will hold. They are cruel, requiring a child to write a note asking to be killed. That is so heartless and cold hearted. Watch how soon it will be ignored.

This next statement from this article verifies exactly the point which Dr. Wolfensberger makes in his book "The New Genocide of Handicapped And Afflicted People".
Daum wrote, "Moreover, the law was instituted in the first place because doctors were already killing sick children even though it was clearly illegal." Dr. Wolfensberger, in his book, revealed, in 1987, that doctors and nurses were quietly killing babies and sick children, usually by proscribing medicine designed to anesthetize and euthanized, so that the victim would simply sleep until the medicine killed them. Further, these American doctors and nurses were killing patients for the same reason German doctors and nurses killed patients in the 1920's, before Hitler seized power, i.e., they believed the patient no longer had the required "quality of life" to continue living.

Since this activity has been occurring since the late 1980's, it is amazing that public propaganda designed to move public sentiment to support this murder has taken so long to develop. But, it is here now, and God's judgment is hanging over the U.S. more than ever! God says in Proverbs 8:36, "... all who hate me love and court death." 
And in James 1:15 God says, "Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death." 

America's sin is now becoming "fully matured" and soon we shall be murdering any devalued person which authorities want to murder, for whatever thin reason imaginable. Listen to God's final judgment upon America in Revelation 18.
(18:2) And he cried mightily with a strong voice, Babylon the great is fallen, and is become the (resort) of (demons), and the (dwelling place) of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
This Babylon (the U.S.) has become thoroughly inhabited by Satan and his demons. Remember our earlier discussions of such disgusting, vile American sins, the very nature of which are filled with demons and their activity? These sins have become so pervasive that God is finally moved to physical judgment.
(18:5) For her crimes and transgressions are piled up as high as heaven and God has remembered her wickedness and her crimes and calls them up for settlement.
This is a statement of staggering proportions. How high is it from earth to heaven? When these sins are stacked, they literally reach from earth to heaven, according to God's accounting.
We may be only a few years from this type of destruction at the hands of Almighty God. What does God counsel the people living in this nation at this time?
(18:4) Come out of her, MY people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.

I call upon you to repent of your sins and ask forgiveness through the shed blood of Jesus/Yeshua and believe that He rose again on the third day. I beg you to please change your life completely before it is too late. Genuinely accept Yeshua/Jesus Christ as your Lord and Messiah and change your eternal destiny from Hell to Heaven.

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